Deep Chest Piercing Update

We last posted about these deep chest piercings by Roland at Visavajara in Freiburg, Germany, about a month ago when they were fresh, and here we have an update after four weeks of healing or so. The piercings definitely look a little angry around the edges, but this is not an easy procedure to heal. Nice to see he’s stuck with it, though, and I’m sure we’re all curious to see if they can heal to the point that they can be worn “permanently.” Another shot, after the jump.

See more in Deep Chest Piercing (Surface & Unusual Piercing)

The Horror

This poor woman was among the innocent bystanders in the vicious Smurf attack on which we reported earlier. How does a person recover after being sprayed with the plasma of lovable cartoon character? Can you see how clearly distraught she is? Truly devastating. Luckily, she appears to be in the shower, which should certainly make us feel better. Err, which should make her feel better. Right. That’s it.

(Piercings by Adam Stokes and Nick at The Piercing Shop in Las Vegas, Nevada.)

See more in Bridge piercings (Eyebrow Piercing)

Eh, Maybe Texas

Burgh heard the screams, the cries, and before he ever saw it, he knew exactly what had happened. He ran out into the backyard and there it was: His daughter, Sophie, on her first birthday, had killed and eaten a Smurf. Look at that face, that uninhibited bloodlust. Why? Who knows why. Sophie’s not talking. And not a jury in the world is going to convict a baby.

See more in BME/Culture/People (Culture)

Swirls All Around

[looks out window, sees snow piled about five feet high next to the sidewalk]


(6 mm. nostrils, microdermals, 16 mm. lip plate, 38 mm. earlobes and 8 mm. flats, at least some which were done by Petr and Tattoo Angel Studio in Moscow, Russia. Oh, and it’s Hack!)

See more in Scalpelled and other large gauge lip procedures (Lip Piercing)

Such Levity

Good morning, ModBlog! Denam sends in these shots he took (and for which he did the piercings) of his model, Dasha, who is playing the role of the peacock. Well, peahen. And, wait … peahens don’t really have the extravagant tail feathers, do they? But she’s a woman! I, I … can we even enjoy this photo knowing there is FLAGRANT zoological deception afoot?

Oh, right. Yes. Yes we can.

See more in Ritual and Play Piercing (Ritual)

Come and Join the Dance

Well here is a nice young lady, goes by the name of Brittany, and likes to wear, hmm, giant live snails in her ears? Hey, we won’t hold it against her. They look comfortable.

(Yes, I know they’re not snails. Septum piercing by Shawn Taylor at Evolution Body Piercing in Albuquerque, New Mexico.)

See more in Septum piercing (Nose Piercing)

“Hang Out With Your Daikon Out!”

Oh hey, here is some sexy fun-time! Renowned produce aficionado, Mateo (top right), is up to his old tricks using vegetables and such for reasons other than God intended (adorning sacrifices). This time, he is hanging out with people are going to be his roommates soon, apparently! Convenient that they all enjoy covering their sinful bits with veggies. Another shot of Mateo and a strategically placed gourd, after the jump.

See more in BME/Culture/People (Culture)

Carry Water

See? Accessorizing! Richard here could have gone with titanium or glass in his septum piercing (which he pierced and stretched himself), but he went with a nice wood piece (“20 mm.,” Richard says, “and still not big enough!”) that nicely complements those long locks and mountain-man beard. Well done.