I’m So Excited! I’m So … Scared

When reached for comment, Zack Morris stood up from the thick leather chair in his study, walked over to the bar, poured himself a glass of Mendis, donned his silk burgundy robe, sat back down, took a sip of the brandy, summoned his hairless cat, Sir Otis von Trippenwind III, petted him gently on the head, shooed him away, picked the phone back up, and, after a deep breath, quietly forced out a throaty “… good,” and hung up promptly.

(Tattoo by Greg Davenport at Jester’s Court Tattoos in Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania.)

Wolfie’s Just Fine

I apologize in advance for posting such graphic and disturbing content this early in the morning, but this is an issue — a threat — that, if allowed to continue unabated, could have consequences most dire. (Remember that time the dolphins grew thumbs and then used them to plant poisonous snakes in bunches of delicious bananas, all over the world, just because they could, just to screw with us? It’ll be like that, yet somehow worse.) Untold thousands of miniature humans like the one pictured above are literally appearing every day, latching onto defenseless adults for sustenance and warmth and resources and such. What’s their agenda? Why won’t they speak? And why do these adults play along so willingly — is it a spell, or simply blackmail? I feel I’ve said too much as it is.

… Or it could be that this baby is twigboy‘s son, and that, in his words:

This was the first day my son Scott figured out he could grab onto my ear and use it as a handle. Now he just grabs my ear and falls backwards — seems he knows that as long as he holds on, he won’t fall.

I’ll admit, that is slightly cuter than the demon-baby apocalypse scenario.

See more in Ear Stretching (past 1/2″) (Ear Piercing)

Everything is Permitted

Doesn’t this photo of knifefight have a wintry, almost Russian feeling to it? Like a sexy Dostoevsky novel, where Raskolnikov seduces the unscrupulous (yet scantily clad) pawnbroker, beginning a romantic journey that teaches them both a lesson abou— uhh, never mind.

(Inverse navel piercing by Laura at Urban Ink in Toronto, Ontario, with photography by Erik Naumann.)

Modified Footage and Cast Request

Rebecca needs you!

“I’m currently casting for a short abstract experimental film on the body and body modification for my masters project, I’m a piercer and I’ll also be filming stuff with Samppa Von Cyborg on the side.

What I’m after is heavily modified people based in the United Kingdom to feature in the film, it’s not a documentary, it’s going to be really arty and cool (a script is currently being written up).

I have no budget but I can travel within the UK for the right footage. It’s all being filmed in HD and burned with blu-ray so it’s gonna be good! All contributors will receive credits and a copy of the film, once it’s complete I’m looking to submit the final product to film festivals et cetera.. Exciting!

To cut to the chase, I’m looking for VERY modified people who would be willing to be in this film for free/and also looking for any footage of your modifications you might like to donate.

I can be reached at the following email address – [email protected]

So get rummaging through your hard drives, check your schedules and help the girl out!

When the clock’s in my hand..

Your time is over, homie!

I don’t leave the block without my clock!
Is it because I’m standing with yo’ bitch?
Or got all these stones on my wrists?
Don’t think your leavin’ here with this,
I don’t leave the block, without my clock!

The actual meaning of this hand tattoo on IAM: zombea is, wait for it..

I’ve got too much time on my hands!

By Tim McKenny (Myspace), Maya Tattoo, Sioux City, Iowa.

See more in Hand Tattoos (Tattoos)