“Get Ink on Your Executive’s Face!” and Other Bad Jokes

Hey, remember that really funny comedian who did that great bit about tattoos? Neither do we! A valiant effort, nonetheless, from Prescott Montgomery:

Sadly, based on the fact that this video was posted on Funny or Die, I can only surmise that Mr. Montgomery has shuffled off this mortal coil. That Will Ferrell is such a bastard. Godspeed, hero.

Announcement: New Blog!

Hey, folks. So, as some of you may have noticed over the weekend, we’ve got a new blog over on the main news page! If you haven’t seen it yet, it’s the BME News Blog (very catchy, unique name, we know — suggestions are welcome). Rather than focusing on the BME community (as ModBlog tends to), the News Blog will catch the stories in the rest of the media that affect and are related to body modification. It’s not unlike the old newsfeed, but in this format, we’ll be able to explore some of these stories more deeply when necessary, and hopefully keep you all in the loop with regard to stories you may have missed.

Soon, we’ll have a proper tip form set up again, but until then, feel free to send any news tips to [email protected], and check the News Blog! (Updated several times daily, god willing.)

One Needle for Another

It seems strange, at first blush, to be ashamed of a disease, especially a hereditary condition to which you may be genetically predisposed. Sure, if you eat like crap or are a furious chain-smoker, there may be parts of your life on which to look back and regret (not to say a person should feel shame about the resulting illness, of course), but to harbor those sorts of feelings because of an affliction caused by little more than dumb luck? Seems a little harsh.

Photo credit: Spencer Weiner / Los Angeles Times

But consider the imposition rather than the disease itself — to have your life and livelihood restricted by a force out of your control, and to be inadvertently singled out among your peers as a result. So was the case for Joshua Sandoval, who was diagnosed with diabetes as a 12-year-old.

Says Sandoval:

Some kids pretend they don’t have diabetes, giving in to the temptation of sugar and refusing to exercise regularly or monitor their glucose levels. Some go to the other extreme, constantly checking glucose levels, exercising every day and openly discussing their disease.

I fell somewhere in the middle. I was obsessive when it came to checking glucose levels, and I stayed active in sports like baseball and basketball, but I was unwilling to discuss my illness.

His parents struggled to get him to embrace the imperfect part of himself, though, and, when he was 16, his mother gave him the idea of getting a tattoo as a way to own the disease and the rituals of a careful diet and daily injections that came along with it. Permanence in any respect can be daunting; it’s hard to fault someone for wavering when faced with the terms of a lifelong commitment, especially one that’s been decided for you. It’s not uncommon to see people get tattoos to commemorate challenging events — events some people would rather just forget — and Sandoval’s decision seems to follow that line of thinking: Combatting permanence with permanence, and turning a purveyor of shame into a source of pride.

Two weeks after the tattoo healed, I was in line at the post office when the pen tip crept out from a short-sleeved shirt. A woman standing in line with no visible artwork of her own asked to see the rest of the tattoo.

After she took a picture with her camera phone and commented about the detail in the feather, she asked about the tattoo’s significance.

For the first time in 10 years, my head didn’t slump between my shoulders.

A diabetic turns to the tattoo as medical I.D. [Los Angeles Times]

Jack Yount – On Piercings and Subincisions

This video is a little fancier than the old 8mm conversions I’ve been sending in.

Filmed in South Florida in 1989 by Sailor Sid on a fancy VHS camcorder it features Jack Yount talking about his piercings and subincision. It’s living proof that the pre-1990s modification scene didn’t believe in wearing clothes. Which is how I like to remember Jack..


Shawn PorterScarwars.net

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DivX download link for BME members: Extreme2 or Full members

The Art of War

Sueanne sent in this shot of a matching she tattoo she has with her friend Taylor..

Taylor and I have been in many fights together; we’re ride or die bitches and best friends. Since I’m heading back up to Northern Nevada for college, we decided to get matching tattoos to symbolize our summer: Crazy days, wild drunken nights & picking fights with the wrong people. It’s from the Art of War by Sun Tzu:

In the practical art of war, to shatter and destroy is not so good. To fight and conquer in all battles is not supreme excellence. Supreme excellence consists in breaking the enemy’s resistance without fighting.

We kind of pulled from two different parts of the book, but it fits! Oh, Taylor’s on the right.

By Brett, Pair-A-Dice Tattoo, Las Vegas, NV.

See more in Lettering Tattoos (Tattoos)