Zombie, Bloody Zombie

Two blood posts back to back?  Sure!  Although seeing as how this is a Halloween related post the blood probably isn’t real.  Right?

IAM:Valoren sent in these pictures over the weekend when her zombified self had a little fun with some play piercings.

Even after watching the gloriousness that was The Walking Dead premiere, I’d still have a hard time putting a bullet in the head of this zombie.


Today’s Halloween inspired pic comes from BME’s resident Hanson expert, IAM: ilovehanson, who you might recall had her knuckles tattooed in tribute to the band.  Ilovehanson, and her boyfriend IAM: Adrian, recently attended the Lawrence KS, zombie walk, and from the pictures it looks like they had a great time amongst the walking dead.

You can check out another picture of Adrian in the big nostril gallery.

Keep sending in those Halloween pictures.  We’re less than 20 days away from the best holiday of the year!

The Walking Gummies

Well, we’re almost halfway through October, which means we’re coming up on Halloween.  Of course this means that over the next few weeks expect to see a lot of horror-type pictures.

So to get things started off, we’ve got a tattoo that really shows just how prepared we must be at all times for the coming zombie apocalypse.

Gummy Brainsssssss

The Zombie Survival Guide warns us that we must always be vigilant, and that an outbreak can occur at any moment, anywhere.  Now I know there isn’t a chapter on zombie gummy bears, but after seeing this, I think everyone needs to be doubly aware of their surroundings, as even gummy bears can become one of the living dead.

DaniUndead sent in this picture of her new tattoo, which was done by Daniel Dagones from Beneath the Skin in Las Cruces, NM.  The full sized image, as well as some more pictures of it can be found in the geek tattoo gallery.

So, have you got something Halloweenish on you?  Send it in to BME and you may get featured this month in one of the many upcoming Halloween posts.

The type of girl you bring home to mom

Relationships are always a tricky thing.  Especially in the beginning.  When you’re still feeling each other out (and up), getting to know each other on some kind of deeper level.  For most people there will come a time when you want to take the relationship a step further, and bring the significant other home to meet the family.  Of course in doing so you open yourself up to the possibility that your family won’t approve, or that your loved one despises your family.  Of course there is the traditional Hollywood trope of the perfect girl that you can take home to mother, and you know she’ll be met with approval.

Chriz, aka Ta2head from Buxe_Voll? Tattoz in Germany sent in this image of what could be the perfect girl to bring home to your mom.  A bigger version of the image can be found in the new skool tattoo gallery.

gimme a kiss

Now granted she might not be what you’re looking for in a girl, but hey, she’s got great teeth, luscious lips, and some good child birthing hips.  Isn’t that what all moms look for?  Someone their child can make grandkids with.  Sure she may be a little malnourished, and her clothes probably could use some stitching, but what’s not to love?

So, have you ever been in the situation when you brought your partner home to meet the family and things went horribly wrong, or really well?  What about when you went to meet their folks?  Did your modifications raise some questions?

Tastes like chicken

Well, at least that’s what the movies have told me to believe about the taste of human flesh.  I suppose it also matters if it is cooked or not.  Raw chicken meat is pretty much a no-go (with the exception of one breed that they’ve used on Iron Chef), so I think the same rules apply to human flesh as well.

Then there are those who like to laugh in the face of danger, go against the grain, and take some risks.  Of course the vast majority of the people who are willing to dine on raw flesh also have the slight problem of being one of the walking dead.


As far as zombie portraits go, this may be my new favorite one.  The fact that the portrait isn’t just a look at a zombie’s face, but it is one in motion, taking that first bite of flesh off of the screaming victim who obviously wasn’t adequately prepared.  I also like that if you look close enough you can make out little details, like the veins visible through the skin on the face.

The artist IAM:Nick Friederich, from Shelton Tattoo in Shelton CT, was featured last week as well with his portrait of Eva Angelina.

It makes you wonder, if Shaun and his friends can walk through a group of zombies acting like them, and Rick Grimes can cover himself with fluids from a corpse to get through a horde, would getting a zombie tattoo allow you to make it to safety without worrying about being bitten?

What’s better than a pin-up girl?

The answer is simple, a zombie pin-up girl!!

zombie pin up

Alright, so I realize the whole “zombies are cool” thing is getting a little overplayed in the media lately.  It seems every week there are at least 3 zombie walks across North America, a new zombie movie is released every other week, and everywhere you go someone is talking about the walking dead.

I honestly think a bit of overexposure may be good for the genre.  And I’m not saying that because I think everyone should be prepared for the upcoming zombie apocalypse, but more that when something hits the point of over-saturation in the public eye, it has no choice but to fade away into obscurity for a time.  It is during this time that those who are really devoted to the idea get a chance to re-evaluate the subject matter, and work on it without scrutiny.  Think about the whole zombie phenomenon.  While the zombie movie has been around for decades, it really didn’t hit it’s first major peak until the late 70s and early 80s.  By the mid-80s zombie movies were everywhere and people were just sick of them, which led to the not being popular in the mainstream media.  Between the mid-80s and the early 00s, the zombie devotees were basically on the back-burner, never going away, but also never becoming popular.  During this time a new wave of creative minds got behind the zombie genre, which lead to it’s recent resurgence.  So yes, there may be a lot of crappy zombie movies/books out there, that lapse has also given us books like World War Z, and The Walking Dead, as well as films such as Zombieland.  I’m sure in the next few years interest will wane again, and it will fade into obscurity, and be replaced by some other popular fad, but until then we’re riding the wave of the undead which it hitting it’s crescendo this fall with AMC and Frank Darabont adapting The Walking Dead into a television series, which looks like it will probably out-do every zombie film/show that came before it.

