The Great Negra Nipple Debate

Good afternoon, ModBloggers! Hope the day finds you well. Our returning champion, La Negra, checks in with these photos that should either settle a long-running debate or extend it indefinitely—the debate, of course, being one that centers around the question, “Say, don’t La Negra’s various sets of implants look like little boobs?” Well, with the help of some space-age polymers (and surprisingly little macaroni and white glue), she has affixed said implants with what appear to be, y’know, little nipples. You be the judge.

A shot of some breast sewing (involving her real breasts), after the jump.

(Sewing and makeup by Matias Tafel. Photos by Martin Del Pozo.)

Reasons That Reason Cannot Know

Oh hey, it’s Kaylah! (Not to be confused with Anna.) You know, if there’s one thing that’s often discussed in salons and think-tanks around the world, it’s what sorts of advancements the next stage of human evolution will bring us. Personally? If naturally occurring blue hair hasn’t at least made the shortlist, well, then I don’t even know this rotten species anymore. (And yes, I realize hers is closer to teal/turquoise. Point still stands.)

See more in Madonnas and Medusas (Lip Piercing)

Caught Up in the Fable

Happy rainy Sunday, ModBloggers! Here we have little-spaz, checking in from scenic Ottawa, Ontario, with her dwarf hamster, Zim. I debated internally whether or not to post this picture, on account of the hamster not having any visible modifications, but I made an executive decision, and you know what? I think we’re all better for it.

See more in Septum piercing (Nose Piercing)

Exploiters and Despoilers

Good morning, ModBloggers! The last time we saw Mike, he was hanging from his calf in about the most idyllic setting you can imagine. And now? Well … hmm, actually, I can’t tell if he’s buying or selling, to be honest. Either way, that’s a good deal.

See more in Scalpelled and other large gauge lip procedures (Lip Piercing)

Aristocrats of Sleaze

Oh my! Who is that mustachioed man? If I didn’t know any better, I’d say it looks rather like daysofwhat, but he doesn’t have a mustache! I suppose some mysteries are never meant to be solved.

See more in Septum piercing (Nose Piercing)

Where Do I Go Now?

Canibudro checks in with this lovely shot he took of his hirsute accomplice. Maybe this is just in my experience, but I feel like every social group worth its salt has one friend nicknamed “Beardo”; if this gentleman doesn’t fill that role among his friends, well … something’s rotten in the Ozarks.

See more in Septum piercing (Nose Piercing)

Unborn Burlap

OK, you know what? Not fair. This just isn’t fair. “Chinchilla and cupcake parties are the shit,” she says, knowing full well what she’s doing. You don’t just combine a pretty girl with nice tattoos, an adorable animal and a delicious cupcake and not expect to get featured on ModBlog! Dirty pool. What the hell is a “chinchilla and cupcake party,” anyway? Aside from a blatant appeal to my Internet sensibilities, of course. More shameless pandering, after the jump.

(Tattoos by Nickhole Arcade at Living Dead Tattoo in Las Vegas, Nevada.)