The Star of Scrotum

We don’t see a lot of scrotal branding, so when Naoise-Ryan Israel sent in the photos of his branding, I knew I had to share them.  Samppa did the branding, but as you can see that isn’t the only modification he has.  Check out Naoise-Ryan Israel’s Hard Bonus Gallery to check out the rest of his vast collection of modifications.

Keep on reading to see the whole photo.

Sale Extended!!! 40% off Diablo Ogranics Jewelry!! Coupon Code: 40offdiablo

Guess What?

You know the drill.  No cropping this time, and no piercings either.  Can you guess where these bits of body parts come from?

Think you know?  Take a guess and read on to see if you’re right.

Alright, so who guessed genitals?  You really need to get your mind out of the gutter, not every Guess What? has to be about the nether regions.

Those little bits are actually JakeMindsnared‘s nipples.  He put them in that container following his nipple nullification by Samppa.  Oh and as a bonus, here’s Jake putting his nipples into a resin setting.

The BME Shop is having a sale right now!  30% EVERYTHING!! Just use the code 30offbme when you check out!

Guess What?

Over the weekend I had a couple of people request a new Guess What post, so you ask, and I deliver.  This one is pretty straightforward.  Where did this chunk of flesh come from?

No hints.  You’re going to have to guess.  I will tell you that it isn’t a fortune cookie.

Think you know?  Well there’s only one way to find out if you’re right…

And there you have it.  That big chunk of tissue is what was removed during a navel removal by Samppa Von Cyborg.  Samppa’s US tour is still going strong, and he’ll be in LA until the 16th of May, when he’ll move on to Arizona until the end of the month.  After that he’ll be heading up to Las Vegas until the end of the tour on June 10th.  He still has spot available, so if you’d like to get something done, send him an e-mail at [email protected].

In addition, Samppa and Steve Haworth will also be holding seminars in Phoenix and Las Vegas.  Head on over to Steve’s website to get all the details.

Oh, and it should be noted that the vertical scar was there prior to the navel removal.

Navel Nullo

So here’s the post a number of you have been waiting for.  In what I believe is a ModBlog first, Samppa has sent in photos of a complete navel nullification.  With posts like this I normally show you the before and after shots, but with the image of the procedure being so large it’ll be behind a click though so it doesn’t clog up the main page.

To start with, here is the end result, 3 weeks after the procedure.

Obviously healing isn’t complete, but it gives you a good idea of what it’ll look like.  To see how this was done, just keep on reading.

Samppa is still on his US tour, so if you’re interested in this procedure or any of the other many thing’s he’s capable of, check out his website.  He also has a BME portfolio gallery that’s filled with all sorts of other modifications.

Filling in the holes

We’ve seen earlobe reconstructions.  We’ve seen tongue split reversals.  Isn’t it time we see something else?  How about repairing up the divots left behind by facial piercings?  In this case, cheek piercings.  Leave it to Samppa to come up with a way to do it.

On the right is one of the holes before the repair, and the left is just after it had been closed up.

And here is the end result..

While there is still a small mark, unless you’re looking for it you would never suspect a hole had been there.

Samppa’s US tour is still underway, so get in touch with him if you have any facial holes you want fixed up.

Also, keep an eye on ModBlog.  Next week we’re going to take a look at his navel removal procedure, including step-by-step photos.

You wanted something new…

Well leave it to Samppa to deliver.

Ear pointing as a practice isn’t anything new, however, Samppa has started to use a brand new technique to point ears that is completely different than folding method that is most commonly used.

He starts off with a normal looking ear..

Then instead of cutting and folding, he takes the ear and reshapes it, leaving a much smoother and more natural looking pointed ear.  Here’s how the above ear looked right after the sutures had been tied off.

Here’s a side by side comparison of another ear, this one after it has had some time to heal up.

If you have been looking to get this procedure done, and you live in the USA, then you’re in luck as Samppa has just started his US Tour.  He will be in the US till June 2011, please contact him at [email protected] for info on the tour, booking of appointments and his availability for guest spots at studios. For anytime after June 2011 please contact him via his website,

There are still a couple of new procedures that he’s doing, so keep checking ModBlog, as we’ll be showing you some of the other new tricks Samppa has up his sleeve.

