Silent Sid

As promised!

Hey ya’all, ready for another visit with Sailor Sid? This time he’s tattooing at Ken Meyer’s place in Kissimmee, Florida.

This video was taken from 8mm film then converted to VHS and didn’t originally have an audio track. As with previous videos this is very much a product of it’s time – aseptic procedure isn’t followed, nor is the wearing of clothes. Sid and Ken specialized in homoerotic tattooing, and wearing awesome hats! Thanks for watching and expect an update with Cliff Raven soon..


Shawn Porter –

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DivX download link for BME members: Extreme2 or Full members

(Previous videos from Shawn can be found here!)

Show Off Your Wet Bits.

I must admit when I first saw this these amazing tattoo(s) late last night I went through a few emotions..

It started off with lurve, the second was a combination of confusion and feeling dumb because I felt like I was missing out on something obvious, and lastly reluctant acceptance that it they probably wasn’t weren’t a fusion between human anatomy and a creature from the deep*.

Clickthrough to see a back and side view (of a completely different tattoo by the same artist)..

By Grisha Maslov, Moscow, Russia.

* – Although I’m more than happy to be proved wrong!