A night on the town

When getting ready to head out for an evening of fun with some friends, there are a few things a person needs to do to get ready.  Shower, pick out clothes, possibly put on makeup, get a corset piercing, make sure your accessories match, etc.  While some people may not include one or two of these examples, it seems these ladies have made sure to include “get a corset” on their list of things to do.


For some reason, when I see this picture, all I can think about is what the reactions of my classmates would have been if my date showed up for prom with a corset.  Granted back then, a lot of people would have had no clue what they were looking at.  The same could be said for a lot of the newer styles of modifications.  So while back then this would have been shocking, today it may only turn some heads.  Does this mean that the mainstream world is becoming more accepting?

IAM:Candace posed this question on her blog today, “Do you think heavier mods (implants, removals, scarification, etc) will ever be accepted among society? Why?”  If history is any indicator, there may come a day when what we consider heavy today, becomes something as normal as a stretched septum or lobe.  What are your thoughts on this?  Are we headed down the road towards the mainstream, or will the modified community continue to skirt the fringes of “normalcy”.

A big thank you to BME user ajulietgrey for sharing this picture with us.  There are several more images of these corseted ladies up in the corset piercing gallery.

Playing with a corset

So what do you do if you’re sitting at home with a big box of needles and a lot of string?  Well if you’re like Mattoo here, you break out the camera and make yourself a corset on your arm.


Over in the play piercing gallery you can see the steps that he took while crafting the corset, but to all the blood fans out there, he didn’t upload any after photos.

Based off the camera angles in all the photos, I think it’s safe to assume Mattoo did everything himself, which is pretty impressive considering there are over 20 points in the corset to pierce and weave with one hand.

So here’s your “what if” for the day.  What would you do if you had a box of needles like the one in the picture, a large amount of string, and were by yourself?

…and Wednesday too

There’s something to be said for subtlety.  A lot of times we focus on the big picture, bright bold images of drastic modification.  Don’t get me wrong, I love those images as much as the next person, but sometimes I like to see an image that is subdued.


Looking at this image from Altered Designs you may not even notice any modifications.  I know I didn’t.  I took me almost a full minute to see the anchors on her back for corseting.  Once I saw them of course, I couldn’t miss them again.  The photo, and the piercing job, combined to make this image both about the modification, and not at all about it.  Just because this woman doesn’t have the most noticeable mods we’ve ever seen on ModBlog, it doesn’t detract at all from quality of the image.

You see, as much as I love seeing modifications that can best be described as being on a large scale, a nuanced image like this can really remind me that modifications aren’t just about getting the biggest and best.  They’re about altering your body to the way you want.  I’m not going to go on about that point, as I covered it yesterday, but you can see in this image a person whose mods are visible, yet they blend in with her.  They have become an extension of who she is, and we can look past the superficial trappings of modern expectations towards modifications, and see her for who she is:  A woman who just happens to have mods as part of who she is.

Personally I had a moment a few years ago when someone asked me a question about one of my tattoos.  For a moment I was puzzled at the question.  Not about the question itself, but the fact that I had completely forgot that the tattoo wasn’t always there.  I have had it so long, it is just my skin to me.  My mod has become just a natural extension of of my self, to the point that I can’t remember what it was like before then.  So when faced with a question about it, I blanked simply because it seemed odd to me that someone would ask me a question about something that to me had felt like it was always there.

Have you had a moment like that?  The first time you realized that your mods have become a permanent extension of yourself and you forgot that they were even there?

The ties that bind

There’s something uniquely appealing about corseting.  The way it can take a set of piercings to an entirely different level for the person who has the corset done.  Not to mention the fact that it provides an opportunity for some amazing photographs.  We’ve seen all kinds of different corsets, on women, men, couples, and so on, but I can’t for the life of me recall ever seeing one done on a man’s throat before.  Well, that’s exactly what Miss Cale did last month, and now we get to see the end result of her work.


Have any interesting corseting photos?  Submit them to BME, it’s always great to see additions to the corset piercing galleries.

The body as art

While I was in the process of putting together this week’s news roundup, I came across a submission from Peter Mayaart about an artist from Palm Beach that combines piercings and body painting together to form a unique piece of art.

Georgette Pressler from Devious Body Art, has taken her preferred medium (paint on skin) and combined it with a corset piercing to create a really beautiful piece of art.


This piece was a collaboration between myself; Tara Hauck, who is our photographer; Shorty, who is a body piercer from Hellcat Tattoo; Melrose Telles, who is an amazing hairstylist; and Brittany Johns, who is our willing model.

Brittany had 22 piercings in her back. She is such a trooper. We had the piercings done first, and we stopped at 22, which is more than enough.

Shorty is an amazing piercer. He wanted to do something artistic, and he did this beautiful corseted lacework on her back, with chocolate satin ribbon. I came in and brought some vintage romance by doing copper paneling with gears, some tubing, a lot of metallic details and lacework.

This is something that we had been talking about for months. We started at 9 in the morning and worked until 9 or 10 at night. At the end of the day, we were all very happy with the work. It was what we had all really wanted: something reminiscent, something old and slightly mournful, but still beautiful and romantic at the same time.

The Palm Beach Post has a full interview with Georgette, as well as a gallery of the process involved in creating this work.

It’s amazing to think that a full team of people worked for 12 hours to create a beautiful work of art that was only going to last for a few hours at most.

If you’ve found a story that you think should be included in the ModBlog news, just click here to submit the link.

Pssst, how you doin’?

If my office was a traditional office and not just a computer with piles of 1s and 0s inside of it, I’d have stacks of photos of thigh corsets to the ceiling. This is definitely one of the most recent “trends” for photo shoots in the modification community. It’s like when every girl and her mother were taking photos of themselves performing fellatio on handguns. Personally I’d like to see some labia corsets or butt corsets for the guys. How about someone sends me some of those?

Until I get those I’ll just have to be content that Brailey from Love and Hate Tattoo and Body Piercing sent me these.


Now I’m going back to my day off. So seriously, I’m not coming back here until Monday.. unless I run across something else that I want to post but if not.. I’m taking the day off!

Oh! I almost forgot that I’ve got some guest contributors for Modblog coming up this week so the Debbie Downers’ in the group can tell them how much they suck instead of me! I’m sure we’ll all have fun with that!

See more in Body Surface Piercing: Body (Surface & Unusual Piercing)


A Bushy Plume

Hey, what’s that old saying again? The couple that corsets together stays together? Something like that? No? Well, at any rate, here’s another offering from SweetNausea, whose helium-induced set we featured here earlier in the week. This time around, however, we’ve got Adriaan and Shafs with piercings, yet again, by Lliezel Ellick at Wildfire Piercing in Cape Town, South Africa, and similarly photographed by Clare Foxcroft Williams.

See more in Body Surface Piercing: Body (Surface & Unusual Piercing)