The BMEGirl Friday

With the new year I’m going to try to bring back the old tradition of a BME Boy or Girl post on Fridays.  That doesn’t mean they won’t pop up during the week, but for those that look forward to the Friday hotness, consider your requests fulfilled.

Today we’ve got a couple of pictures of Stembot, who can make standing around in a kitchen or laying on a couch so much more than a mundane activity.

The octopus in the above photo was done by Ross Trimmer from True Tattoo in Richmond, VA

There’s one more photo of Stem, but you’ll have to keep reading to check it out.

See what I mean?  She’s jaw-droppingly gorgeous.

There’s more photos of her in the BMEGirls gallery, as well as in several tattoo galleries.

66, 67, 68, 69, 70…

When it comes to microdermal projects, especially big ones, there is always the question of longevity.  This came up recently when Sames sent in a photo of his “anti-wedding ring“.  Granted in that case it was in a high traffic area, but the same concerns apply whenever we see a large collection of microdermals in one area.  Well, Sames is back, and this time he’s showing off his 70+ microdermal chest piece that has been in place for over a year and a half.

I counted just shy of 70, but there may be a couple we’re not seeing so I’ll give him the benefit of the doubt.  In any case, this is an impressive project considering how long the jewelry as been in place.  Credit for the piercings goes to Craig Kelley from Couture Tattoo Co. in Canton, OH.  After seeing this, I’d say he could easily be called the hero of Canton.

Moving Forward

One of the highlights of the BME NYE festivities was the suspensions that occurred on new year’s day.  We saw Britt’s suicide suspension earlier in the week, so today we’re going to take a look at a suspension that may or may not have caused a group of people to get something in their eyes all at the same time.

In what was her very first suspension ever Janet, TrickyDick’s better half, went up in a lotus suspension.  What started as a simple suspension quickly turned into something emotionally powerful that everyone present felt lucky to be there.

I e-mailed Janet earlier this week and asked her to describe the experience from her point of view.  After the break, you can read what she had to say, as well as check out a few more photos from the suspension.

The suspension started out like any other, with Cere, Richard and ChrisB facilitating the hooks and the rigging.  Once in position and everything cleared, Janet was slowly lifted off the ground.  From that moment on, everyone watching became very still.  At first she was in pain, and we could all feel it.  Richard dropped to his knee (as you can see in the above photo), and spoke with his bride-to-be.  I didn’t catch much of the exchange, as it was a private moment between the two of them, but he was able to get her to bring her arms up into her lap, which helped relax her.

With the initial uncertainty out of the way, Janet became much more relaxed, but was still a little hesitant about the experience.  That all changed the moment one of her dogs came to her side.  The smile that crossed her face at that moment will be with me forever.  We all knew at that moment that not only was she alright, but she was in a fantastic place.  I’m pretty sure it was around this time that quite a few people suddenly had dirt fly into their eyes, as a good number of them suddenly started to get tears forming.

The only place to go from there was up, and as she was slowly raised high in the air, all of us on the ground could feel the joy emanating from Janet.  When asked later on about her experience, here’s what she had to say:

“I honestly thought my first suspension would double as my last. Now that I’ve been up and come back down, I have no idea why I thought that way for so long.

Lotuses are so beautiful and if I was going to suspend only once, I was going to make it count, even though the hooks were probably what I feared most. I had really had no interest in suspending until I saw pictures of a Lotus, and I told my fiancé, Richard, that I was going to do that one day, and mentally committed myself to try it… eventually. On NYE, after we left Rachel’s, I brought it up again in the car on our way to the hotel – that maybe I wanted to hang the next day – but I was so nervous about it that I debated back and forth until really the moment that I took my first set of hooks. I really wanted to start the year of with a bang, moving forward, and I had so many wonderful people around me who were super supportive and encouraging. The experience was amazing. The hooks were cake, especially compared to how I had imagined them, and once I was off the ground, I felt better than I ever have. And after hanging in the lotus for awhile, I decided I was done with the natural, self-containment of the lotus and that I wanted to cut my legs down and hang suicide. It didn’t go super smoothly and then it started to rain, but it felt great to allow my legs some freedom, even if it was just on my way back down to the ground.

