A Touch of Abstract pt.2

Earlier today we got to look at a dotwork & abstract “tribal” piece.  As mentioned before, when most people think of tribal and blackwork tattoos they think of clean lines and heavy bands of black ink.  In this second image from Magnutze, we see what is closer to the traditional tribal/blackwork tattoo, but with subtle abstract differences.

With the design being smaller, does it affect your perception of the style?  While the first one was covering an entire chest, this being limited to the arm compacts the design into a smaller area.  Or does this style just not sit well with you?  To some people the lack of balance is aesthetically pleasing, while to others a lack of balance can almost ruin a piece in their mind.

The Venus de ModBlog

Well it looks like the beautiful Sarah B. has been busy yet again.  This time, with the help of photographer Ray Del Mar, the two of them have re-imagined a couple of pieces of art into something fresh.

Is that statue in the way?  Don’t worry, keep reading and you can see the original photo, without that pesky statue.

So for the first photo we have Sarah tied up to mimic the Venus de Milo.  As for the painting behind her, I know I’ve seen it before, but I can’t recall exactly.  Hopefully some art savvy readers can fill me in.

Venus de ModBlog

Next we have Sarah interjected into Edward Hopper’s “Room in Brooklyn”.

The combination of her piercings and the bondage, mixed with the classical feel of the paintings brings forth a perspective of both cultures blending together almost seamlessly.

A Touch of Abstract pt. 1

While browsing the tribal and blackwork galleries I discovered a pair of images that go outside the normal ideas of what is tribal/blackwork.

For the most part, the style is predominantly known for its use of clean lines made of heavy bands of black ink.  Not saying that the entire genre is made up of that, but for the majority of people, that is what comes to mind when the topic comes up.  In this post, the first of two, we’re taking a look at a tattoo by Magnutze.  Right off the bat, the dotwork design in the middle stands out, as well as the red lines across his torso.  While at first glance they could be mistaken for cutting scars, they’re actually part of the overall tattoo design.

As with all abstract pieces, the reactions tend to be mixed.  To some, the deviation from the norm is refreshing, while others just don’t like the aesthetics of it at all.  So what are your thoughts on this particular piece?

Later today you’ll get a look at another piece that is from a similar artistic vein, although executed differently.

Thumbs up for BME Hard

Yesterday’s Guess What Game featured a modification that is not too common in the community, that being self-amputation.  A lot of comments were made, and questions asked, so as requested, here’s a look at one of Thumbamputee’s several amputations.  The images in the post below come from the BME Hard amputation gallery, and are only a small segment of the many images sent in recently.  To view all of them sign up for a BME Hard subscription today.

Due to the nature of the photos, they’re all hidden behind a break.  Just hit the read more button if you’re interested in seeing the amputation healing process.

To start with, here’s the image that kicked off the resurgence of interest in amputation, Thumbamputee’s partial thumb amputation.


Unfortunately there were no pictures of the actual procedure, nor were there any of the removed digit.  If you look closely, you will see that the thumb is wrapped below the cut, indicating that the entire thumb was wrapped prior to the cut, which I assume keeps everything in place, making for a cleaner removal.  To give you a better idea of the wrapping, here’s a shot of the removal of the top segment of his right middle finger.

Fresh Finger.

For those curious, there is a full set of pictures for the thumb, as well as the middle finger, and one of his toes.  For now, lets get back to the thumb.  Now once the part of the thumb has been removed, the next step of course is cleaning and treating the wound, followed by closing up the exposed tissue.  By the next day, here’s what the thumb looked like, sutures and all.

Day one

Obviously a lot of irritated tissue, along with fresh sutures.  Surprisingly not a tremendous amount of bruising, given the traumatic nature of the modification.  One week later, we get a look close up on how the wound is closing.

One week later

By now the sutures have been removed and you can see how the remaining flesh was pulled over the opening to seal off the end.  As dramatic as this photo may be, considering that only a week ago a segment of the thumb was completely removed, it’s looking like it is healing up well.  At two weeks though, things look a lot different.

Two weeks later

Almost all evidence of the sutures are gone, and there is only a brief hint of a scar along the top of the thumb.  Just one week after this photo was taken, comes the final result.

Healed @ 3 weeks

So three weeks after the removal, the thumb appears to be fully healed, with no trace of there even being anything above the joint.

