Vote or Cry

Intrepid reader Jennifer sends in this scan of an ad from Seventeen magazine:

See, I’m conflicted about things like this. On the one hand, there are a lot of positive things to consider here: Encouraging young people to vote is undeniably noble; realistic-looking piercings in ads are rare; a crying woman is a huge turn-on.


Full Coverage: Links From All Over (Sept. 22, 2008)

Photo credit: Peter Parsons / The Chronicle Herald staff

[The Chronicle Herald] As a rule, it’s probably best not to advocate tattoos as a means of winning a bet or a contest. Unless it’s a happy moment of serendipity in which a situation arises in which you were planning on getting a tattoo anyway — or, at least, that the situation inspires you to get a piece that you enjoy but may not have considered otherwise — the results will likely be dire. (I swear, that photo-realistic sleeve of Oprah horse-whipping the Pope in drag was for charity!) Luckily, JoAnn Harpell isn’t in the regretful camp: the Nova Scotia woman got a portrait of Elton John on her leg (right) in order to win a radio contest to see John in concert.

“The only thing I wouldn’t have done (to get a ticket) would be to go to a scalper,” Ms. Harpell said.

And she did try to get tickets when they first went on sale for the Halifax and Moncton concerts.

“I cried like a baby when I didn’t get them,” she said. “I was very upset.”

The serendipitous part is that Harpell was already moderately tattooed, and there are a few songs in Sir Elton’s catalogue that are incredibly meaningful for her — the lyrics of which were incorporated into the new piece. Sweet story, right? Surely the commenters visiting The Chronicle Herald’s Web site agree, right?

“I can’t believe that anyone would go to those extremes to see an entertainer plus with 14 tattoos she is lucky she has a husband. I think she needs to take some of her money and see a psychiatrist.”

“There are two things wrong with this story. First, that this woman will disfigure herself for a couple of tickets to see an aging pop star, and second, that C100 would sponsor such a thing. Unbelievable. Shows very bad judgement on both their parts. And the tattoo is very poorly done and looks nothing like Sir Elton. I felt really embarrassed for her, and really ticked off at C100 for their juvenile behaviour.”

“C100 is a crazy radio station and this woman’s behavior fits right in. Me thinks you need to get a life…… “

God damn it.

[] In the latest edition of Tattoos v. School Board, the St. John the Baptist Parish School Board in New Orleans is seeking to ban “visible lewd and gang-related tattoos,” which doesn’t actually sound the like worst idea ever. Sure, it’s problematic because terms like “lewd” and “gang-related” are certainly open to interpretation: Is a traditional pin-up girl “lewd”? Should a tattoo referencing one’s neighborhood qualify as “gang-related”? And as well, some may suggest that prohibiting tattoos of any kind is some sort of violation, constitutional or otherwise. But at the same time … it’s high school. Banning tattoos and piercings is silly, but, as with any venue that relies on a sense of decorum to maintain some semblance of order, I can’t quite disagree with measures that might cut down on idiotic gang violence. As long as it’s not a single figurehead making the decisions — a committee of peers, perhaps?

[] It seriously seems like there’s a tattoo-related story coming out of the Republican presidential campaign every other day, does it not? This is one is even more boring than usual, though. Meghan McCain was overheard talking to her editor about getting a new tattoo! She’s already got a blue star tattooed on her foot, and her editor has 11 tattoos of his own! McCain said she would wait, however, until after the election to get new work done, out of respect to her father, who, for five-and-a-half years in Vietnam, couldn’t get a tattoo.

[Darragh Doyle] Cute story here about a guy admiring a Don Quixote tattoo from across a crowded pub. He approaches to the woman wearing the piece, who either doesn’t know the right story about where the design came from, or is purposely screwing with the narrator. Nice tattoo, as well.

It’s true.. We rock!

Dahlia (top right) and Wes.

With the photo above in mind I wanted to share a comment that was left on ModBlog a month or two back – I wasn’t really sure whether I should (or could) post it, but I think it says a lot about the wonderful people that are involved in or are positively affected by body modification and those who appreciate the support from others in (and on the sidelines of) the community..

I stumbled into this website by accident and have spent the last three hours reading posts and viewing photos. If I was forced to put a label on myself I old say that I am a cowboy; and not the weekend wingnut type with a new hat and $700.00 Ostrich boots. The reason I mention this is that while I am certainly not naive, I have never see anything like this website before and I was both fascinated and impressed with some of the things done by the participants. I had my tongue pierced several years ago as a gift to my wife and my friends shit a pickup! I have been listening to “fag” remarks for so long they don’t eve register anymore. As far as they are concerned, piercing my tongue is comparable to Willie Nelson wearing a tutu at his next concert. Fuck ‘em, I’m keeping it!

Anyway, the reason I bothered to post this in the first place is that I wanted to tell all of you that you kick ass. I am impressed with the fact (unlike most all of the assholes in this world) you are all supportive of one another regardless of body shape, size, color, height and weight. I hope to meet many of you in my next life; until then, keep it up and thanks for restoring some of my faith in the human race.“

It should also remind you that before you comment on a tattoo, piercing or chosen modification to think about the person’s feelings. Constructive criticism/personal tastes are fine but one thing I’ve noticed and is probably unavoidable as ModBlog is wide open, is that there seem to be a few people who just come here to be nasty (with alarming regularity), that’s not what ModBlog is for and it’s time it ended!

So there, see. You can put your vomit bag away now, just remember to empty it first.

Minyak Gosok

Here’s a curious (but much better for your health than a pack of Marlboro) tattoo that Phil showed me the other day – Neither of us were sure what it was but a little Googling revealed the truth, excuse the shop link but it’s the best version of the original logo I could find, here’s a blog post by Jenny we found that explains it further..

I’d love to know why he chose this product as much as you would. I’m thinking his family produce it or it somehow saved him from contracting Malaria (not that he’d know it saved him I supposed, as it’s a mosquito repellent not a Malaria vaccine), but anyway..

It’s by Durga, a mobile tattoo artist who works in Indonesia, primarily Jakarta, Bali and Yogyakarta (the special region).