Jymmi Beam

This awesome set of suspension photos are from jymmi and her crew at the 2008 APP convention..

Read more for another shot of the evening, but don’t be mad at me if there aren’t the usual amount of posts in the next ten hours or so. I’m not going to go into detail here* but I got into a tussle with a man at a bar and my tummy’s bruised (my first ever fight!!) so I’m going to spend the night soaking in the bath.

Above and below are: TracieHanna and KASJA.

Clicking makes them bigger!


Danny (awww) sent in this photo (which is a fraction of the work he’s done on her) of a piece he did on his friend, Meg Morano.

As a point of trivia, she’s a band manager for the Vans Warped Tour and travels from California to New York every couple of months to have work done by him.

Apparently there’s quite a “lot of story” behind her tattos, which I’m sure we’d all love to hear!


Think you recognize the style? You probably do!

Erotic Tattoos, Made 3D

“Summer has started in the Netherlands, so I’m wearing short sleeves and Dermablend on my hands and arms to cover my tattoos for work. It works sufficiently well, people notice that something is strange about the color, they may guess that it’s make up, but don’t know about the tattoos. Unless of course they ask about it, in which case I usually explain that it is to hide the tattoos, which is usually taken well.

What still shows are the bulges formed by paraffin injection to accentuate the female shapes of the tattoos (not advisable, I had bad experiences before, but anyway…). Their visibility is dependent on the way the light shines on it and the perspective, but they look pretty erotic to me even when covered.

People seem to avoid asking me what they are, but it is a bit on the fringe… freaky stuff!”

Read on to see what he’s covering up!