
Oops, I got caught up with other things and didn’t get a chance to prep entries — I’ll add them at about 8:30 PM as I need to dash now. The other good news is that on the next BME update (probably first thing in the morning; it’s building now), the members section of the site now allows “email via picture”, so if you’re a contributing member, you can send messages to other contributing members through their photos.

Anyway, these eyelid tattoos were done by Mike Loshaw at Dragon FX in Edmonton, Alberta — thanks to Lane for sending in the photo.

Resuspension Erection

Yeah, Yeah. It’s Valnei and Co. again, but they really do send in some pretty suspension footage!*

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DivX download link for BME members: Extreme2 or Full members

*If you think you’ve read that somewhere before, you haven’t. You’ve just not been spending enough time in Meatspace!

Inner Cheek Piercing?

I got quite an interesting story from Jeremiah at Akron Ink in Ohio.

“This is a picture of a customer of mine who wanted a cheek piercing. Her family would never allow it, but she wanted it so bad that she said to just pierce the inside.”

“I really wanted to do it, but didn’t have much hope that it would heal. I made a deal with her and told her I would give her her money back if she could get it to heal — she since has become a friend of mine, and, two years later, she still has it and its doing just fine. She says it’s pretty comfortable for the most part, but she can’t help but bite on it every once in awhile.

“These are the pictures of it healed! We just used a 14ga curved barbell, and we’re doin a dermal anchor next on the other side”

I have to admit, I’m really quite amazed as well this didn’t reject!

See more in Very Unusual Piercings (Surface & Unusual Piercing)

Genital Bulking Injection Complication

The picture for this entry is after the break.

Following up a little on Mark’s lip silicone and the questions about removal, Fignutz had some problems with a genital injection in which the material extruded through skin leaving a fistulous (nonhealing) tract that took two years of debridement (dead tissue cutting and removal) to heal. He explains,

The initial mod looked like many of those in this section [members link] — something potato or tuber-like. Huge, but ugly with loss of sensation. If you must do this mod, less is better. It’s like the gambler who can’t quit while s/he is ahead. Eventually the odds prevail to your disadvantage. Either tissue necrosis (cell death) due to pressure from the large volume of injected material occurs; the injected material acts as an irritant or toxin; infection occurs; and/or the preservative found in the injected matrix causes a local immune reaction (seen with “KY” and other water soluble lubricants, or some forms of saline used to reconstitute collagen).

Although it is never safe, wise or recommended to perform this genital mod, by far the only substance I would consider is Saline (isotonic 0.9% WITHOUT preservative, sometimes called “Bacteriostatic Saline). I will repeat that it MUST be isotonic (0.9%)saline , which means it is approximately the same concentration of sodium chloride (NaCl)as the normal surrounding tissue. Several other concentrations do exist, as well as injectable sterile water, but these (including water) are guaranteed to cause tissue damage. The modding and enlargement effects of saline, being water soluable, does wear off in a relatively short period of time, so it is a temporary mod, which is usually a good thing. Repeated administration can lead to scarring, fibrosis, chordee and infection however, so unless you’re willing to take the risk, I suggest you get yourself some nice ink, or a frenum, like I did. (I won’t get into the risks of THAT for now!)

Luckily it looks like he’s healed quite well. Many people are not so lucky — check out the interview with Impgrin for someone who had far less luck.

See more in Silicone Injections (Implants) (members only)