Waves and Radiation

Oh dear Lord, there appears to be some sort of white flakey substance falling from the sky in Oregon and landing on basophobic_angel. Is it the result of an airborne toxic event of some description? Let’s not take any chances. If anyone needs me, I’ll be in a motel room, under the highway, eating handfuls of Dylar like it is sweet, delicious candy.

(Piercings by Jason Odd at Modern Epic in Hoodriver, Oregon.)

See more in Madonnas and Medusas (Lip Piercing)

Never Burn Your Buns

This ancient, murderous, mustachioed sea-demon dragon has been summoned by bad_bunny, who is likely going to use his powers to, I don’t know, destroy a castle, or perhaps steal a bejeweled sword? Probably one of those. And as if such dragon-summoning prowess is not impressive enough, bad_bunny has also been known to perform now and then with both Allen Falkner and CoRE, doing suspensiony things. Watch her handle a chain, after the jump.

(Backpiece — which is 95 per cent finished — by Scott Silvia at Black Heart Tattoos in San Francisco, California.)

See more in Oriental-style Tattoos (Tattoos)

Filled With Whipped Cream

God, this is just cruel. What kind of sick Island of Doctor Moreau shit is this, anyway? I’m all for freedom of expression and all, but making light of and ignoring the serious issues affecting miniature giraffes in this decadent, modern society? Not amused. Not amused at all.

(Ha ha, just kidding. This awesome “jaraffe” is by Caleb at Studio City Tattoo in Studio City, California.)

BME Bling for Charity!

Gregory was kind enough to make these 1 1/2″ Stainless Steel Single Flare TeamBME Bling eyelets while he was making the TeamBME Logo Plugs and Eyelets as well as the Dr. BME Plugs and Eyelets. I’ve decided to auction them off and donate the proceeds to charity. The bidding will run via the comment forum below and the winner will be contacted via email with a link to buy them through the shop. These are one of a kind and will not be made again!

Places your bids in the comments below, make sure to enter in your correct email address so that I can contact you January 1st when the bidding ends! Hope you’re all having a great holiday! I’m off to work on the year end awards!

Be Like Water

Anyone else catch last night’s UFC event? Mixed Martial Arts can be an acquired taste, but it’s oddly compelling once you get into it. Plus, I doubt there’s another sport — aside from maybe the NBA — that offers tattooed athletes such visibility, so there’s that. The above piece is, I believe, on a young man named Emil Hennix, who, if Google has taught me anything, is an amateur fighter himself.

See more in Old School (and Old) Tattoos (Tattoos)

Merry Fishmas!

The catch of the day declined to comment, but when a reporter asked if he would mind singing his response — much to the amusement of the news scrum — he angrily shouted, “I’m a catfish, you jackass, not a bass!” and then proceeded to smash a photographer’s camera. No charges have been filed.

See more in Madonnas and Medusas (Lip Piercing)

Throw Something Back

A while back, we featured this scarification by Ryan at Precision Body Arts in Nashua, New Hampshire — at the time, it was about three months old. The shot above is about two years later — the color has lightened, obviously, but the way it’s retained its shape and texture is pretty stellar.

See more in Ryan / Precision Body Arts (Scarification)

A Wonderful Life

The lovely MissDuveaux (right, who’s been on ModBlog once or twice) and Chinouk (left) check in with this Christmas miracle:

We where supposed to shoot very serious set with liters of fake blood, but when we arrived we saw all this dress-up-stuff and the girl in us could not resist! Enjoy your X-mas as much as I enjoyed sharing my hat …

Will do! But what of that blood-soaked photo shoot? Well, that ended up happening too. See the sacrilege, after the jump.

“We did this messy shoot with 11 liters of fake blood,” MissDuveaux says, “made out of very sticky stuff. The good news? It looks great! The bad news: everything (and then I mean everything) stuck together.”

And with that, happy holidays, ModBlog. We’re going to take the rest of the day off, but come back tomorrow. Embrace the day.

(Photos by Johan Reinders.)

See more in Modded Women (members only)