The Color of Their Eyes Matches the Color of Our Blood

Good morning, ModBloggers! Hope the day finds you well. Let’s kick off the week with this fine ear project all the way from Kunming, Yunnan, China. I initially assumed the screws in the cartilage were some sort of custom jewelry, but, as the post-jump photo will show, those are some real screws. Probably not terribly comfortable for long-term wear, but if the structural integrity of your ear has been compromised? Can’t be too careful. Or something.

See more in Misc. Ear Cartilage Piercing (Ear Piercing)

Each Trip’s a Trip to Paradise

Can we get real for a second, ModBloggers? Because here’s some truth: Beneath our rough, rugged, defiant exteriors…we here at BME are still absolute suckers for baby pictures like this. This photo is like a meteorite to the heart. Pictured is Amber, moments after her daughter, Rain, was born. I think I just started ovulating.

See more in BME/Culture/People (Culture)

Door to Door and Right on Time

Look, if you’ve been reading BME for a while, you know there are all sorts of good reasons to get genital piercings. They look good. They feel good. You can hide candy in the holes. They make your junk breathable on hot summer days. They open up your sonic options immensely when you’re playing the spoons (*ping*). They’re conversation-starters at urinals. They render keychains useless, thereby saving you untold thousands of dollars every year. BUT, did you know they can also be valuable tools for self-defense? It’s true! At least, that’s ostensibly what M. up there is going for with his line of large-gauge scrotal piercings, stretched to be worn as an organic knuckle-duster. Wouldn’t want to get punched with one of those!

A close-up of this vicious weaponry, after the jump.

The Great Gymnasium

“Why?” asks the student. “Why ‘Needles’?”

“Because,” the swami answers, “that is his name.”

And then they danced.

(Really though, that’d be Needles, apprentice of Six at Toronto’s Exotix Studios, wearing a fine cutting of his own moniker.)

See more in Skin Removal Scarification (Scarification)

Don’t Need a Helmet

You know what the big difference is between BME and the Star-Telegram? It’s that WE GET RESULTS, DAMN IT! Or something. Anyway! After we noted last week that your new world-record holder for “most piercings in one sitting” was Arlington’s Jeremy Stroud (who was pierced with 1,197 18-gauge needles), Mr. Stroud wrote in to provide your ModBlog with some exclusive-ish photos (by Chris Durbin) of the record-breaking attempt. Fancy! Much obliged, Jeremy.

Extreme close-up, after the jump.

The Remnant Fuzz

Happy Victoria Day, (Canadian) ModBloggers! It’s about the time of year, isn’t it? Sunny day after sunny day, we’re breaking out the summertime clothes, and, if you’re like Brooklyn’s own Anna up there, you’re just cold shavin’ your noggin, getting ready to feel the breeze.

See more in Old School (and Old) Tattoos (Tattoos)

I Like Griping

The very talented intergalactic traveler Anders the Piercing Guy checks in with these recent (and rare) vertical lowbrets, done with 1-1/8″ straight barbells. These are the first such piercings Anders has done since 2005, he says, but one won’t find oneself in much better hands than his. Best of luck with the healing process, fella.

A couple more angles, after the jump.

See more in Vertical Lowbrets (Lip Piercing)

Rattle Some Chains

Up top? That’s Cory, who sends in a set of photos shot by his friend, Brian Gurnee. The train tracks you see are allegedly haunted by The Hookerman, though luckily, neither Cory nor Brian were, what, hooked? Hookered? Either way, glad you’re safe, gents.

More shots, after the jump.

(Hand tattoos by Sean Behrman at Loyalty Ink in Roxbury, New Jersey. Knuckle tattoos (BEAT DOWN) by Spaz at Eternal Buzz in Maryland. Neck Tattoo by Greg D. at Forever Fate.)