Right Out of the Bottle

And finally, folks, let’s wrap things up today with a tale of steampunk love, as told by Noah up there:

[This was] taken at Metrocon 2009 in Tampa, Florida, this past weekend. There was a steampunk theme to the whole convention, so naturally the better half and I went all-out for it. One of the notable differences between the two pictures (the other is currently the cover on BME) is that in the time between them, I (successfully) proposed to my fiancee on stage in front of an entire convention center full of anime and gaming fans. And, I got numerous comments all weekend both on the hair and piercings.

Productive weekend! Congratulations, Noah. And with that, have a good night, all—steampunks, crust-punks and non-punks alike. We’ll see you tomorrow.

See more in Septum piercing (Nose Piercing)

If Only You Try

The lat time we saw Andy around these parts, it was nothin’ but wang, which, hey, yielded few complaints. But now, we’ve got an update on his vertical lowbrets (which we’ve seen a few times in the past), freshly up to 3.2 mm., potentially on their way to 4 mm., and in mighty good health from the looks of things. After the jump, a shot of that adorable punim from a better angle, chops and all.

(Lowbrets by Indy at Ritual Piercing in Brussels, Belgium.)

Forwards, Backwards, Sideways

We’ve featured the very lovely Satanycandle on these hallowed pages before, and she’s always been vaguely shape-shifty—well, no exception here. This time around, she joins the ranks of our esteemed cephalopod-esque models, doing her best octopus impression, dreadlocks waving this way and that. Not to mention, the pink jewelry is a nice contrast to the blueish photo, and she just looks awfully peaceful in general, does she not? Yes. Yes she does.

See more in Cheeks (Lip Piercing)

Live Your Life, Do Your Work

As if you needed further proof that your editor is a fickle dipshit, ModBloggers, after months of lamenting the cold and looking to welcome summer with open arms, well, summer is here, and it’s officially too damn hot to do anything. Seriously. It is Aruba out there, which, coupled with a garbage strike, has turned this city into one hell of a sweltering shitfarm. Let’s remember a simpler, cooler time with the lovely Ryanne, all bundled up, comfortable, not a care in the world. Sigh.

(Piercings by the folks at Adrenaline Rush in Newark, New Jersey, and Pleasurable Piercings in Hawthorne, New Jersey.)

See more in Nostril piercing (Nose Piercing)

Artful Aid

Oh! Ahoy-hoy, ModBloggers! Thanks for joining us today. If you are indeed inside this afternoon, rather than gallivanting outdoors and replenishing your woefully depleted Vitamin D levels (or maybe that’s just me; lousy rickets), well, then the least I can do is start your afternoon with the lovely Li’l Annie Anderson who, apparently, has fallen right on her stomach on that slick floor. What a hazard. Luckily, she seems to be in good spirits about the whole ordeal. And, hey, how about a deal: You get a nice big click-through of our model here, and in exchange, for the rest of the week, nobody acts like someone with a minor lobe blowout (or lobes with a shape that make them look a little blown out) may as well be covered in elephant shit. Deal? Deal. Good doing business with you, folks.

And again, thanks for coming to ModBlog, your number one cannibal resource.

Your Weather Will Remain

Oh well look, it’s Rusty, a welcome addition to the pantheon of good-lookin’, heavily tattooed and pierced gents with mohawks! Sure, he may look forlorn in this photo, but worry not: Sources confirm that he is merely napping.

After the jump, Rusty shows some titty, just because.

(Photos by Ben Kahlil Rose and edited by Rusty’s girlfriend, Penny, who adds, “My boyfriend is hotter than yours.” Hey now.)

Off the Rails

Oh, hello there, ModBloggers! Hope the solstice treated you well. Our week begins with one of the great minds of our time, Myke, having one of his patented “Eureka!” moments, but will we ever know what’s going on inside that head? An idea for a renewable energy source? A way to save newspapers…through song? Hamburger earmuffs that effectively deal with the complexities of the Pickle Matrix? I’m sure we’ll find out when the time is right.

Welcome back, folks, but don’t get any big ideas.

(Tattoo done at Blue Lotus Tattoo and The Piercing Lounge on a rainy Saturday in Madison, Wisconsin.)

Crowbar Separation

One of the great joys of getting photos from xRonix is that we really never know what to expect. Seriously, check the archives: This is a human chameleon, folks. Will he sport a foppish top-hat and velvet robe? Stand stoically in a crowded marketplace, framed by a mane of dreadlocks? Or, as we can see above, umm…I’m not even exactly sure what this look is. Anime schoolgirl, perhaps? Whatever it is, the fact remains: we’re all very lucky to have him in our lives.

It’s Friday, ModBloggers, and you just made yourself available.

Make It Dance

There was no information included with this photo, unfortunately, so we’re unable to pay proper tribute to this gentleman and the various ways in which he succeeds at being an outright bad-ass (or at least at wearing nicely done bad-ass tattoos). Fire, skulls and two sets of horns (although one looks more like a blade)? Hey, sometimes we’re easily impressed.

After the jump, another anonymous entry dealing with a serious medical condition we like to refer to as “Skullgina Dentata.”

Never a Stab Nor Squirm

Sure, we’re all aware by now of the irrefutable fact that, over the course one’s life, the average person will eat several hundred thousand spiders, typically while sleeping, because spiders are nature’s pranksters. As Chuckie from Hungary up there illustrates, however, a lesser-known (but no less chilling) tidbit is that, on average of once a month, an earthworm crawls right up your damn nose. Chuckie’s stretched septum piercing confused this primitive monster from lodging itself in his brain, luckily, but most of us, sadly, will not be so fortunate.