Adult erector set

When I was a kid, I used to love playing with erector sets, which I used to build all kinds of crazy contraptions. It appears this BME contributor, still enjoys making crazy contraptions with his custom   “erection set” that connects to his ampallang and makes for a custom penis stretching device.

For our readers with “real” jobs, I suppose I should put this behind a click through.


Happy Birthday Shawn!

Shawn Porter is one of my oldest and dearest friends in this community. Aside from that, he has been an integral  part of the body modification world for longer than a lot of you guys have been alive. The BME Wiki entry on him has the basics on his contributions to this community, but really it doesn’t even begin to do him justice.

SPC , BME Extreme, the Modcon events and Scarwars are just a few of the bigger impacts he has made on this community. Aside from these and countless other contributions, he has also helped many people along in there body modification journeys, myself included.  Not bad for a guy who doesn’t work in the industry (or “hobby” as he often refers to it).

I won’t go on any longer about Shawn, as I am sure there will be plenty of other stuff shared in the comments section, but please take a moment to wish him a happy birthday, thank him for his contributions, buy him a gift or send him some well worn white cotton panties.


Another way to help out

As I posted earlier four members of our community were in a bad car wreck. Well if there is one thing our community is particularly good at it is helping other members of our community in their times of need. Some friends of ours in CORE have put together a benefit for  them  at the Next Door Bar that will take place  Saturday August 7th.


If you cannot make it out, please help spread the word.  Also if you would like to donate directly.  Please visit the main page of and follow the paypal link.

Thank you in advance and we hope to see yall there.

BME Girls, they always come back….

Sorry for the delay! I was having some trouble with the email account where all of these lovely ladies pictures were stored, but all is resolved now and BME Girls are back!


For those of you interested in seeing this batch of girls who submitted their pictures for  possible use in the upcoming BME Girls Calendar, keep on reading. If this isn’t your thing, come back later for other types of modblog post.

REMEMBER: Absolutely zero negative comments will be tolerated!!!!!!





Kelly Renae





About being a featured girlThis event is open to all BME Girls age 18 and over. Girls of all shapes, sizes and race are encouraged to submit pictures. Contestants can be dressed or nude, but nothing too pornographic will be featured. Pictures need to be of decent quality, lest the readers condemn me to hell for posting webcam shots. Agreeing to be involved is consenting to be featured in the calendar, if you are selected for it. If you want to suggest someone, feel free to do so. I will contact them and see if they are interested, but no one will be featured without their explicit approval. To submit pictures, please email them to [email protected] Make sure to include your IAM: name (or real name) in your email.

About votingVotes will be tallied by emailing [email protected], just make the subject “Vote (insert name of girl you choose)” and your vote will be tallied. Voting last 7 days (168 hours) from the time the girl was posted.  Votes will be anonymous, there is no reason for anyone to know who voted for whom and how many votes each girl got.  Voting for one week ends when the following weeks post goes up. Please note, this isn’t about competition, it’s about a fun, interactive way to get the readers involved in the selection process.

About Commenting: I am enforcing a strict ZERO TOLERANCE policy for negative comments about the girls. They are being kind enough to share themselves with us and to help BME make a calendar, they should not have to fear public ridicule. Negative comments will be deleted, if we have a repeat offender, all of their future modblog comments will be sent to moderation. This isn’t about censorship, it’s about common courtesy and respect.

The penguin flys on…

Currently modblog regular, Penguin Boy, his partner Baron Von Geiger (amazing earlobe weight lifter) and the rest of The Squidling Bros. are on tour with the Coney Island Cockabilly Roadshow.

I don’t make it out to shows too much anymore, but this may be worthy of making an exception for. Hell, they are even performing with Hick’ry Hawkins, a cat I used to watch at local South Carolina venues a bunch back in the nineties.


For tour dates, keep on keeping on.


Never grocery shop hungry….

…and using that same reasoning, I should have known better than to search for modblog material on an empty stomach. Because now, thanks to Shannon, all I want is a big juicy hamburger. Oh well, it could be worse, I could have been looking through the subincisions and decided I wanted an overcooked hot dog.


Tattoo by Shannon Walsh of  Phoenix Ink Tattoo in Connecticut.

Congrats, Timothy and Elki!

After making such a sad post this morning, I felt obliged to offer up a much happier one this afternoon.

BME has been a meeting place for like minded individuals for a long time. Countless couples and families got their start as strangers behind a keyboard with a common love of body modification. In fact there is even a whole gallery dedicated to couples who have met through BME.

Today I found the wedding pics in the couples gallery from one such couple, Timothy and Elki.


RIP Liberty

Today, I read the sad news that IAM member rebekahsXrevenge succumbed to her long time battle with cancer. I did not know her personally, but she meant a lot to several people  on here and she was a valued member of this community. From what I have read, she seemed like an amazing, strong and inspiring person that any of us would have been lucky to know.

She left behind her husband wmassXedge, as well as countless friends and family, please keep them all in your thoughts.


If anyone who knew her personally cares to share anything, please feel free to do so.

Jen Kristoff, Guess What?

Right now, I have a young lady from Massachusetts with me trying out for a piercing apprenticeship. She said she really liked the “Guess What?” features I do on modblog. I explained to her that I certainly wasn’t the one to come up with the idea, but I do like doing them as well. Since she has done such a delightful job of cleaning up the shop and other miscellaneous task while she was here, I am dedicating this post to her.


For the answer you seek, keep on keeping on.


Genitals, it’s almost ALWAYS genitals. Modblog readers know that by now. These particular genitals acquired their odd appearance by a play session with some string. This could be some sort of bondage play or even temporary chastity play, I am not entirely sure because the picture had no info attached.

Happy Birthday to the one and only,Penguin Boy!

My Buddy, Jason Brott aka Penguin Boy is celebrating his birthday today.  In case you are new here, I featured his first suspension on modblog and shortly thereafter that green dude from Lizard Skynard interviewed him here.


There are so few “born freaks” in modern sideshow, we should remember to show  much respect to those who take what other’s would consider a disability and turn it into performance. So be sure and wish ‘ol Jason a happy birthday!