I Want You to Notice When I’m Not Around

Well hey, here’s a fine young man with a whole lot of gold jewelry! I’m actually not crazy about gold when it’s not being worn as body jewelry, but it’s such a relative rarity in piercings that it’s usually a pleasant surprise.

An additional, tusky shot, after the jump.

See more in Scalpelled and other large gauge lip procedures (Lip Piercing)

This is What Happens When You Bang Your Implant

So … that’s unpleasant. A cautionary tale:

Well this is a lesson learned: Never fight if you have implants. I banged my arm on a wall during a fight and this was the result. It started off as a small graze and over a week the pressure opened the hole right up. The implant is clearly visible and it got infected; obviously, it had to be removed.

Guhhh. See? A life of nonviolence, among the many other benefits, will probably keep your implants from rotting out of your goddamn arm. At any rate, we wish this fella the best of luck in healing.

See more in Implant Removal (Implants) (members only)

Walking a Cheetah

Somebody get this man a lifetime membership! Err:

Lord’s Gym is a sports outreach center desinged to give young people an outlet and alternative in today’s world. Not only does Lord’s gym provide weight training and cardiovascular training, it also provides mentoring. Lord’s Gym believes the best in young people and gives them an avenue to forsee thier potential and future. Lord’s Gym also features boxing, kickboxing, cardio classes, Hip Hop breakdancing, indoor basketball court, game consoles, pool tables and much more.

Oh, right. So, not really a membership situation, then? Carry on.

(Tattoo by Sean Walrad at Pikes Peak Tattoo in Colorado Springs, Colorado.)

See more in Religious and Mythological Tattoos (Tattoos)

Nice Guys, Terrible Moving Company

John Kid, right, is the head piercer of The Piercing Lounge, in Madison, Wisconsin. Karcus is one of his longest piercing apprentices. This was John Kid’s first pulling (he’s done many suspensions), and both of their first throat pullings.

See more in Pulling and Trucking (Ritual)

Drawing Blood in Defence

And here we have another to add to the ranks of the most-impressive scarification submissions lately, this time from Gibi Body Art in Brasilia, Brazil. And sorry about the delay in posts this afternoon, ModBloggers, there was some Internet trouble at the office. And by “office” I mean the closet in the guest-room. We’ll definitely have another couple posts up before bedtime, though, so worry not.

See more in Misc. Cuttings (Scarification)