Be free all worthy spirits, and stretch yourselves, for greatness and for height.
–George Chapman
Today I’ve spent a bit of time focusing on the work of the artists that make up our community. Specifically the works of one artist, but the idea is there. What doesn’t get discussed a lot on ModBlog is the DIY aspect of the modification community. Now the DIY modification enthusiasts range from the simplest of piercings, to some of the hardest modifications and play sessions that are covered by BME. Due to the nature of the broad spectrum that DIY covers, it is impossible write a post about every aspect without getting complaints from people about writing the longest ModBlog post ever. What I do hope to do is feature DIY stories more frequently as there are a tremendous amount of photos of DIY modifications in pretty much every category of photo.
For today, I thought it would be nice to go with something simple. Now the headline may be a bit misleading but it will make sense if you follow along.
So, what would you say is the most popular form of DIY modification? In all honesty, I don’t have any numbers to back me up, but I think a safe bet would probably be lobe stretching. I think it is safe to say that the majority of people with stretched lobes have at some point performed the stretching themselves, probably without even realizing that they were adding their names to the list of DIY modified people.
A lot of what makes the DIY movement so significant is that it is taking the next step in control over the body. While everyone getting mods is doing it for their own personal reasons, they all are in essence changing their bodies to what they want, primarily through the help of practitioners. What DIY means to many is the opportunity to make the changes that they want but by their own hands. This means that by performing any mod by yourself, you are singlehandedly pushing the limits of control you have over your body, changing it to what you want it to be.
One person in particular who was kind enough to send in an image of a DIY modification is IAM: tiny.vertebrae.
From what I can tell, it appears she’s using a piece of wood to stretch out her own lobes.
So while lobe stretching is fairly common when it comes to DIY modifications, it is still a process that is being undertaken by those who are choosing to modify themselves under their own power. I know someone is thinking it, and yes this isn’t the limit in which a lobe can or has been stretched, but in the moment captured in the image, the stretching is pushing the limits of what came before.