Fingered by Skullboy

Veronika was kind (and drunk) enough to send in these recent photos of Skullboy (more on ModBlog.. 1, 2).

Rick reads and then gives his verdict on a recent magazine article about himself.

Oh and yes, he does smile in case you were wondering..

Skullboy and Veronika.

You can read Veronika’s interview with Rick here.

See more in BME/Culture/People (Culture)

Come Join Us!

I’m not being held responsible for you voiding your monitor warranty by drawing on it with a sharpie. so if you’re too lazy or too sensible to try that I took the liberty of painstakingly putting together the following video for you!

Or you can just click the photo above.

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Join the Dots tattoo by Mike Hughes of Evolution Tattoo, Santa Rosa, CA.