Game On!

I must admit I’m really only posting this for three reasons.. The first being he reminds me* an awful lot of Matthew Cottle from a British sitcom called Game On (yes?), secondly I think it’s a nice photo and he’s pretty and thirdly I really, really miss the winter!

IAM: AHBroccoli in North Texas (which almost never gets snow, apparently).

* – Although I reference television shows rather a lot I really don’t watch that much, it’s just memories of my misspent youth.


A friend of mine sent me a link to this beautiful (and informal) interview between Clayton Cubitt and Vic Taurewa Biddle discussing his homosexuality, Tā moko, Maori heritage, the Twelfth Realm and everything inbetween.

Apparently Veoh (the provider of the video above) is blocked in quite a few countries so if you can’t view it above, here is the YouTube video.