The Coming Storm Grows

Comes from Greece this cutting does! No information attached was there, but too good to pass up it was! Give thanks we would like to, anonymous stranger!

EDIT: Whoops, apparently this has been posted before. On the plus side, at least we can now give credit (again!) to Ryan Corrigal at Strange City in Edmonton, Alberta. I will, however, leave this post up, as a testament to the dire consequences that can result from not including artist information as part of a BME submission. (I.e., I end up looking like a jackass.) Also, please don’t send in stolen images.

Weather Changes Moods

The last time we featured Rachel, she was just cold layin’ in the tub, covered in pomegranate seeds, acting as the physical manifestation of complex math theories. This time, well, she’s showing off her fancy new scarification piece by Charles Finnie at Eye of the Lotus in Edmonton, Alberta.

EDIT: Whoops! This cutting is actually on Zara, and Rachel just took the pictures. Thank you to the several thousand people who declined the opportunity to call me a jackass and very graciously corrected me.

See more in Charles Finnie Sacrification Portfolio (Scarification)

Trendspotting: Animal Carcasses

So, here is a fun new style all the fashionistas are latching onto these days: attractive women wearing dismembered animal heads as nightmare-inducing masks! Here is bad_bunny (more) sporting the latest in, hmm, horse skulls? With suspension hook tattoos by Jsin at Bloodlines Tattoo in San Rafael, California, and the photo, “Intimacy” by © g r o u n d f l o o r.

After the jump, another pretty lady in a flesh helmet.

This, of course, is local favorite meltbanana, whose Zpira-done cutting has been featured before, albeit without the big ol’ pig face.

See more in Skin Removal Scarification (Scarification)

That Little Spark of Celestial Fire

This cutting comes to us from Steve Truitt, who usually spends his time bumming around New Mexico, but can be found this weekend at the Philadelphia Tattoo Arts Convention! Hopefully none of you will read this until tonight, because you’re all having fun, in Philadelphia, at the convention.

See more in Steve Truitt Scarification (Scarification)

Drawing Blood in Defence

And here we have another to add to the ranks of the most-impressive scarification submissions lately, this time from Gibi Body Art in Brasilia, Brazil. And sorry about the delay in posts this afternoon, ModBloggers, there was some Internet trouble at the office. And by “office” I mean the closet in the guest-room. We’ll definitely have another couple posts up before bedtime, though, so worry not.

See more in Misc. Cuttings (Scarification)

Steve Truitt: Coming to a Philadelphia Tattoo Arts Convention Near You, in Philadelphia

So! That Philadelphia Tattoo Arts Convention that all the movie stars are talking about? Well, it just got 22.8 percent sexier, because the word is that Steve Truitt will be sharing a booth with noted gridskipper John Durante, offering cuttings and all that good stuff. Above is one of Truitt’s most recent pieces: a dainty lily! Your common StumbleUpon user is thoroughly disgusted.

As well, there is still space available for people/shops/etc. looking for booths. Visit the convention’s web site for details, or call Troy at 215-882-1362.

Not Without My BFG 9000

This murderous, ravenous hell demon was brought into the world by local sorcerer Brandon Vermillion of Fillmore Tattoo in Fillmore, California. Vermillion, as you may remember, was the centerpiece of this hilarious shitstorm, so I guess we can surmise that, at the very least, he has not gone blind in one eye, thereby allowing him to summon this wretched beast, with a scalpel.

The Bus That Couldn’t Slow Down

And so here we have action personality Chev Chelios, who has been injected with some sort of serum (or maybe implanted with a device? Who knows) that will make his organs explode or his junk fall off or something if his heart-rate falls below a certain level (it’s like Speed, except the bus is a person!), and so he let some tiger maul him on the ass for an adrenaline rush, which should keep alive for at least another 15 minutes. Next on the agenda is a date with Dominique Fisher.

(Cutting by Lucas at Pirate Piercing in Turnhout, Belgium.)

See more in Misc. Cuttings (Scarification)