Settle on Your Skin

It really doesn’t get much dumber and more incompetent than, well, pretty much everything in this news post from earlier, am I right, folks? Let’s wrap things up today and wash the taste of idiocy and mediocrity away with this adorable couple from Moscow, Russia. Maybe there’s hope for this silly species yet. Another shot of the lovely pair, after the jump.

Have yourselves a good night, ModBloggers. Until tomorrow.

See more in Big Nostrils (Nose Piercing)

Right in the Baby-Maker

Hot on the heels of this vulgar hell-demon, here we have a fine facial flesh-removal piece by the eyebrow-impaired Brandon Vermillion at High Class Tattoos in Ventura, California. There’s a lot to appreciate here: First of all, it’s good, solid cutting that seems to be healing rather well. Second? You’re not going to find a better excuse to break out some Anchorman quotes. Free reign, folks.

The Game’s Worthwhile

Well, that was kind of a long day, was it not, folks? But you know something? You all stuck with it, and that, well…that’s a kind of temerity they don’t teach at school. Not usually, at least. Maybe at Brown, or something. But anyway! It’s the kind of performance that deserves, at the very least, a hearty high-five, and for my money, there’s no better candidate to dole out these smacks of good-will than Jamin up there, sporting, among other bits and pieces, that handsome palm tattoo by Anji at ?High Priestess in Eugene, Oregon, which was fresh when this picture was taken. Now, though? High-five away, fair ModBloggers, and all through the night. Until tomorrow.

See more in Hand Tattoos (Tattoos)

There’s No Here

Well kiddies, let’s knock off today with this handsome shot of Brian, hanging out in the shade, beaming out a cold, hard stare. Don’t try to look away. The stare will find you. Would the stare be any good at what it does if it couldn’t find you? No. No it would not.

Sleep on that, ModBloggers. We’ll see you tomorrow.

See more in Scalpelled and other large gauge lip procedures (Lip Piercing)

Down to the Heart

Good morning, folks! Let’s start off this unseasonably wet and chilly week of June with this month-old forehead cutting by Alicia in Milan, Italy. Many of the facial scarification pieces we’ve seen lately have been pretty heavy duty, so it’s nice to see something a bit more subtle as well—variety is the spice of life and all that, etc. And, hey, for the good of the land, we’ve got a dead-on shot of the above cutting after the jump.

Welcome back, ModBloggers. We gotta stay positive.

See more in Misc. Cuttings (Scarification)

The Silken String

The last time we saw Graham, he was indisposed, getting ready to party, and starring in all sorts of perverse toilet erotica. Now? Our young hero has decided to grace us with George Will’s hated blue jeans, in nature, with a knit stocking cap (I think). The one incongruous piece? His asymmetric microdermal below his left eye, which, if my schooling has taught me anything, means he once killed a guy (in the bathroom, maybe?). Beware.

See more in Nostril piercing (Nose Piercing)

Oh, You Men

Oh look, it’s Lucas! We feature his lovely wife, Anna, on here so frequently that it’s easy to forget that she’s just one half of one hell of a good-looking couple. In this photo, he’s sporting a set of skin-divers in his forehead just recently put in place by the aforementioned Anna. Hey, you know what they say about the couple that plays together.

After the jump, continuing on with yesterday’s BME Hollywood Exclusive featuring the Twilight gang, we have a never before seen still from the currently in-production Kevin Smith film, A Couple of Dicks. Excited? Get excited.

A Dispenser of Schmaltz

Well well well, it’s a BME EXCLUSIVE, folks! Here we have a never-before-seen photo from one of those new goddamn vampire shows or something. Exciting, isn’t it? This, obviously, is from, hmm…Twilight, maybe? Is that a show? Oh, it’s a movie? Sure. This is a picture from the new Twilight. Keep checking ModBlog for all your hot celebrity news and shit.

(The photo is actually of the lovely Hannah and her friends. They may or may not be real vampires.)

Older and Better

Greetings, ModBloggers! Let’s begin our Wednesday smorgasbord with this shot of “Mr. Lees Boat,” if that is his real name, featuring some brand new circular facial scarification work by the great Iestyn (lots more). As always, we’ll be very curious to see how these suckers heal, but between his jewelry and new scars, ’tis a fine theme emerging.

(Cutting by Iestyn at Diamond Jack’s in London, England.)

See more in Absolute Scarification By Iestyn (Scarification)

A Big Blue Watery Road

Well folks, let’s wrap things up today with a request: A few astute readers very politely wondered in my general direction, hey, where all the handsome fellas at? They’re right here, friends—and by “here” I mean “up there,” like the excellently named Adam “Danger” Chitwood, who just hangs out all day, shirtless, letting his hair blow in the mild breeze. Must be nice. Must be nice.

Until tomorrow, fair ModBloggers.

See more in Septum piercing (Nose Piercing)