Blood on the canvas

As I mentioned earlier this week you’re going to be getting a look at some of the stuff Samppa Von Cyborg has been doing while on the road in the US.  Today’s post is about a recent performance Samppa and Aneta did as part of their recent NYC tour stop.  The centerpiece of the show was a blood painting that Samppa did of himself, Steve Haworth, and Lukas Zpira, using Aneta’s blood.  The painting is now up for auction, with all proceeds going towards relief efforts in Japan.

Keep on reading to see some shots from the performance as well as how you can own this painting.  Fair warning though, it is pretty bloody.

Oh look!  Press release:

On Sunday March 20th, 2011 the Von Cyborgs had their first U.S. debut performance at New York Cities Club Rebel. This avant-guard performance included suspension, needle play, blood, and candle wax. The performance began with Samppa Von Cyborg inserting multiple needles in the forehead and arms of Aneta Von Cyborg and painting the words murder + victim across her chest; as she kneeled on the stage exposing her milky white skin that created a lovely contrast to the vivid red blood. Once the needles were removed the blood was collected to be utilized by Samppa to create a master piece. As Samppa diligently went to work on the canvas in the background; Aneta remained center stage enduring pain and pleasure through use of needles and candle wax. Both performers were absolutely captivating and together created such an incredible energy. As you looked around the audience each person waited in baited breath to see what next stroke Samppa would make with the brush and what each drop of blood used would create. Each second that went by the image slowly revealed itself; though usually Samppa creates the images of notorious serial killers this time the master piece created was a blood portrait of Steve Haworth, Lukas Zpira, and Samppa himself, the C-Y-B.ORG masters whom also performed and gathered for the C-Y-B.ORG Sickness Tour. As Samppa took his last stroke; Aneta was suspended 2ft above the stage suicide style; resembling a trophy victim to be adorn. Samppa then exited the stage; leaving portrait and victim to be exposed and admired by all. Audience members remained hypnotized and amazed by the astonishing performance; which received excellent reviews and had audience members craving another dose of the Von Cyborgs. Their tour began in New York City and will continue across the U.S.; they are available and accepting bookings. In addition the portrait created has been place up for auction with bidding starting at $3000; proceeds earned will be used to help the people of Japan; a place where the Von Cyborgs have performed on numerous occasions, made many lovely friends and hold very near and dear to their hearts. All and all it can be stated that the Von Cyborgs truly are an experience to remember guaranteed to astonish

The Cyborg Unleashed

Samppa Von Cyborg isn’t just a pretty face.  He’s also a pioneer in the modification industry and is currently on tour in the US holding seminars, performing shows, and of course taking clients.  Over the course of the week we’ll be taking a look at some of the newest things Samppa has been working on, as well as seeing photos from his tour.  You can also take a look at some of his past works in his BME scarification portfolio gallery.

If you’d like to get work done by Samppa while he is stateside, you can contact him at [email protected].  He’s only going to be here until June.  After that you can make a booking through his website,

In addition BME is happy to announce that we’ve expanded the portfolio sections of the galleries.  Previously only tattoo artists and a handful of other people were able to have their own portfolio galleries, but now these galleries are available to everyone.  So if you’re a piercer, a tattoo artist (or studio), a scarification artist, or a suspension crew, and you don’t have a gallery yet, send an e-mail to [email protected] and we’ll set one up for you.

ModBlog News of the Week: March 11th, 2011

I’m beginning to hate that every week there is a new disaster to report.  By now you’ve heard about the earthquakes that have been rocking Japan since last night, as well as the devastation that the tsunami’s have been doing to the coastal cities.  The worst news is that the quakes still haven’t ceased.  Following the 8.9 last night, there have been a number of aftershocks as well as 2 new earthquakes that occurred this afternoon.  While it is still to early to know the extent of the damage, if you have friends or family in the affected areas, or you yourself are in Japan right now, our thoughts are with you.  Google’s appspot has set up a person finder for Japan, which should hopefully help those who haven’t been able to get in touch with their loved ones.  As always, the Red Cross is on scene and providing aid as they can.

It’s in times like these that people can come together from all walks of life to help others.  A number of years ago artist Shelley Jackson put out a call to the world for people who would be willing to get a tattoo of a word on their body in order to form a story.  Since that time people all over the world have come together, bound by the power of words and skin, to contribute to her project.  While it isn’t finished, Shelley recently put together a sub-story, using videos submitted by the owners of the tattoos.

