Really, when I came across Dr. Greenthumb’s (literally) green thumb, it blew my mind that this guy hasn’t been on modblog, much less, not all over the intranet.
His tattoo fits him well, being that he is an amateur herpetologist as well as a Cypress Hill fan. It also helps to gives him one of the most legit IAM names ever.
I had to ask the obvious, yet obnoxious, question we are all way too familiar with; “Did that hurt?” to which he responded:
It was a rather painful area to get tattooed. Especially around the cuticle is not pleasant. As of now I have only gotten the color to stay on top with a few blotches on the pad. I am determined to continue tattooing it until it is solid all the way around, then I’m going to tattoo roots and go from there.
For a close up shot of Dr. Greenthumb’s green thumb, keep on keeping on.