For The Love Of Spectacles

I once tried to pull the wool over the eyes of a school appointed optician in the hope they’d think I was short sighted and give me a pair of glasses (It didn’t work and I got told off), so I’m pretty envious of these two buggers!

On the right is Julia and her new septum piercing (this was pierced by uhh… Gary? Dave? Something like that. He was cute.) and on the left is Peter sporting a nostril hole by Dan Marshall, Sacred Balance, Calgary, Alberta, which he has since stretched all on his own, bless.

Fist of Query!

Custom made and implanted by Marcus, Trust Body Modification, Mannheim, Germany.

I’m going to be out from nowish until most of tomorrowish (erm, yeah), so if there’s any posts I’ve queued up that are duplicates, talk to the hand! Who am I kidding, I’m not half as tough as the chap above. I’ll check in periodically to make sure everything’s cool, with my trigger finger on the apology gun.