New Article Posted!

I am very, very happy to present this. For a few years (in no particular order), BME friend and contributor Ferg has been living and teaching in a remote Indigenous community in Australia, and recently took part in scarification ritual of which few, if any, Westerners have ever been a part. Click the image below to read Cut Both Ways — Yolngu Style:

[Note: Comments for this post have been disabled. Laud Ferg with much-deserved praise in the forum attached to the article.]

That’s Just, Like, Your Opinion, Man

Meat is Murder tattoo

I used to feel this way too, back when I was pregnant for the last time. But now that I’ve changed my plea to guilty, I just find myself hoping every day is like Sunday. Doesn’t make sense to you? Well, sister, I’m a poet.

… and that’s more than enough of that. Mornin’, ModBlog!

(The above tattoo is on IAM: xtruthx, and is by Simon Erl at Hope and Glory in London, England.))

See more in Old School (and Old) Tattoos (Tattoos)

Crazy Stairs

3D Blocks and Bricks Tattoo

For my money, it doesn’t get much better than a well executed geometric design/optical illusion tattoo. That one up there comes courtesy of Justin Bolonski of Integrity Tattoo in Royersford, Pennsylvania, and I have to say, I celebrate his entire catalogue.

Get some rest, ModBlog. We’ve got a full day ahead of us tomorrow, including a surprise from our good friend Ferg that I’m quite confident you’re going to love.

Until then.

Full Coverage: Links From All Over (Nov. 11, 2008)

[CrackBerry] So, those vicious enablers over at CrackBerry recently held a contest to see who would commit the greatest personal atrocity or something in order to win a much-vaunted BlackBerry Storm. Well, a man named T.J. from Toledo, Ohio, was the victor, opting to not only get a life-size tattoo of the device, but to augment the design with a saucy “iPhones suck” underneath it (video above). The rogue, in his own words:

I will get a lifesize tattoo of a Blackberry Storm with the CB logo. And below the Storm, I will get iPhones Suck tattooed (which could put me in harms way because my tattoo artist is a DIE HARD iPhone/Apple user. He has 3 Macs at the shop!!) Remember, A tattoo IS FOREVER, fighting a bear is only momentary…lol.

The winner got his work done by the iPhone-shirt–wearing Brian Krabach at Revelation Tattoos, and that was good enough for CrackBerry. Enjoy your spoils, hero.

[Washington Post] It was only a few weeks ago that NBA star and uncanny peacock Gilbert Arenas was claiming that, as a man of considerable wealth, he had no shame in endorsing John McCain for the presidency, because of taxes and what have you. But you know what’s more important than taxes? History. And so Arenas, to celebrate Obama’s win, got a commemorative tattoo.

Arenas has decided to show his permanent support of President-elect Barack Obama with a tattoo. Arenas had the words “Change We Believe In” tattooed onto the fingers of his left hand in cursive writing. Then, Gilbert showed the outside of his pinky finger, which had “44″ inked on it.

Arenas shortened Obama’s campaign slogan, “Change We Can Believe In,” choosing not to add ink to his thumb. Arenas has “change” written on the outside of his index finger; “we” on the inside of his middle finger; “believe” on the inside of his ring finger; and “in” on the inside of his pinky and “44″ on the outside of his pinky.

Some may see this as evidence of a fickle, opportunistic, ill-informed athlete making an ass of himself, but really, Arenas is one of the NBA’s most gleefully eccentric personalities. As the D.C. Sports Bog’s Dan Steinberg adds, “I can only assume he would have gotten a ‘You Betcha!’ tat on his rump had McCain-Palin won.” Indeed. (Maybe not.)

[Hey Mister] Honestly? I don’t want to ruin too much of this post, but if the title — “Eagle Tattoos Are So Fuckin’ Sweet” — doesn’t rope you in, then I’m afraid you are just cold lacking a soul. Fine, a brief sample:

Submitted for your approval is my evidence. Also, it’s like 600% likely that the Eagle is an evolved T-Rex. So just shut up, because everything you can say that sucks about an Eagle is wrong. Are you gonna tell a T-rex or a T-rex’s great uncle that he’s a piece of shit? Hell no. Watch and learn, bitches.

[…] Fuck yeah, I’ll take another Eagle tat to go with my Eagle tat, and make it extra large, man and make his face cool. I want it to be like my lil’ Eagle bro is channeling the spirits of all his ancestral Eagle bros and T-rex’s. Fuckin’ A, dude. Saddam is going down. Do you see this, Saddam? There is a storm coming for you. A wicked ass storm of feathery hate, raining down Liberty and such. Keyword: Never Back Down.

Please, just go delight in this article’s existence. (This treasure comes via the giants at Adam Riff.)

Never Leave Your Wallet in Your Pants in a Tijuana Whorehouse

Knuckle sandwich hand tattoo

I have a feeling IAM: IKillBabys‘s knuckle sandwich [Ed. note: Please don’t kill babies] might be a little gamey. My advice? Stick with a hearty corned beef on rye with a side of matzo-ball soup. IKillBabys gets in touch with his inner Goldberg, after the jump.

Who's Next? hand tattoos

(Tattoos by Miguel at Black Cat Tattoo in Panama City Beach, Florida.)

See more in Hand Tattoos (Tattoos)

You Forgot I Was a Ninja

Scared sea monster tattoo

I know, I know … it’s not fair to you, the fine readers, to post such abjectly horrifying images at this late an hour. It’s getting on towards bedtime, and here I am, the thoughtless ogre, putting up shots that would spook the bejesus out of a goddamned sea monster. What do I have to say for myself? Not much. Not much at all.

Scare yourselves to sleep, ModBlog, and we’ll see you in the morning.

Keys to the Church

Can Opener scarification by Brian Decker

You see a cutting like this and it makes you curious about the person wearing it. Are they an alcoholic in the 1920s, or maybe just a big fan of pineapple juice? A bartender, or a no-holds-barred street brawler? A Luddite decrying the newfangled electric pursuits of our modern world, or simpzzzzzzzzz OH, hey, you should probably just ignore me and admire the handiwork of Brooklyn’s favorite son, Brian Decker of Pure Body Arts.

Better Alive Than Dead

IAM: Cuntcumber, self-portrait (with antlers)

IAM: cuntcumber has been proudly displaying his mug on his hilarious chestpiece for a while now, but the bar has officially been raised. Why does he have antlers? I don’t know. Why do birds sing in the morning? Why do mangos taste the way they do? When life gives you a gift, you don’t question it.

(Tattoo by Matt Lukesh at Seppuku Tattoo in Savannah, Georgia.)