This Week in BME

And finally, to celebrate Toronto’s record-breaking heat today, here’s a shot of the lovely clockorange doing her best impression of a palm tree after doing some light dreadlock maintenance.

Kind of a big week around these parts. In case you missed it:

We were cold killin’ unicorns.

Pretty women wore nightmarish animal heads.

We saw the Fnords. (Or did we?)

BME Shop now features 25 percent more penis owls.

The BME Podcast arrived, featuring very special guest Allen Falkner!

A couple of dudes showed off their pussies, what’s the big deal?

And that is that, friends. We’ll be here over the weekend and should have a new article for you at some point, and if all goes well, another podcast early next week. Until then, enjoy Watchmen, give Rampage your love, be safe and, as always, thank you for your continued support of BME.

Full Coverage: Links From All Over (March 6, 2009)

[Whoa, Momma!] So this slutty sex doll, whatshername, Barbie, took a break from getting abortions and giving herself roofies to get some tattoos, just in time for her 50th birthday! This week’s overblown and self-important tattoo-related outrage comes from various people who are VERY OFFENDED that international drug cartel Mattel has released “Totally Stylin’ Tattoo Barbie,” a children’s toy that comes with 40 different temporary tattoos that will keep this bitch from ever getting a job, as well as a “tattoo gun” for the kids to give themselves their own temporary tattoos, which is completely inappropriate, apparently.

Yes, that’s right, a tattoo gun so instead of applying it with a wet wash cloth, 8 year-olds can simulate that milestone in every minor’s life experience of actual needles pumping permanent dye into their growing bodies.

Again, this has nothing to do with tattoos for consenting adults, but everything to do with age-appropriate toys. And in my humble opinion, the age 5 designated on the box is off by about 20 years and a hepatitis C shot.

This piece was squeezed from the mindgrapes of the Suburban Diva herself, Tracey Henry, who is positively aghast that CHILDREN will be using a FAKE TATTOO GUN, which is really just a stamp, essentially, but righteous indignation over stamps doesn’t get you featured on CNN, I guess.

There will be some who disagree, pointing out that Barbie is just keeping up with what’s in style right now and that this is merely a toy that kids can play make-believe like other adult activities.

I counter that bellbottoms and leg-warmers didn’t need to be removed with laser treatments and Barbie’s Dream Wedding gown didn’t come with bottles of Tequila for a pretend open-bar reception.

In conclusion, Tracey Henry was probably paid to write this.

[The Live Feed] Because there aren’t quite enough tattoo-related television shows, it was just announced that A&E will be airing Tattoo Highway, a reality program in which Thomas Pendleton, formerly of A&E’s Inked, will continue to tattoo people on camera, but there’s an important twist:

In “Tattoo Highway,” Pendelton and his wife and business partner, Monica (who also appeared on “Inked”), have transformed a 1970s tour bus into a mobile tattoo parlor. They will travel to cities including Las Vegas, Los Angeles, Phoenix and Salt Lake City, inking customers.

Boom. Nailed it. The bus angle worked wonders for Bret Michaels and his skank-banging, so it should really come as no surprise that others are picking up on this as the next big thing. I see big, big things for the future of reality television—big, bus-related things. The network is clearly thrilled about the prospect:

Executive producer Bob Horowitz said the traveling element will differentiate the show from previous tattoo docusoaps.

“All the other series have been based in tattoo parlors,” he said. “Here the premise is this is the first tattoo parlor on wheels, and he goes where the stories are. Imagine all the things that can happen when you take something like this on the road and all the things that can happen.”

Never mind that Horowitz is shamelessly hyping what is by far the worst part of these tattoos shows—namely, that great tattoos must have some big and important story behind them—but man, how exciting does he think a husband and wife going on a road trip is going to be, vocation notwithstanding? Are they going to be chased by land pirates? Did Dennis Hopper plant a bomb on the bottom of the bus that’ll explode if the speed falls below 50 mph?

