Did you make any New Years Resolutions to give up something this year?

Lots of people make resolutions to give up something for New Years. Smoking, drugs, drinking, eating bad; these are all common examples of things people resolve to give up year after year. The problem is, most people never follow through with these resolutions. Most people go back to their previous lifestyle, simply because they have that as an option.

BME members are generally a little less afraid of commitment. For instance, tattoos and large stretched piercings and other mod work are generally considered permanent. Sure you can have Chuck zap off your tattoos with that fancy laser beam of his, or you can have your stretched piercings sewn closed, but for the most part these mods are (and should be) considered permanent.

Then there is the more “extreme” side of our community. The guys (and gals) who do modifications that there is NO changing their mind on and going back to “normal” later. Take for instance this BME HARD contributor who has made the ultimate commitment.


If you want to see the uncensored picture of this 5 year old penectomy submitted by Katukisuguru, go ahead and click on through.


What anime is this from?


Give up?

You should.

When I saw this cutting, I wanted to post it, but I assumed it was from an anime or something of that nature. Rather than risk upsetting some anime geek like Mason, I wanted to make sure of what it was I was posting, so I checked with the man who did this cutting. It’s not from any anime,  it was drawn (and cut by)  of one of our modblog regulars, Efix Roy and is based on no character in particular.

If you want a cutting done by Efix, he is based out Quebec at D-Markation Tattoo & Piercing.

And the winner was….


He was the first person to correctly cite the album featured in this post as Faith No More’s Epic. Since I said whoever named the album correctly would be a “modblog star for a day”, here is his moment of internet stardom. It turns out he has been featured two times previously, but this one is different. This feature is about the man in the pictures, not just the pictures.

Nihilist, describes himself as:

“Beer drinkin’, whiskey chuggin’ S.O.B. Ramblin’ man. Love kitties. Hate humanity. Jobless/Homeless. Anarchist. ”

He seems like my kind of guy. In fact , that’s the kind of description I could have used for myself a few years back during my angsty youth period. Well, except the jobless/homeless part, I have always been way too into gadgets and creature comforts for that.


Here’s a tattoo of his that would have definitely been worth a modblog post all on it’s own. This “corporate zombie” was done by Duff at Studio City Tattoo in Studio City, CA.


More of Nihilist and his mods (including genital) after the break.

Another rad tattoo by Duff.


Nihilist wanted to make sure I mention Willow Piercer, whom he credits for doing all of his non-tattoo body mods.




Just from browsing his page briefly, he seems like a cool guy.  If you are on IAM take a minute and check his page out. If you are not on IAM, why the hell aren’t you?

The Empire Strikes Back…with Tequila!

This tattoo of a Stormtrooper decorated like a sugar skull was done by Robert Fraser of Infamous Ink. I don’t know what the client had in mind when they decided on this piece, but for some odd reason it just makes me happy.

I figure it would make me quite the arsehole if I did not  share my weird found happiness with modblog readers on a cold Monday morning, so here you have it!


Last post of 2009!

The ball in Times Square is about to drop and Tim’s balls look like they are about to explode!


Whether you celebrate tonight by ingesting alcohol or injecting saline (or neither) have a safe, fun night and a great start to 2010. I hope to continue entertaining, educating, challenging and disturbing modblog readers throughout 2010. Here’s a sampling of what I have in store for 2010:

-An in depth look into the life of BME’s punk rock anti-hero perk900.

-Lots more From The Vault features.

-Interviews with some of the most fascinating people on BME who most would never hear of otherwise. I really want to get one with Tiger shark man a true man of the sea, who lives on a boat and has filed his own teeth down to be more shark like.

-I will continue to use words like “taint” just so Ian McKown will continue to have something to bitch about.

-And of course, plenty of sexy women, modified genitals and tattoos that make you go “hmmmm”.

Obviously, you can see the non-censored picture from Tim’s BME Hard bonus gallery by simply clicking through.


This New Years make a resolution to say what you REALLY mean

Like Dusty here, who submitted this picture of his “Let’s Fuck” knuckle duster tattoo.  No beating around the bush, no games, just straight up letting people know what he desires.

Sure most of us have seen, the much more subtle, “Let’s Fuck” interlocking upper knuckle tattoo that has been going around for years, but Dusty did not want subtle, he wanted brutally honest.

Dusty included this with his photo submission:

>>So the story about my knuckle tats: I fuck alot of broads and I love the dwarves, hence wicked knuckle tat .<<

He also adds:

>>Homeless girls rule!<<


Dusty’s tattoo was done by Helena at Helena’s Tattoos Halifax, Nova Scotia Canada.

Microdermals, the go ANYWHERE body piercing option.

I figure with everyone’s questions about the anal tattooing and it’s risk of infection, now is a great time to post this female “taint” microdermal.

Will it survive in such a moist, and potentially dirty area? Will it  hold in such soft tissue, especially with the abuse it may take from daily activity, much less sexual activity?  I suppose only time will answer those questions.
For a better look and information on the piercer who did the work, please click through.
The microdermal and piercings were done by Cooley of Lucky Draw Tattoo in Glendale, AZ.

Testing the waters

I make jokes of things that upset me, that is how I deal with things and I know I am not alone in doing so. So when I saw uptown’s “Daddy, No!” tattoo, I shot her a message on IAM. I wanted to know if this was indeed her way of dealing with some horrific childhood experience, or if she just had a crude sense of humor.

She responded assuring me that there was “no deep rooted family stuff”. Apparently, she calls her boyfriend, Troy, “Daddy” and this was “just an amusing  idea” to her.


I think it’s quite amusing myself, although it may be a bit discouraging for Troy when he’s trying to get some oral. What do you guys think?

Name this album art and win….

Go ahead, impress me. First one to leave a comment saying the correct artist and album that this design is from wins…..nothing. You will get to be a modblog star for a day though, and that my friends is priceless.


One of the rad things about being a modblog author is discovering new artist. I am shocked to find an artist of this caliber who resides in my home state who I have never even heard of. This piece was done by Gabriel Cece at Rocksteady Tattoo in Hampton, VA. This piece is cool and represents an album from one of my favorite bands, but the work on his site is even more impressive. Take a minute to check out his site if you like color blends and soft or non-existant outlines.