Just to be clear, this type of modification is exceedingly dangerous.  The fact that this was performed at home alone, healing as well as it did, is a combination of luck and a lot of skill.  By no means should anyone just slice off a part of their body without doing a tremendous amount of research first.  The reasons for amputation vary per individual, to some it fulfills a sense of completion, where the offending body part needed to be excised in order to satisfy the person’s inner needs.  To others the act of amputation can be sexually motivated.  Whatever the reason, it is not something to be taken lightly, and even the slightest mistake can result in serious injury or death.

If you are interested in seeing the rest of the images sent in by Thumbamputee, but don’t have a BME Hard subscription, you can sign up at any time.

The Dreaded BMEGirl

Does there really need to be a reason to make a BMEGirl post?  I didn’t think so.  This photo of the lovely Nix was sent in by Yourladyfriend.  It has pretty much everything you could want in a BMEGirl, glasses, dreads, and pierced nipples.  Oh, what’s that?  You can’t see the nipple piercings?  You better keep reading then to see the full photo.

According to Yourladyfriend, the piercers are as follows:  ”Horizontal nipples by Jay at Ace of Spades Medusa by Penelope at Lucky’s”.

Buddha’s Hand

Joey Pang from Tattoo Temple in Hong Kong is back at it again.  Whenever Joey sends in a photo of her recent work I always find myself stopping everything I’m doing and just staring.  Her art breathtaking, and with her philosophy of tattoos being clothing for the body, the effort she puts into her craft in unmistakable.  To Joey a tattoo is like a piece of clothing that needs to be tailored to the wearer.  Not just in the physical sense either.  Joey customizes her art both for the physical form, and the internal being.  Striking a balance between the two and crafting what will be a piece of clothing the wearer can never take off.

The following are just two of the new additions Joey had added to the BME galleries.  From the religious and mythological gallery you have the image of Buddha’s hand holding a lotus, and from the Chinese lettering gallery you have an example of her large brush calligraphy style.

When animals attack, grow some gills and swim away

In recent years, most of the scarification pieces I have seen have been pictures of something. For instance, recently on modblog Rob featured a Game Boy and a BME Heart Logo.  Those type of scars are cool and all, but there is something purely primal to me about a scar that doesn’t explain itself so easily.

Take for instance this piece. First off, to those outside of the body mod world, this probably looks like some sort of accident or injury. With it’s jagged edges and general randomness, I can see where they would get that idea.


As it heals, it turns from looking like a wild animal attack to looking like the wearer has a set of gills.

For a healed pick and a little more Sean rambling, keep on keeping on.

Was having a faux animal attack the goal? Or was she looking to have a set of gills to allow her to breathe underwater. Only she can answer that for sure, but I like the fact it is left open to interpretation.


I must not fear

Fear is the mind killer

For those unfamiliar with the Bene Gesserit, or their litany against fear, that can only mean one thing; you’ve never had the chance to read Dune (or see one of the adaptations of Frank Herbert’s works).  That’s alright, you still have time to go out and pick up a copy of the book.  Now if you’re not so inclined to read the novel, you can at least appreciate the sentiment.  The purpose of the litany is to calm themselves and to ease their mind when faced with fear.  We all have some form of coping strategy when in a situation that instills fear or pain, be it meditation, anger, or running away as fast as possible.  Regardless of how you deal with fear, the first step is acknowledging it.  From there it is how your mind processes it that results in your behavior.  The purpose of this particular quote, and why it is so important to fans of the series, is that it isn’t a litany that denies the existence of fear, rather one where you can take control of your fear, face it head on, and come out the other side stronger for having stood up to your fear.

I’m not sure who the artist of this piece is, but it was done at Kawbi Tattoo, in Salem, Oregon, and it is the latest addition to the lettering tattoo gallery.

Movember = No Shave November

So while today has been all about the mustache, we must not forget about the best form of facial hair, the beard!

Thankfully with No Shave November upon us, a lot of beards are starting to show up in the galleries.  And with every good beard, a mustache is sure to follow.

Now, seeing as how this is a beard post, and knowing how much the ModBlog readers love their bearded men, I figured might as well post an image not only of a beard, but of a bearded zombie lumberjack.


Big thanks to Overkill for sending in this photo of his Halloween costume.  Or was the the photo of his normal attire?