“Shelley Jackson’s story ‘Skin’ exists only in the flesh — the flesh of about 2,000 volunteers. In 2003, when she wrote the story, she called for participants to each be tattooed with a single word (some also get a bit of punctuation, like ‘ankles,’ with the comma included). The story has never been published in any other form…[For] the Berkeley Art Museum, Jackson has cut together video footage from a small set of participants to tell a new sub-’Skin’ story. Recently Jackson e-mailed them to ask that they record a video of their word tattoo, and to say the word. From those words recorded by participants, she’s edited and assembled a new story.”

This week is pretty light on the real news, but ridiculously heavy on the celebrity news.  So strap yourself in for a wild ride that includes Julia Roberts, Pee-Wee Herman, and some tiger’s blood.

To kick things off this week is an announcement about an upcoming seminar in NYC.  For one weekend in March, you can have the opportunity to attend classes and witness performances by a trio of body modification artists.

It is our great pleasure to present to you an opportunity to be a part of something paramount! For the first time in a decade, the most innovative minds of the body modification community have come together to form a collective consciousness: C-Y-B.ORG. Its goal: to educate, demonstrate and liberate our community. Body modification pioneer Steve Haworth has rejoined forces with two of the top practitioners of today and the future, Lukas Zpira and Samppa Von Cyborg. Together they are This event will give the opportunity for those yearning to learn the art of body modification. Through seminars, workshops and live performance, including but not limited to magnetic implants, branding, scarification, tongue splitting, flesh stapling, and suspension.

If you’ve got an event coming up, feel free to drop me a line and let me know about it.

We’ve seen in the news countless stories of schools banning facial piercings.  Well some kids thought they found a loophole by using rare earth magnets to fake a tongue stud.  While great in theory, it turns out that if you accidentally ingest several magnets it will end up doing some major damage.

The tiny ball bearings – known as ‘buckyballs’ – are sold as an executive desk toy which can be moulded into any shape.  But some teenagers are using them as fake tongue rings to make it look as though they have a piercing.  If swallowed, the balls can cause serious damage, burrowing through the small intestine. The packaging warns of the danger, and says they are not suitable for children.

Lauren, who lives in Wheat Ridge, rung her mother last week in tears, complaining she couldn’t walk because of an intense pain in her side.  She said: ‘They bounced off my tooth and went down my throat, and I couldn’t stop it.’  Lauren is now in hospital recovering after an operation to remove the magnets.  Her surgeon, Dr Saundra Kay, told the channel: ‘You have one strong magnet in one loop of intestine, another magnet in another loop of intestine, and those magnets are so strong that they will bring those intestines close together and the two loops joined.

So just to review, magnetic implants: good, swallowing magnets: bad.

One of the most often questions modified people hear is “did it hurt?”.  Well it turns out that when you get a tattoo removed, it also hurts.  No big shock there, but what is surprising is that tattoo removal can come with some pretty nasty side-effects beyond pain.  Because of this, the FDA is holding a “webinar” next Tuesday to educate people about the dangers of tattoo removal.

The inks and pigments applied in tattoos can cause allergic reactions, infections and scarring, according to the U.S. Food and Drug Administration (FDA).  Also, tattoo removal process is not as great as it seems.  FDA will be holding a 30-minute tattoo safety webinar at 1 p.m. CT on March 15.  Bhakti Petigara Harp, a specialist from the agency’s Office of Cosmetics and Colors, will discuss potential problems, along with the misrepresentation of the inks and pigments as “FDA approved.”

What a lot of people don’t know when they get tattoos is how painful they are to remove, Shamontiel Vaughn. Some say laser removal feels like the snapping of a rubber band against the skin. Vaughn, who spent about hundreds of dollars getting one tattoo and three cover-ups removed, called the process of laser tattoo removal “insane.”  “Each time I got laser surgery, there were a bunch of small bumps that resembled keloids, rock hard skin and a little bit of bleeding,” said Vaughn.  “I made the mistake of falling asleep on that arm the day after surgery, and I woke up and thought something was crawling on me. It turned out that my arm went completely numb. I woke up screaming and jumping around trying to get my own arm off of me because it’d turned into dead weight. After I turned on the light (while still jumping around), the feeling slowly came back into my fingers,” concluded Vaughn.

It seems as though tattoo removal is not as fantastic as it is often portrayed.  It is not only pricey but also very painful.  The FDA’s 30-minute tattoo webinar will be held Tuesday, March 15 at 1 p.m. (CT). You’ll have a chance to ask questions at the end.