So, a huge thanks to Richard, Cere, Chris B. for putting me up! to Rachel for hosting the event! and to all the BMEers who were there and shared the experience! because it was really the Best. Thing. Ever.”

As someone who was on the ground, I can safely speak for everyone there when I say thank you to Janet for allowing not only us to be present, but also for being willing to share your experience with the ModBlog readers.

The photos were all taken by Jen, and you can check out many more of them in the BME BBQ and events gallery.

The Friday Follow-up

With the holidays now behind us, it’s time to get back to business.  To kick off the first follow-up of the new year we’re going to be taking a look at a pair of strike brandings.  While most weeks the Friday Follow-up focuses on scarification, branding is another form of modification where the end results aren’t always as clear as they are with tattoos or piercings.

This pair of brandings was sent in by justthissideofnormal, and were done in the same session.


To see how they healed up, keep on reading

Just over a month later, here’s how they look

Over time these will continue to heal up, but you can get a good idea of how a branding can heal very differently than a scar.

I’m hoping to be able to continue the Friday Follow-up all year, so if you’re a scarification artist, or you have scar work done on yourself, submit your images to BME and help keep the Friday Follow-up going strong all year long.

Squid Ink

This outstanding cephalopod tattoo was sent in by Margaj, who had the tattoo done by Ania from Szerytattoo in Warsaw.  The style is fantastic, with the abstract elements almost making the octopus appear as an ink blot.  It gives motion to an animal that is rarely ever seen at rest, while also giving the impression that the octopus is underwater, without explicitly drawing the water in the form of waves.

Have a nice day

One of the great things about the modified community is our ability to have fun while doing things that would make some people uncomfortable.  Take needle and blood play for example.  The word “play” is right in there, which means it’s something fun to do.  Take antique1 for example, here he is with some needles and blood, and is having fun with it.  You’ll have to click through to see the uncensored photo, but the smiley face should give you a hint as to what you’re going to be seeing.

In addition to his needle happy face, he’s also got an ampallang, which you can see in the next picture.

You can check out more photos from this series in the BME Hard galleries.

Symbols and Gods

Recently Bree was the subject of a photo shoot by Carlos Melgoza, for his Anima Nocturna project.

Anima Nocturna is a collaborative effort of occultists who express themselves in different mediums and is directed by artist and photographer Carlos Melgoza. The Embodiment of Symbols and Gods The subjects embraced by Anima Nocturna are brought about by mystical experiences and divine inspiration, each are different aspects of the path and paying attention to these mysteries is a natural inclination of the collective group.

Bree’s beautiful tattoos and stunning features made her a perfect choice for the project, as you can see in the photos below.

You’ll need to keep on reading to see the other photo…

Photos from the rest of the shoot can be found in the fantasy tattoo gallery, and a closer look at her legs can be seen in this ModBlog post from just over a year ago.

Splitting Distance

Procedural shots are always fun.  Especially when they’re of a tongue split.  Ryusuke sent this photo in, and what caught my eye wasn’t just the split, but also the eyes.  You can see how they’re looking off into the distance, to a place where the split is completed, away from the pain that the tongue is experiencing.  People deal with pain in different ways, for some, meditating or focusing on a distant place can free the mind from the pain, allowing the person to experience something unique to themselves.  There’s no right or wrong way to experience pain, it’s just a matter of doing what is best for your own satisfaction.

El Che

The monochromatic image of Che Guevara created by Jim Fitzpatrick is one of the most recognizable portraits in the world.  However, that portrait was not the only image of Che and it is refreshing to see a portrait tattoo of him that doesn’t use the “standard” image.  Zoran from Tattoo Hard Core in Serbia added this image of Che to the political and patriotic tattoo gallery.  He made the interesting decision to use yellow and black as opposed to greyscale to craft the image, giving the tattoo the feel of a faded photograph.

He’s Home

Earlier this week we got news that Arwen “Spliff” Rosa, one of the four members of the community that was injured in a car wreck back in July was in need of help.  Well with the help of ModBlog readers Arwen is on his way back home from Texas today.

A big thank you to everyone who was able to donate to bringing him home to his family.  As jaded as we can be sometimes, it is good to see that when someone is in need, the community can come together to help them out.