Movember = No Shave November

So while today has been all about the mustache, we must not forget about the best form of facial hair, the beard!

Thankfully with No Shave November upon us, a lot of beards are starting to show up in the galleries.  And with every good beard, a mustache is sure to follow.

Now, seeing as how this is a beard post, and knowing how much the ModBlog readers love their bearded men, I figured might as well post an image not only of a beard, but of a bearded zombie lumberjack.


Big thanks to Overkill for sending in this photo of his Halloween costume.  Or was the the photo of his normal attire?

How many licks…

First off, this post isn’t about tootsie pops.  What it is about is that fun little body part we know as the tongue.  When it comes to expressing ourselves, for the most part the tongue plays a major role.  It is significant in our spoken language, where the tongue deftly moves to craft the sounds that become our words.  Yet even those amongst us that don’t use their voice as their primary form of communication, still use their tongue when it comes to something else that is extremely important to most people, which is of course affection.  Now I hesitate to use the word love, and even affection is a bit of an overstatement, but you can’t deny that when it comes to being intimate with someone, the first thing that tends to come into play is the tongue.  Be it affection, lust, desire, pain or pleasure, the tongue is always significant.

So with the discovery that a split tongue can still work just as well as an unsplit tongue, coupled with the fact that it opens up all kids of new fun tricks, its no wonder that it has become so popular.  Just take a look at BME user xFBx, and how happy he is with his split tongue.

Obviously this image came from the split tongue gallery, but you can also find it and similar images in the lowbret and multiple labret galleries.

So, what’s your favorite thing to do with your tongue?

Accentuating Beauty

Occasionally I’ll get a message from someone requesting their image be posted about on ModBlog, but every once in a while I’ll get a note from someone requesting someone else’s photos be posted.  Well, thanks to IAM: MoseZ, he was able to point out a couple of pictures in the galleries that I had skipped over.

IAM: Jay-Z has sent in quite a few images over the past couple of months, and each one is better than the last.  This first image appeared in the galleries back in June, and it gives us a sneak peek at this beautiful woman.


What MoseZ pointed out, and what I agree with completely, is that her mods really accentuate her beauty. Aesthetically the piercings and tattoos seem like a natural extension of herself.  So while she may have been attractive before getting tattooed and pierced, it seems like adding the mods is like putting the rest of the pieces back into place.  An unfinished puzzle that needed completion.  But of course, beauty is subjective.  The things one person may see as attractive, another person may see as ugly.  It all depends on our own personal perspectives in life to determine what we find pleasing to the eye.  You may not agree with MoseZ and I in that her modifications accentuate what she already had, but what I think we can all agree on is that the piercings and tattoos are very well done, and she is comfortable with how she looks.  Which is really the most important factor in all this.  Sure people pass judgments on others all the time based on their appearance, but what matters most is how we feel about ourselves, and doing what we feel is important to our bodies to attain the external vision that we wish to project.

What do you think?  Do modifications accentuate what is already there, or are they just a natural extension of a person, to be seen as part of the whole?  Or do you think something else?

I’ve added a couple more images after the break which should give you an idea of how the rest of her looks.



Just at a glance I can see both stretched lobes and large gauge cartilage, large labret, medusa, septum and notstrils, and of course the facial tattoos.  The man responsible for the medusa is IAM: Bhaileon aka Cheyne Truitt.


I try to post a variety of images every day to ModBlog.  And with every image I post, I try my best to make a story around it.  I see a tattoo of Prince’s love symbol, and I think of both the artist and the dedication of his fans.  I see a candid image from a pulling performance, and think of the outer expressions of inner pain.

Then I see an image like this…


…and I’m at a loss for words.

Which of course got me to thinking, what is it about certain images and action that can take our breath away.  To render even the most expressive of us speechless.  Is it some base instinct that we have, like the fight or flight reactions, that when we are emotionally overwhelmed we react by silencing ourselves?  Or is it a cultural phenomenon, where we’ve been raised in a world where the effects of the Romantic period have permeated our collective consciousness.  The moment where our minds are presented with an overwhelming amount of emotional stimulation causes us to take pause and reflect on the images before we are able to express ourselves and our reactions.

Now that I’ve had a moment to reflect on the image, I think that it conveys exactly what I was just talking about.  We have this woman looking outwards her lips bound by a black ribbon woven through her piercings.  You see through her eyes that she has something to say, but for the moment she cannot speak.  It is only when the ribbon is removed, can she express herself fully.  So we too, in those moments when everything falls away and we get lost in the image, have our lips bound, not by ribbon, but by our own minds.  We pause, holding everything in until the right moment, when we can remove our own ribbons and are free to speak again.

I want to thank member Scissor_Kitty for submitting this image to the piercing galleries.  So while you may not like every image in the galleries, there are certainly enough images in there that can take your breath away, simply through the story the image is telling.

Say, don’t I know you?

This photo was submitted to BME by IndecisiveWeirdo out of Sydney. She reminds me of an actress but I can’t quite figure out who and it’s driving me crazy. Fortunately, I don’t have far to go to get there!

Over the weekend I’ve added about 600 new photos to the BME galleries and 50+ videos. Go check them out! Remember, you can sign up for a profile that will allow you to view even more photos for free.

The beauty of simplicity

As I was moderating images for BME, I came across this photo and I had to take the time out of what I was doing to jump over here and share it with all of you. This stunning photo was submitted to BME by xmasgirl (not sure if she has an IAM page or not).


There is something so beautiful in the simplicity of this photo and the serene look on her face just makes me feel happy. I hope you all have a wonderful and safe weekend. As for our BME World Tour group, they have arrived safe and sound in Australia and so, the tour officially begins!

So many dick jokes

There aren’t enough hours in the day or spaces in the database to list the countless number of jokes we could make about this photo. Thankfully I’m not that funny when I’m writing (but super funny in person I swear!) so korge is getting off easily! Looks like MobyK is at it again sending jewelry to young boys.


See more in Scalpelled and other large gauge lip procedures (Lip Piercing)