To One Thing Constant Never

Happy Saturday, ModBloggers! Hope the day finds you well. Here we have a young man with some interesting custom ear jewelry—I don’t know how comfortable it would be to wear nails through my ears, personally, but he doesn’t seem particularly bothered by it.

See more in Ear Stretching (past 1/2″) (Ear Piercing)

When the Gas in My Tank Feels Like Money in the Bank

You know what? Screw it. Brook‘s had enough of this crap. Her bags are packed, she’s got her travelin’ dress on, and she’s ready to hit the road. Take a good look at these tattoos, and take a peek at the heart cutting above her knee … because she’s outta here.

(Heart cutting by Dan Marshall at Sacred Balance in Calgary, Alberta.)

See more in Misc. Cuttings (Scarification)

The Connoisseur’s Connoisseur

Continuing our wholly half-assed St. Patrick’s Day theme, how about this handsome young Russian gent wearing green, right? No doubt it was intentional, and not something I’m co-opting for my own lame purposes! Really though, I’m almost always a fan of Teflon (or other such white jewelry) in big stretched piercings, and ol’ blue eyes up there is certainly no exception.

(18 mm labret and 6 mm nostrils by Dosia in Moscow, Russia.)

See more in Scalpelled and other large gauge lip procedures (Lip Piercing)

“I’m Full of Tricks”

Hey, it’s our old friend Pauly! Been a while since we’ve seen him around these parts, and apparently, he has some sort of fleshy alien creature living on his face, devouring his life force. The harder he tries to pull it off, the larger it grows. These parasitic space monsters have no class whatsoever.

(Sorry for the late start today—again. It’s been a bad week for technology at the Ginsberg residence. I’ll not make a habit of this tomfoolery.)

See more in Scalpelled and other large gauge lip procedures (Lip Piercing)

Septum Piercings: Agony and Ecstasy

I remember getting my septum pierced, several thousand years ago, squirming in my chair the piercing shop, abjectly terrified of the pain that I’d been repeatedly assured I’d endure, surrounded by friends I was convinced were losing massive amounts of respect for me by the second. And then … it was over, and I couldn’t help but smile. It’s hard not to think of that when I see Amelie up there going through a similar experience:

Just the feeling when you arrive to the shop. You sit down, meanwhile he does the preparation … when the butterflies sort of start tumbling in my belly, when he marks out where the piercing will be, when he grabs the forceps and puts it into place and then he grabs the needle and when the word comes:

“And breathe in,” he checks that it will go through right. “And exhale.”

If the adrenaline wasn’t already pumping it EXPLODES and the feeling is ecstatic. No pain — just an amazing feeling which I can’t live without.

(Photos by Underdos.)

See more in Septum piercing (Nose Piercing)

This Week in BME

And finally, to celebrate Toronto’s record-breaking heat today, here’s a shot of the lovely clockorange doing her best impression of a palm tree after doing some light dreadlock maintenance.

Kind of a big week around these parts. In case you missed it:

We were cold killin’ unicorns.

Pretty women wore nightmarish animal heads.

We saw the Fnords. (Or did we?)

BME Shop now features 25 percent more penis owls.

The BME Podcast arrived, featuring very special guest Allen Falkner!

A couple of dudes showed off their pussies, what’s the big deal?

And that is that, friends. We’ll be here over the weekend and should have a new article for you at some point, and if all goes well, another podcast early next week. Until then, enjoy Watchmen, give Rampage your love, be safe and, as always, thank you for your continued support of BME.