In case you weren’t aware, spring break is happening next week.  This also coincides with the annual “go get drunk and tattooed/pierced” week.  I’m sure it’s just a strange coincidence.  In any case, universities are starting to pay attention and are putting forth efforts to educate students about safe practices, so that when they’re completely smashed they won’t get pierced with the same needle that the 10 people before them were pierced with.

The last thing on a college student’s mind during spring break is contracting HIV, Hepatitis C or Tetanus.  Who would have thought that getting a spur-of-the-moment tattoo or piercing could leave not just a mark but a life-long disease?

On March 8, the Office of Counseling and Student Development and Student Health Services passed out information to students about body art safety and how to protect one’s self over the break.  ”Stamped and Stabbed” offered the soon-to-be spring breakers pamphlets and brochures on the harm that coincides with tattoos and body art.  ”They [students] tend to rush into things during spring break. We’re here to get students aware of what consequences they can face as they jump into getting a tattoo or piercing,” says Joy Wunderlich of the Office of Counseling and Student Development.

“Students meet a girl or guy, get their name tattooed and then realize the next day that they’ll have to explain to their future spouse whose name is tattooed on them,” said Williams.  As students departed with information on body art safety, they were given a temporary tattoo as a reminder to make appropriate decisions during spring break.

And with that, we’re on to the celebrity round-up.

To kick things off Ke(dollar sign)ha, has expanded her clientele of tattoo customers beyond her band to include fans.

A big fan gets a Ke$ha tattoo. A SUPER fan gets a tattoo from Ke$ha. Well, a SUPER fan who is okay with having a subpar tattoo gets one from Ke$ha, anyway.  The singer posted this video to her Facebook profile of herself marking up a dedicated fan with her safety pin, giving her dollar sign to the emotional, fawning fan.

Last week we saw rapper Yung LA get a duck tattooed on his face in honor of his new record contract.  Well it seems he jumped the gun, as the record label never actually offered him a contract.  The quick thinking Mr. LA rushed out to a studio and covered up his already fresh duck with an LA Dodgers logo.

Not to be outdone by the boys, “femcee” (their word, not mine) Diamond also joined the facial tattoo club with a tattoo of a bullet.

The rapper debuted some new ink on Tuesday (March 8), via Twitter (@DiamondATL), posting a pic of her new face tattoo of a bullet with the accompanying message: “IN LIFE: You only get ONE SHOT!!!!!! Remember dat!”

In happy news this week, Avril Lavigne has promised to not get any more tattoos for a while.  So for the next little while the celebrity round-up will be Avril free!

In other bad pop singer news, Britney Spears has gotten in shape and did a photo shoot.  Supposedly the fact that she’s showing off 10 year old tattoos is a shock to some people.

Pee-Wee Herman made an appearance on Lopez Tonight earlier this week and was stunned to find out a woman in the audience had a Pee-Wee tattoo.  I think the real news here is that Pee-Wee was actually shocked to see little Pee-Wee sticking out in the audience.  You’d think he’d learn his lesson by now.

Someone sent Charlie Sheen a bottle of tiger’s blood.  To celebrate he got “Winning” tattooed on his wrist.  I can’t make fun of this at all.  I truly believe that Charlie Sheen is winning.  What he is winning has yet to be determined, but he’s definitely winning something.

And now the story you’ve all been waiting for, because including Julia Roberts in a ModBlog news post is something of a special event, a man has come forward to show off his love and devotion to Julia.  By getting her portrait tattooed on his body 82 times.

Film buff Miljenko Parserisas Bukovic enjoyed one of the actress’ films so much he got 82 tattoos of her FACE permanently etched all over his body.

Miljenko – a newspaper vendor in Mexico – has covered himself from head-to-toe with the pictures.  He splashed out HUNDREDS of pounds on the tattoos after seeing Roberts in her film Erin Brockovich.

So what was that you were saying about the woman with a bunch of Robert Pattinson tattoos?

That’s it for this week everybody.  Remember to keep sending in those links to news stories the world over.

Have a safe spring break, to those in college, and for those affected by the disaster in Japan, please drop someone a line to let them know you’re alright.

Friday BMEGirl? That’s Unpossible!

Well with last week’s unexpected downtime I wasn’t able to get a BMEGirl post out on Friday.  This week everything is back up and running smoothly so that means it’s the return of the BMEGirl!

This week’s girl is Luckytcha from Japan who’s photos I discovered in the old school tattoo gallery.

There’s another photo of her, but you’ll have to keep reading to check it out.

This second photo comes from the microdermal and corset piercing galleries.  The piercer for the second photo is Samppa Von Cyborg.