Two minutes later they were making out.

There’s probably no point in watermarking this photo (just Google BME), but I do love his expression..

Yeah thanks, I only came in to steal your wireless. WTF did you do to me?!

Yo, just take my hand and everything will be ok. Then we can lip-lock.

Clickthrough for a shot of the finished articles..

Freehand nipple scalpelling from 0mm to 10mm by Raldymods Tribe.

Double O Hotness.

I suspect Eric might be a trojan horse sent by the establishment to bring us down from within.

Nobody with piercings can possibly look that smart!

Clickthrough for a facial, but be careful.. those things in his nostrils might be futuristic recording devices sent to spy on us and capable of recording your conversations over the Internets, and causing people to ask him what happens when he has a cold.

And no, he doesn’t look like me as has been mentioned in the past. So anyone on a “search and destroy” mission, please make sure your target is clear and you can see the whites of their eyes. kthx.

Graveyard Corsetry

This set of photos from Melisa made me wonder, how would someone who died in 1886 feel about body modification and the way people choose (and are relatively free) to express themselves these days? It’s probably a rather pointless question as we’ll never know, at least not in my lifetime anyway.

Also, I’ve often thought how amazing it would to be thrown into a time totally alien to you, or to know how it feels to see a light bulb/Wii for the first time in your life! One thing I think is lacking these days is the joy of discovery, you can basically go through your entire life not having to really work anything out for yourself. Even employment comes with an instruction manual, that’s not necessarily a bad thing but there are limits..

If you need to do something invariably you will buy a product that will do it for you, if you can’t fathom out how to use what you’ve bought there are instructions, it’s all handed to us on a plate and it makes me a little sad.

Anyway sorry for rambling, my point is I’m sure people from the past would have much less trouble adapting to life in 2008 than we would if we were whisked to the 1980′s, even. We’ve got it pretty good, eh.

By Lisa Avilla (pictured after the break, on the left), Studio 13, Salinas, CA.

Revenge of the Nerds!

I promised you more geek related (ok, some of them are just beautifully nerdy) tattoos, and here they are!

I got the Tetris tattoos first because I’m a huge Tetris nerd. Afterwards I realized it only made sense to add some Mario-ness since the only games I know how to play are Tetris and Mario :P. I went with Mario III because that’s what I play most often (it’s on my Gameboy which I keep in my bathroom). The Tetris pieces are staying unfilled and the Mario will all be colored and another half dozen pieces added as well as some background.

By the way, the third photo is her armpit.

IAM: bennynerd – Clickthrough for larger views and read on for more..

The next is my favourite! It’s Molly, the Morton Salt Girl, by Betty Rose, Red Rocket Tattoo, NYC.


And this one is also my favourite, there wasn’t much information included with it but as you can see it’s half squid and half toaster! By Brandi, Nine Lives Tattoo, Seaside, OR.

I mean, what’s the point of buying a toaster with artificial intelligence if you don’t like toast?

And finally, Miss Ashlee sent in this shot of her Rainbow Brite tattoo..

Because without her, everything will turn gray and die.

Chris Friend, Body Graphics, Indiana.

“Divine” Inspiration

Jesus doing a keg stand on IAM: vicvile. Clickthrough to rotate.

Myself and my tattoo artist friend (Pat Attack) got really drunk at a party once and I blacked out. The next day he told me about a conversation we had about tattoos, and that I had said I wanted to get this done. Eight months later he did the outline and four months after that he finished the shading! Jesus was a total party animal, you don’t think that time down by the river was the first time he turned water into wine do you?!

Go West (Or Get Blocked)

Not keen on NKOTB?

This one-member-to-go Westlife tattoo on Vicky (who must be a huge fan judging by her email address) might calm things down. We don’t want any gang rivalry here. It’d be a bloodbath!

Not everybody is perfect, and I don’t think we should be looking for perfect people.” – Simon Cowell.

By Chris Govier, Dragon Ink, Swansea, Wales.