The same of course can apply to all popular trends. They will reach a point where the public tolerance will hit it’s limit, and then be replaced with something new.  While in obscurity, the artists, writers, whatever, have an opportunity to take what they love and refine it without restriction until it eventually becomes popular again.

So, all that said, let’s take a look at this tattoo by Gonzofreelancer from the Pinup Tattoo gallery.  This tattoo is actually a perfect example of how something old has become fresh and new, while still holding true to its roots.  The pinup girl is a classic tattoo image, that for a time was exceedingly popular.  It never went away of course, but other trends emerged and pinups weren’t the first choice for people for a time.  So while the pinup girls themselves also faded away from the public eye, so did the tattoos of them.  During the time that they weren’t on the forefront of popular culture, those dedicated to them kept their images alive and worked to keep them modern, while maintaining their classical beauty.  Sure enough, as things changed, eventually what was now old, became new again, and the pinup girl (and the subsequent tattoos) became popular again.  Only this time it wasn’t just a simple picture of a girl in a swimsuit painted on a plane, now we have strong beautiful tattooed and pierced women, posing in all sorts of outfits, making the idea of a pinup girl fresh again.  The tattoos followed suit, with modern interpretations of old-school tattoos.

So when looking at this great tattoo of the zombie pinup girl, you’re not only looking at a tattoo, but also the long legacies of tattoos, pinup girls, and zombies, merged together into a single image.

Modified zombies like it a little rough

Go to any zombie crawl, zombie prom or other zombie event and count the people without body mods, they are few and far between. Amongst the undead, us modified folks are not the minority, we are in fact the majority.  The same statement holds true at BD/SM events. So it should be no surprise to see a cute couple of modified zombies playing a little rough together right?

Here’s  a perfect example from Joli and her date Noah from the Philly Zombie Prom.


For two more pics showing off the gentler, more sensitive parts of the night, keep on keeping on.



Fresh Blood?

Brittany sends us these photos from the Minneapolis, MN Zombie Pub Crawl she and her very bloody friends took part in recently and I have to say they are some of the cutest zombies I’ve seen in a while. You can see their clearly willing victim after the jump. With Brittany and her friends being BME fans, we have to wonder if if they’re using ketchup or the real deal.

Speaking of fresh blood, I’m looking for new authors. While I want to work on more interviews, which we haven’t had a lot of interviews lately, the quality of them has been stellar. BME has never had the opportunity in the past to interview legends like Bob Roberts of Spotlight Tattoo, we’re finally turning that corner where we’re able to get those interviews. This is where you come in. I’d like recruit new Moblog authors, writers and photographers to provide more convention and event coverage, and more chefs in the kitchen who have specific and dedicated interests in the various niches of BME. If you’d like to work with BME, please send me an email. I’d also like people to post suggestions as to whom they’d like to see interviewed. Just because we’re active in the BME community, doesn’t mean we get a chance to know about that kick ass piercer in YOUR TOWN or YOUR favorite Tattoo artist. I’d love to get foreign language interviews and posts as well. The more we can do to bring this world wide community together, the better. So post your feedback in the comments below or send me an email and lets get moving on bringing more great content and news out there.

I have some heavy mods interviews that I’ve been working on the past few weeks that I’ll be posting as soon as I get them edited together. That and I’m going back to working on the beta. Good things are coming and I’m looking forward to it. Hope you are too!

Zombie Pub Crawl

Zombie Pub Crawl

Zombie Pub Crawl

The Quiet Game

Welcome back to the BME Film Club! A few months back, we had the privilege of showing you these ultra exclusive behind-the-scenes pictures from, whatsitcalled, Twilight, and now, straight from the feel-good hit of the early fall, it is Kevin and Siobhan on the set of your favorite Zombieland film in these pictures courtesy of Red Line Photos! Or, you know, they were at the 2009 Philly Zombie Prom. Either way. There’s another one after the jump—you be the judge.

See more in BME/Culture/People (Culture)

Three Thousand Years of Beautiful Tradition

We’ll confess that we have a very hard time saying no to John Goodman tattoos—especially when some enterprising individual (in this case, Vincent Leblanc at Traditional Tattoo in San Luis Obispo, California) decides to combine his legendary performance as Walter Sobchak in The Big Lebowski with a goddamned zombie. Was Walter just not enough of a sociopath in the film that you had to give him an insatiable hunger for delicious brains, too? We approve, of course—Zombie Sobchak can get you a toe by three o’clock with the best of them. You may just have to extract it from his lower intestine.