Gettin’ Soggy

Well, look who it is! The last time we featured the very lovely La Negra, there was lots of talk about breasts, real and fake, and the various societal consequences of such unnatural mammarial extensions. Well, she has clearly just been shedding nipples left and right since then, as evidenced above in this shot by Martin Del Pozo taken backstage after a performance at Club Namunkura in Buenos Aires, Argentina. Do we still cherish her now that she is so painfully regular, with only her God-given nipples in place? Yes. Yes we do.

See more in 3D-Art Implants (Implants) (members only)

Sleepy Potions and Blue Oceans

Oh, hello! Welcome back, friends, to your regularly scheduled ModBlog—barring, of course, any sort of intergalactic apocalyptic death party, in which case your editor will be on the first life raft to the center of the earth, for safety. Anyway! Let’s usher out the end of humid August with the adorable pairing of John, on the right, and Preston, who may look fairly straight-laced, but is actually mostly robot parts beneath his clothes. Scientific fact! After the jump, John goes solo, if only temporarily.

See more in Facial and Neck Tattoos (Tattoos)

Tattoo Hollywood, Day Three: The Search For Curly’s Gold

And here we are, folks—photos from the the third and final day of Tattoo Hollywood. Forthcoming will be our final thoughts on the event and interviews, but until then, enjoy the pictures (and my charming pithy commentary, of course). Buy the ticket, take the ride—after the jump.

This is so realistic, it just told me it just got out of a serious relationship and isn’t ready to date anyone yet.

This is Gene from Tattoo Culture in Brooklyn, New York. He came to the convention with Martin, currently guesting at the shop by way of Austria. When we found out there was going to be a Bar Mitzvah happening on Saturday night in the hotel, your editor suggested bringing over Martin to offer to tattoo their son (“Vas is his birthday? Ve vill tattoo ze number on his arm”), but this was roundly rejected on account of being offensive on every possible level. Then we realized it was actually a Bat Mitzvah, not a Bar Mitzvah. All in all, a good showing for your editor. We should not be allowed out in public.

“Do I look like a man who’s got time to just sit around and get one tattoo at a time? Come on. Gimme the deuce.”

One of our award winners!

New rule: Tattoos inspired by The Warriors get featured on ModBlog, no matter what. Hopefully, all future entries will be as ridiculously good as this one.

More tattooers should wear smocks/aprons, we think. That, combined, with the lighting, makes this seem like it was done in a 1950s machine shop. We like that.

Homina homina.

Photos by Phil Barbosa, Thaddeus Brown and Jen Savage.

Tattoo Hollywood, Day Two: The Revengening

Hoo boy, we are still combing through the thousands (!) of images from last weekend’s inaugural Tattoo Hollywood convention, but there are some gems in there. With three photographers going, we couldn’t be there for every photo (and as such may not be able to give proper artist credits in every shot), but hopefully these at least convey the atmosphere of the weekend. After the jump? Day two at the convention, including Saturday night’s after-party.

As you could probably tell from earlier posts, the portraiture work coming out of this convention was unreal. And, in some cases, undead. Eh? Right? Get it? Because he’s—yeah, I’ll just show myself out.

Hey, I refuse to believe a man with that hearty a beard could be too big of a scumbag!

Oh look, it’s the lovely Katie, who was helping out at the BME booth for the entire convention. Here she is stifling one of her grosser belches from the weekend, probably.

In conjunction with our scumbaggy friend up there, we get to use both our Hearty Beards and our Hearty Mohawks tags in a single post? It must be our birthday!

And here we have famed artist Boog on the right, giving that baby a haircut with some safety scissors, it looks like.

Ha ha, look at those kidders, John and Johannes, just horsing around! Good one, fellas! (Quick, someone hold down OSHA while I administer the Amnesia Ray.)

Michelangelo just pooped his pampers.

What else does Tattoo Hollywood have to offer? Oh, nothing, just Benji Madden walking around stark naked, showing off his tattoos, all day, just for fun. Suck on that, TMZ.

Hey, party time! Saturday night’s after-party was thrown at The Highlands, a nightclub conveniently located in the same hotel complex as the convention. Four-dollar beers, five-dollar cocktails and a bunch of tattooed people dancing on a patio until the wee hours? Not bad at all. And here? Here we have more conclusive evidence that chix dig mustaches, real or otherwise.

This man just did a body-shot off a cactus.

Oh hey, it’s celebrity DJ Benji Madden (again)! He played a mostly inoffensive set, aside from this song that features Lil Jon yelling “SHOTS!” over and over for a hundred years, the knowledge of which is a burden on our soul.

Easily one of the highlights of the night was the always debonair Bob Roberts sweeping Rachel into his arms for a center-stage slow-dance to…Sweet Home Alabama. Tattoo Hollywood makes dreams come true, ladies and gentlemen.

Dip dip dip.

And finally, what with Hearty Beards and Hearty Mohawks accounted for, how could we not complete the holy trifecta with a little Nightmare Fuel?

Still more to come!

All photos by Phil Barbosa, Thaddeus Brown and Jen Savage.

Azure Lift

And finally, folks, let’s wrap up this hazy Thursday with our lovely friend up there sporting a collection of delicate piercings by Matt at Mind’s Eye Tattoo in Emmaus, Pennsylvania. If anyone complains about her septum looking crooked, you spend a night in The Hole.

Tomorrow? We get caught up on a whole bunch of Tattoo Hollywood craziness from last weekend. Until then, come home in the car you love, ModBloggers. We’ll see you soon.

Hit Those High Notes

Well, here is some straight-up vile pornography, courtesy of the folks at Taop Ansbach, in the Fatherland, who just hang out tattooing various cavernous, sinful body parts all over utilitarian joints all day long, for laughs. We can’t read the German script at the top, but we can only assume it is some manner of mean-spirited slur, speaking derisively of dental dams.

After the jump, the vagiknee is further adorned with goodies.

Give Him Three Sides

And here we have the very lovely Naie, checking in from Vilnius, Lithuania! A cursory search of ModBlog seems to indicate that the only other times we’ve (knowingly) published people from Lithuania, they’ve been good-lookin’ dudes (including one enormous body builder), so we just want to set the record straight and confirm that they do indeed breed pleasant womenfolk as well. This has been your BME geography lesson for the day.

(Piercings done by the good folks at Modus in Vilnius, Lithuania.)

A Failure To Accumulate

Hey, it’s Vern! It’s always nice to get pictures of this fella. Charming, handsome, photogenic, tests very well in the 18-35 range, clean and good quality work (though he seems displeased with the amount of tongue-split regrowth), lovely singing voice, never changes lanes without signaling and, of course, posting photos of him gives us the rare excuse to use obscure Ernest film references in the title of the post. You’re all very impressed.

(Photo by

Pain’s Easiest Salve

Shh, quiet down out there. Can’t you see Anjelica’s trying to get some sleep? Yeah, we know she’s standing up. So? You’ve never slept standing up? You’re missing out, Cheech. Know who else slept standing up? Ever heard of a little group referred to as astronauts? Exactly. (Stop talking, Jordan! Oh, alright.) Anyhow, this photo comes by way of the very talented Jason from Gorilla Glass, who also contributed these shots of Peck earlier in the week. After the jump, another from the series, this time featuring a topless James Weber, president of ye olde APP. Enjoy!

Tattoo Hollywood, BME’s first tattoo convention, is coming to Los Angeles from August 21-23, featuring contests, prizes and some of the best artists from around the world! Click here for more information.