I’m a Seed, Wondering Why it Grows

Like I’ve been saying, our scarification submissions lately have just been spectacular, and this hyfricator branding by Blair is no exception. Blair won’t be in Philadelphia, but hey, he’s in Toronto most of the time! Go see him there, and just let him go nuts. Healed shot of this brand, after the jump.

See more in Scarification by Blair (Scarification)

Also Coming to the Philly Convention? BME!

(Self-done BME logo cutting by Jon Underwood — his first, no less!)

As if John Joyce, John Durante, Brian Decker and Ryan Ouellette weren’t enough to get you to the upcoming Philadelphia Tattoo Arts convention, running in scenic Philadelphia from February 27 to March 1, hold onto your butts, because BME will be there too! And not just walking around fondling people, either — we’ll have a booth and everything! The ever-lovely MissMeg will be on hand to pierce, and Rachel will be there holding down the fort, filming, taking photos, selling T-shirts [Note: buy T-shirts, lots of them] and doing all sorts of fun giveaways. This is shaping up to be one hell of a weekend, friends — get there.

Also, there is still space available for people/shops/etc. looking for booths. Visiting the convention’s web site for details, or call Troy at 215-882-1362.

John Joyce, Philadelphia and You

You begged. You pleaded. You weren’t satisfied with a line-up of scarification artists at the upcoming Philadelphia Tattoo Arts convention that featured only John Durante, Brian Decker and Ryan Ouellette. Well, Syracuse heartthrob John Joyce will also be in attendance and is looking to fill up his Friday. How can you resist? You can’t. And not only that, but he’ll be bringing the very talented (and open for appointments) Rick Lohm with him, as well.

Healed shot of the above scarification, after the jump.

John Durante Would Also Like to Cut You in Philly

In addition to the already stacked line-up of scarification artists at the fast-approaching Philadelphia Tattoo Arts convention, globetrotting bon vivant John Durante will also be available for scarification appointments every day of the convention. This is an absolute murderer’s row, folks. Get thee to Philly.

This Week in BME

Hey, holiday symbolism! And before anyone jumps in to criticize, those hand-web piercings are one day old. If they look fresh or irritated … that’s why.

And just like that, friends, another week is behind us. What kinds of hilarious hi-jinx did we get up to this time?

A brand new interview with The Lizardman! Always nice to hear from our fine, scaly friend.

VOMIT didn’t drink boners, but she did show us a fancy balloon trick.

Your managing editor was enlightened about the existence of long-standing Internet meme, and subsequently deleted the Internet, all of it, forever.

A fine display of piercing-reversal with this stitched-up stretched labret by xPUREx.

Samurai + serpent + swastikas = one hell of a back-piece.

Ryan Ouellette and xPUREx would both like to cut you at the Philadelphia Tattoo Arts convention.

No, really, we had a lot of really tremendous scars this week.

And there you have it. We’ll check back in over the weekend here and there, and then rise from the ashes on Monday morning, good as new. We’ve got some great interviews to look forward to soon, and, what, a complete redesign of BME rolling out any day now? Hell yeah. Be good to each other on this fabricated excuse to sell chocolate, ModBlog, stay safe, and, as always, thank you for your continued support of BME.

This is How I Feel

I swear, the scarification submissions lately have just been an absolute embarrassment of riches, and this shot of Sophie by Collin J. Rae, featuring a scar by the third-most-famous Australian ever, Wayde Dunn, is certainly no exception. Also, it’s a heart! Like for Valentine’s Day! See? Timely.

See more in Misc. Cuttings (Scarification)

Roots Among the Rocks

The rubber king of Williamsburgh, xPUREx, sends in this recent cutting out of his very own Pure Body Arts studio in Brooklyn, New York. And, much like Ryan Ouellette yesterday, he will also be at the Philadelphia Tattoo Arts convention from February 27 to March 1, and wouldn’t you know it? He just had a cancellation, and is available all day on the Friday. Visit him on IAM or at PureBodyArts.com to set up an appointment.

A healed/healing shot of the above scar, after the jump.

Revive From Ashes and Rise

Gangster number one Ryan Ouellette from Precision Body Arts in Nashua, New Hampshire, sends in this phoenix cutting he did recently. Wait, what’s that? You want Ryan to cut you? Well holy damn, you’re in luck. He’ll be at the Philadelphia Tattoo Arts Convention from February 27 to March 1, 2009, doing all sorts of fun things. Visit him at PBAscars.com to set something up.

Also, the above cutting after three months of healing, after the jump.