Once a Critter, Always a Critter!

I really like this portrait of Critter and his son Talon!

When I asked him his real name I was happily surprised (and swooned a little, I must admit) to receive this reply..

I’ve pretty much been known as ‘Critter’ ever since I was a wee lad. Mostly down to my love for reptiles (I’ve always had one with me at one time or another). So I figured might as well go and make it official!

Two trips to the courthouse and $37.10 later, tada!! Instant way to upset one’s mother.

So, what’s your surname Critter.. Fritter?

Want Romance? Get on your knees.

Aided by Mikey, Jon, Jason and Dave.. Tasha raises herself into a blissful six point knee suspension. There’s nothing quite like having your mates around you whilst suspending, trust me. It’s the best!

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DivX download link for BME members: Extreme2 or Full members

Don’t forget! If you’ve got a video you’d like featured on ModBlog please feel free to send it to [email protected] or use Megaupload.com/Yousendit.com.

Bucket O’ Blood

I was going to put one of my “trademark” songs over this tongue splitting video (no, it wouldn’t have been Slipknot, ugh), but thought I’d leave the dialogue in the hopes someone would translate it/enjoy it.

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DivX download link for BME members: Extreme2 or Full members