Playing with a corset

So what do you do if you’re sitting at home with a big box of needles and a lot of string?  Well if you’re like Mattoo here, you break out the camera and make yourself a corset on your arm.


Over in the play piercing gallery you can see the steps that he took while crafting the corset, but to all the blood fans out there, he didn’t upload any after photos.

Based off the camera angles in all the photos, I think it’s safe to assume Mattoo did everything himself, which is pretty impressive considering there are over 20 points in the corset to pierce and weave with one hand.

So here’s your “what if” for the day.  What would you do if you had a box of needles like the one in the picture, a large amount of string, and were by yourself?

Talk about a pain in the ass

One of the perks of having a membership to is that you gain access to the Surgical and Hard galleries.  For those that have never had the opportunity to see these galleries, may not be aware that there are special bonus galleries that are dedicated to individual members.  No topic is taboo, and these individuals are continually pushing the boundaries of modifications and mod-related play.  Often you’ll get a glimpse of some of these sections in ModBlog’s regular “Guess What?” feature.  Today I opted for just sharing a simple picture with you.  Now while this is probably on the very tame side of what you can expect to see, it is still an interesting image to share.

To be on the safe side, I’m going to hide it behind a clickthrough just in case a co-worker happens to be walking by.


See, I told you it was tame.  But like I also said, this is just the tip of the iceberg when it comes to what you can see.

My only concern about this play piercing session is wouldn’t it be difficult to sit down with all those needles poking out?

Ok, fess up, what did you think was going to be behind the clickthrough based on the headline?

Toronto: The Vinaayagar Chariot Festival

I’m a big fan of my hometown.  Those of us that live in Toronto will probably tell you the same.  While the rest of the country gives us grief for calling ourselves the center of the universe, we just go on about day with the knowledge that if something awesome is going to happen, it will be in Toronto.

Last week, a Toronto Star photographer took a series of photos at the Vinaayager Chariot Festival.  An annual event at the Sri Varasiththi Vinaayagar Hindu Temple, located just north of the city.  While major events such as Pride and Caribana get a lot of press coverage, it’s great to see that our city has more than just the major events going for it.

Now you may be asking yourself, why is Rob talking about this on ModBlog?  Well the answer is fairly simple.  Part of the festivities include ritual piercings and suspensions.  I’ll let some of the photos explain for me.




You can see the rest of the images from the festival over at the Toronto Star

There is not much in this world as orgasmic as a nice long skewer.

It’s hard to go to a US Tattoo Convention without seeing a performance by the lovely CRASH and for good reason, she has managed to flawlessly combine the sexy and the shocking in a way that appeals to a very large audience.


This picture is a perfect example of that. The look on her face as Jawn skillfully manipulates a long skewer through her neck makes the audience wonder if she is in excruciating pain or on the verge of an orgasm. Check out the picture after the break and you can decide for yourself, whether it was a face of pain or pleasure.


Both pictures courtesy of Jared.

Damnit Lliezel!

LlIezel Ellick, you make my life difficult. I don’t want to feature any one person too often on modblog, and picking through all of your amazing submissions to BME is proving quite difficult!

In all seriousness though, Lliezel from Wildfire Tattoos in Cape Town Africa, has submitted so many beautifully photographed pictures recently, she deserves some sort of award. Since I pissed off the trophy shop guys next to my shop, I probably can’t get a good deal on a trophy, so this post will have to suffice.


In case you were wondering, yes, those buttons are sutured on!

And the winner was….


He was the first person to correctly cite the album featured in this post as Faith No More’s Epic. Since I said whoever named the album correctly would be a “modblog star for a day”, here is his moment of internet stardom. It turns out he has been featured two times previously, but this one is different. This feature is about the man in the pictures, not just the pictures.

Nihilist, describes himself as:

“Beer drinkin’, whiskey chuggin’ S.O.B. Ramblin’ man. Love kitties. Hate humanity. Jobless/Homeless. Anarchist. ”

He seems like my kind of guy. In fact , that’s the kind of description I could have used for myself a few years back during my angsty youth period. Well, except the jobless/homeless part, I have always been way too into gadgets and creature comforts for that.