“From the creation of the art to the environment that I tattooed in, it has always been about my customers’ experience,” Pendelton said. “In a street shop, it was easy to forget just how personal that experience should be. Rolling up and parking the shop right in the middle of someone’s life, well, there is nothing more personal than that.”

AND THEN THE BUS EXPLODES! No? OK, fine, whatever.

(Hat-tip to Warming Glow, a new teevee blog venture by man’s man Matt Ufford. Go read it.)

[Needles and Sins] Speaking of new blog ventures, fiery redhead and friend of BME, Marisa Kakoulas DiMattia, has escaped the evil (not so evil?) clutches of Needled and has struck out on her own with Needles and Sins, which promises the same lurid, untamed filth we’ve come to expect from her. Today, she offers a thorough review of the iPhone’s new “Tattoo Shop” application, which lets users ruin their perfectly good photos with the demon’s ink. Some of her findings included:

– [T]he biggest problem: the choice of artwork or lack thereof — and I use “artwork” almost facetiously. SonicBoom partnered with flash peddlers but instead of loading up on, say, the cool Bob Tyrrell and Tim Creed commercial designs, the app finds itself heavy on the old Cherry Creek-styled jammies — aka tribal armbands abound and pin-ups with big 80s hair.


– [T]he leafy panties on the female belly skin is just disturbing. It looks like lettuce is growing from her vulva to her waist. It did make me hungry for a nice Greek salad though. [Ed. note: Gotta say … that description had the opposite effect on me. Thanks, though.]


– The coolest thing about the app: using your own photos or being able to take one on the spot. I shot my non-tattooed sis to let her see what she’s look like with a Tyson tribal on her face. As the kids say, “Hawt!”

Listen lady, I know you think you’re all hip now that you’re back in New York, but the kids aren’t saying “Hawt!” The kids are riding buses, everywhere, into each others’ lives, and raping each other, with Barbies. Nice blog, though.

Peace on Your Wings

It’s hard not to be reminded of Keith Alexander’s beautiful koi backpiece when I see works like this, but this project by Aod from Divine Ink Tattoo in Bangkok, Thailand, is a nice variation on a familiar theme. In a lot of ways, actually, the muted colors and general sparseness in the piece pictured above are more to my tastes—this is 15 hours in, though, so we’ll see if it evolves further from here.

See more in Oriental-style Tattoos (Tattoos)

Here is Your Life

Hey, smiley! That’d be Lucky Diamond Rich, the most tattooed man in the world, getting worked on by Adam Craft at Illicit Tattoo in Auckland, New Zealand. What helps Rich substantiate the claim of being the “most tattooed” is the fact that he’s gotten layers upon layers of tattoo work—this may be apocryphal, but I seem to remember hearing that in some places, he’s got as many as seven layers that he’s acquired over the years. After the jump, his latest addition.

See more in Hand Tattoos (Tattoos)

Coming to Canvas LA: Fist Full of Metal

From the fine folks at Canvas LA:

MARCH 7th, 2009 8-11 PM
“Fist Full Of Metal”
The Art of the Jean Jacket

Please join us on Saturday, March 7th as we bring you Joe Capobianco’s “Fist Full Of Metal.” This 52 piece collection showcases what’s possible when you give tattoo artists a chance to go back 20 years, when the Denim Jacket was all that mattered. Giving nod to a time when the parking lot was the only party, these hand paint jackets and vests are an offering to the Heavy Metal gods themselves.

Weather Changes Moods

The last time we featured Rachel, she was just cold layin’ in the tub, covered in pomegranate seeds, acting as the physical manifestation of complex math theories. This time, well, she’s showing off her fancy new scarification piece by Charles Finnie at Eye of the Lotus in Edmonton, Alberta.

EDIT: Whoops! This cutting is actually on Zara, and Rachel just took the pictures. Thank you to the several thousand people who declined the opportunity to call me a jackass and very graciously corrected me.

See more in Charles Finnie Sacrification Portfolio (Scarification)