Cat and Human, Matching Scars

When she was a child, The Darthside knew she didn’t want to have children. At nineteen, she decided to get sterilized, and seven years later had the procedure done by a surgeon in Germany. The procedure had been done endoscopically, leaving her with no scars, which bothered her, so she had Muffe at Copenhagen Body Extremes in Denmark giver her three cuts, intended to look like a large scratch.

A while later, after reading the various animal modification posts, she realized that her cats and her have sort of matching scars, all stemming from sterilization…

Silicone Lip Enlargement

I assume most people have seen my friend “Mister Mark”‘s huge silicone penis (see: silicone penis videos on BMEvideo) as it was featured in “The Perfect Penis” and other documentaries (various free clips are online). Anyway, he’s also been working on his lips for the last five years (which slowly recede in size over time), and he just had them redone and is very happy about it and says he’s sure he’ll go even bigger in the near future.

Vermicious Sid

Ok, maybe he’s not vermicious, but he’s definitely piercing something worm-like.

(The dialogue is just brilliant!)

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“Another fun day at Sid’s Silver Anchor shop – this time focused on piercing. I have this marked as 1981, but the date could be a bit off. This series of clips features the infamous “Big Ed” Fenster, who later went on to use the Silver Anchor name for his upstart body jewelry company. As always, I hope you enjoy these glimpses into our history.

There’ll be more coming soon! – Shawn Porter/SPCOnline”

Club Namunkura Reopening Party

La Negra sent in a series of photos taken of herself and friends (some of my favorite people — you should recognize Komando, Towa, and others if you’re a long-time reader) at the reopening of Club Namunkura in Buenos Aires, Argentina. Below are Marco, La Negra, Natalia, and Santa Gabriela. Martin Del Pozo was there to take pictures — more continue after the break.

Torn Earlobe and DIY stitch repair

Sorry for not posting more yesterday, but I had my head slammed in a car door (don’t ask!) and got a concussion and didn’t feel like writing. Let me start off today with a pictorial story from “a young lady from Chicago-land” and her earlobe tearing misadventures in the Ukraine involving stitching… I’m actually not convinced this needed to be stitched (I think it would have healed on its own, personally), but I’m not about to look a gift horse in the mouth!

This story is in her own words — continue reading to see what happened.

“Adventures in doing laundry: As I hopped down from the chair I was standing on to hang laundry, my rounded horse-shoe piercing (it had one smallish ball and one biggish ball on it) got caught on the wire clothes-line on my Ukrainian balcony. My ear was tearing as the piercing was actually bending (skin is strong!) and then the back ball (luckily, the smaller ball!) exploded through my ear and out came the piercing. The tear was only in the front of the lobe. The ball took a tiny ring of flesh with it, but otherwise the back was undamaged.”

Inset: “What the ring looked like before it bent on the wire, and after… I can’t believe how strong human flesh is! Oh, and don’t mind the little bit of my flesh.”

“Ew, a bit of grit in there!”

“Yeah, um, Ukranian hospitals? No thanks. I’d heard nothing but horror stories all week from my students, and then this. I went with what my dad taught me: Superglue fixes everything. The arrow indicates the end of the tear. It looks good, but actually, I screwed up by getting glue into the tear too, so, eventually, it would all come out in a plug and I’d be back to square one. The piercing is tilted up, btw, to maintain the hole without possibly getting pulled on and opening the tear again. Smart, huh?

“Sure enough, three days later, the superglue all came out and off, leaving the cut wide open again. Nope, still, not going to a Ukrainian hospital. You know, the one time I was in one, an angry nurse chastised me for my piercings and told me that because I had piercings, I would have deformed children! Time for self-done stitches.”

“I actually didn’t mean to make the stitch so wide like that. In retrospect, I think it was good though, because the first and middle stitch was really secure and then the top and bottom stitches didn’t go through as much flesh.”

“Three stitches (the top and the bottom weren’t as deep as the middle). It looks irritated but it’s just camera contrast — it looked great. My roommates were impressed.”

Left: “Immediately after removing the stitches (left them in for six days)” and Right: “Three days after removing the stitches. Yay! I’m a doctor now. It’s not the first time I’ve given myself stitches in fact…”

Up, Up, And Valnei!

Feast your eyeballs on this gorgeous suspension footage care of Valnei and his mob.

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Click here and here for more from the Petrópolis posse.