Here’s a tattoo of his that would have definitely been worth a modblog post all on it’s own. This “corporate zombie” was done by Duff at Studio City Tattoo in Studio City, CA.


More of Nihilist and his mods (including genital) after the break.

Another rad tattoo by Duff.


Nihilist wanted to make sure I mention Willow Piercer, whom he credits for doing all of his non-tattoo body mods.




Just from browsing his page briefly, he seems like a cool guy.  If you are on IAM take a minute and check his page out. If you are not on IAM, why the hell aren’t you?

Guess Who?

What a beautiful morning. There definitely isn’t going to be any snow this Christmas here in Los Angeles but that’s one of the main reasons I live here. I’m going to be in and out over the next couple of weeks so please understand that while you’re on vacation from school or work, that we here at BME are putting the final touches on the new BME so that we can launch it around the second week of January. Modblog is going to have to take a back seat for a couple weeks while we plod ahead with that. It’s almost two years in the making and I hope it’s worth the wait.

I wanted to say thank you to everyone who has continued to support BME. The community is really about you guys and it is what makes this place so great. I’d also like to thank the new contributors I’ve had helping me keep up and especially thank Sean and Jen for their help with Modblog. I’ve enjoyed reading their posts and I hope you have too.


Before you click through, make that guess. Don’t forget that you’ve only got a couple more days to try to catch up to KitanoKaryuudo who has submitted 45,670 images this year. Check out the leaderboards to see where you are at. The top 20 contributors in each section will be getting awards!

See more in Female Torture Play (members only)


You got any love for me

This is going to be super quick because I am going back to bed, for the next year or so until I feel better.  karina pires did the “love play piercing” at Jander Tattoos Studio in Goiania, Brasil. Seriously, if I only posted photos from Brasil I would have photos to post for days! Go Brasil!

That reminds me, don’t forget to get all of your submissions in for the year end awards. The cut off date is coming up soon! We’re doing tshirts again this year and they’re probably going to be drawn by a super top secret guest from our very own community! How predictable but still enjoyable! Yay! Seriously though, send in your photos, write up your experiences and get them submit before the 20th so that the BME staff can actually have the holidays off!


See more in Ritual and Play Piercing (Ritual)



Pssst, how you doin’?

If my office was a traditional office and not just a computer with piles of 1s and 0s inside of it, I’d have stacks of photos of thigh corsets to the ceiling. This is definitely one of the most recent “trends” for photo shoots in the modification community. It’s like when every girl and her mother were taking photos of themselves performing fellatio on handguns. Personally I’d like to see some labia corsets or butt corsets for the guys. How about someone sends me some of those?

Until I get those I’ll just have to be content that Brailey from Love and Hate Tattoo and Body Piercing sent me these.


Now I’m going back to my day off. So seriously, I’m not coming back here until Monday.. unless I run across something else that I want to post but if not.. I’m taking the day off!

Oh! I almost forgot that I’ve got some guest contributors for Modblog coming up this week so the Debbie Downers’ in the group can tell them how much they suck instead of me! I’m sure we’ll all have fun with that!

See more in Body Surface Piercing: Body (Surface & Unusual Piercing)


Siamese long long twins

Fabricio Cardoso of Cia Do Piercing in PalhoÁa – Santa Catarina- Brazil sent in photos of two of his customers that had been separated at birth. Longing for that connection again, he was pleased to help bring the brothers back together again. Yeah, uh, nevermind, that wasn’t even funny. Forget I wrote that. Seriously.

Though I’m not shocked these photos came from Brasil. I’m not sure if there has just been a huge upsurge in Brasilian members but it seems like 1/4 of the submissions have been coming out of Brasil!


I think that’s all I’ve got for today. I’ve been staying off line and trying to take some time off to spend with my daughter so I apologize for the light posts. I’m going to try to post tomorrow and Wednesday but I may not have time. Thursday will see everything back to normal. Thanks for supporting BME and don’t forget today is the last day for the 30% off sale in BMEshop. Use the coupon code bme4days.

See more in Body Surface Piercing: Body (Surface & Unusual Piercing)
