Kissed Into Smiles Again

Hot damn—between his huge lip plate and stretched medusa, Jenya has altered his appearance more radically than many other people that we’ve seen, but I swear, I don’t know if anybody looks giddier and more satisfied with his appearance on a consistent basis than he does. I say it every time, but Russians, man…hearty stock and all that.

After the jump, his lip without the jewelry.

See more in Scalpelled and other large gauge lip procedures (Lip Piercing)

Ohhh, Bug Plugs

That saucy little minx Uranium Hobo just sent in these shots of him sporting some home-made bug plugs. It was his first time casting in resin and, while he says they’re not perfect, everything is “glass smooth” except for a few nicks around the edges that he says don’t affect anything. These ones were rather heavy and stretched out the piercings somewhat, so next up will be a thinner pair, more suitable for long-term wear, filled with mantises.

See more in Ear Stretching (past 1/2″) (Ear Piercing)

A Bard Before a Priest

I love this picture of Steve standing ominously over twin resurrection-suspendees Dani Danger and Cari at a recent Life Suspended gig at the Arizona Fetish Ball. I have to say, though, Steve’s outfit looks like it doesn’t breathe at all, especially in a hot nightclub—someone get this man a Snuggie!

See more in Life Suspended Gallery (Suspension Teams and Bonus Galleries)

Gnats Never Bite Your Nose

So apparently, old Mother Nature doesn’t give a good goddamn that today is the holiest of holies, opening day, and has decided to blanket much of North America in hated snow and sleet and rain, just to be a bitch. Well, luckily, her awful bitterness hasn’t extended to Glasgow Poitiers, France, where the lovely Possessed is just hangin’ out in the sun, pickin’ daisies and stickin’ them through her septum piercing, as one is wont to do on such a summery day. Must be nice.

From Calm to Ill

Let’s call it a weekend, ModBlog. Koka1ne (of Santa Cruz, Bolivia) up there has the right idea, I think. Or, do what I do: Slip into your coziest cardigan, curl up by the fire with a bucket of Original Recipe and slip off into dreamland. See? ModBlog is improving lives every day. See you in the morning, good people.

See more in Oriental-style Tattoos (Tattoos)

Some Assembly Required

Well, who is this finely dressed chap? Oh, it’s Grundstuck, who took some time out of his busy schedule to send in this photo from what looks like the 1950s. Cardigan? Rotary phone? It’s either the inter-war period or modern-day Williamsburg. Or, you know, Italy, where he lives. Probably that last one.

See more in Scalpelled and other large gauge lip procedures (Lip Piercing)

The Amber of the Moment

Tam checks in with this chilling photo featuring him doing battle with nature’s Chinese Finger Trap. He’s not in a hurry to get out, though, so maybe don’t rush to get the tub of Crisco just yet.

(Click through for the whole megillah, obviously.)

See more in Deep Shaft Piercing (Male Genital Piercing) (members only)

The Great Negra Nipple Debate

Good afternoon, ModBloggers! Hope the day finds you well. Our returning champion, La Negra, checks in with these photos that should either settle a long-running debate or extend it indefinitely—the debate, of course, being one that centers around the question, “Say, don’t La Negra’s various sets of implants look like little boobs?” Well, with the help of some space-age polymers (and surprisingly little macaroni and white glue), she has affixed said implants with what appear to be, y’know, little nipples. You be the judge.

A shot of some breast sewing (involving her real breasts), after the jump.

(Sewing and makeup by Matias Tafel. Photos by Martin Del Pozo.)