What Does Not Destroy You..

Makes you stronger!

This is another time I wish I had more background information but the sender did include this..

This is my first tattoo. It’s a Nietzsche quote (and my back surgery scar).. One kind of caused the other.

This is purely a guess but I’m assuming they knew in advance that they would need to be operated upon and the area that was going to be, hence the tattoo and the comment above. Either way, I hope you’re doing ok!

D to the M to the T.

You may remember IAM: madroota from such ModBlog posts as Awesome suspension themed hand tattoo and Empire Strikes Hack, well, he’s back with his next thrilling installment! (The text of which I stole from his IAM page, added links and edited slightly without asking).

DMT is a chemical that occurs in most plant life and traces are also found in the human body. It’s function is unknown within the human body, however the Shaman believe that at forty one weeks after conception the mother feeds pure DMT into her unborn child and this is the point where we obtain our “soul” and spirit. DMT can be extracted from certain varieties of plant such as Wattle and Acacia to become a yellowish-red crystal.

If smoked or snorted these crystals can be one of the most potent psychedelic hallucinogens around!

Many ancient tribes throughout history have used DMT for spiritual rituals and just good old recreational use. This being said I thought it would be good idea to let the infamous Wayde Dunn cut the DMT molecular structure into my torso. From under my armpit wrapping around to my belly. I have to say I am extremely happy with the outcome, and once again Wayde has proved that he is one of, if not the best cutter around! Although the over all design is relatively simple the numbers and letters seemed a little tricky due to their size but turned out perfectly! So thank you Wayde and thank you to who ever discovered the extraction process of DMT (Roo: Gonçalves de Lima).

That’s quite enough of that, back to the regular schedule!

Now, Make a Wish!

I’m not sure why (perhaps she felt she was too old for the int0rw3b, as I can’t find her on IAM), but a girl calling herself IAM: tat2edtomato87 decided to celebrate their 21st birthday in style..

21st birthday. 21 piercings. 21 candles.

If anyone could track her down I’d appreciate it, I’ve got a birthday blow waiting for her..