BME Updated

Just posted 1,193 new images and 54 experiences. Thanks to Phil for processing the images and to SailorAttack for being on the cover. There are about 2000 emails in the queue and those will be caught up as quickly as possible. This image/experience update has been like a mine field. Every step forward sets something else off. The problems appear to have been sorted out and another 1000+ image update should be coming shortly. I’ll be going back to a daily update schedule, as long as the amount of submissions demand it. I’m still trying to figure out where submissions are being diverted to as there appears to be an issue with downloading them.

Recent TOS complaints have been going to an unknown abyss so please forward any TOS complaints you have to [email protected]. In the next couple of days I’m going to run through and remove all of the dead accounts (expired accounts that have not been logged into for more than a year). Deceased members generally have their accounts set to free and are not considered “expired”.

If you haven’t noticed, anyone who emailed for the last 7+ years about typos on the main page of IAM, can rest now they’ve finally been fixed. (Please NOTE this is NOT your BME password.) If anyone finds more things that need to be cleaned up, please email me at [email protected]. The next month is going to be dedicated to cleaning up this mess until we can move forward on integrating the new update management system. It will be very cool. If you’re a nerd, who is into managing tons of data.

MmMmMm data….

Whistle Down The Wind

IAM: b4youreyes says..

I’ve had my fair share of people ask if my tunnels whistle in the wind, and after going skydiving for the first time I can assure them that even at 120mph+ they don’t make a sound! My first jump was through Chicagoland Skydiving Center in Hinckley, IL.

Down to earth shot after the break..

I’m having a few minor computer issues at the moment (don’t ask!), but it shouldn’t interfere with ModBlog being updated!