Guess Who?

What a beautiful morning. There definitely isn’t going to be any snow this Christmas here in Los Angeles but that’s one of the main reasons I live here. I’m going to be in and out over the next couple of weeks so please understand that while you’re on vacation from school or work, that we here at BME are putting the final touches on the new BME so that we can launch it around the second week of January. Modblog is going to have to take a back seat for a couple weeks while we plod ahead with that. It’s almost two years in the making and I hope it’s worth the wait.

I wanted to say thank you to everyone who has continued to support BME. The community is really about you guys and it is what makes this place so great. I’d also like to thank the new contributors I’ve had helping me keep up and especially thank Sean and Jen for their help with Modblog. I’ve enjoyed reading their posts and I hope you have too.


Before you click through, make that guess. Don’t forget that you’ve only got a couple more days to try to catch up to KitanoKaryuudo who has submitted 45,670 images this year. Check out the leaderboards to see where you are at. The top 20 contributors in each section will be getting awards!

See more in Female Torture Play (members only)


As rose with any other name

One of the biggest “issues” that the modification community used to have to deal with was the overwhelming abundance of male dominance. While most tattooers and piercers are still male, there is an increasing upsurge in female participation. Maybe it’s just easier to modify your junk if you’re a man? Perhaps it was simply more socially acceptable as a man?

That being said, I have a little treat this morning for you!


Did I trick you or did you cheat and look at the tags? The answer simply is that guys have more options. I know if I had a penis I’d definitely have a meatotomy and a little hidden surprise for the ladies in my life.


See more in Male Genital Tattooing (Genital (and Atypical) Tattooing) (members only)

Guess What? Autumn Breeze Edition

It’s getting to be that time of year, eh folks? The leaves are changing, the days are getting shorter and we’re all breaking out our warm, autumnal sartorial options—even our esteemed Guess What? participants, including Uwe up there! Hopefully I haven’t given away too much, because the first person to guess what’s behind the click-through wins a new fall wardrobe courtesy of J. Crew!*

*Or, to put it another you, you do not win that at all.

Guess What? “Kissing Cousins” Edition

Greetings! Welcome back to this summer’s second-highest-grossing blockbuster, Guess What?, currently sporting a hearty 84 per cent on Rotten Tomatoes. The rules here are quite simple: You honest people take a look at our clue up there, try to guess what sinful part of the human anatomy it is, and then the first person to get it right (without cheating—we know if you’re cheating. We have our ways) wins a prize! This week’s reward? A helicopter ride to the moon!* Here’s another hint: Thematically, what we have above is not entirely dissimilar to this twin Wolf Jesus erotica from earlier today. And hey, after the jump? A bonus photo, just for being so sweet.

*Helicopter ride leaves from Mars. Winner is responsible for transporting him- or herself to the launch pad.

Hey, pretty cute, right? I’m pretty sure they’re spooning in the top picture, and the second one here? That’s just some gentle necking. (Heading?) Really though, this is one of the (relatively) many wonderfully healed bisections we’ve seen over the last little while—very moderate scarring, healthy size to both halves and, quite honestly, a winsome demeanor fairly uncharacteristic of anonymous genitals.

Tattoo Hollywood, BME’s first tattoo convention, is coming to Los Angeles from August 21-23, featuring contests, prizes and some of the best artists from around the world! Click here for more information.

See more in Full Subincision (Subincision & Genital Splitting) (members only)

Guess What? “Wednesdays Are For Lovers” Edition

Welcome back, folks, to America’s most influential literary salon, Guess What?, where your dreams have the room to soar as high as possible. This is actually a two-parter—even after the much anticipated click-through above, it’s entirely possible that the full story of just what exactly is going on may still be a mystery. If that’s the case, then perhaps you’ll fancy some context, after ye olde jump. But don’t cheat if you don’t have to! The first person to guess correctly wins A WHEELBARROW FULL OF PUPPIES!*

*Offer not valid.

There it is! For those of you who guessed, “Excellently healing full-length subincision with a piercing at the base of the split,” you win! Congratulations, you lucky devils.

Tattoo Hollywood, BME’s first tattoo convention, is coming to Los Angeles from August 21-23, featuring contests, prizes and some of the best artists from around the world! Click here for more information.

See more in Full Subincision (Subincision & Genital Splitting) (members only)

Guess What? Tuesday Edition

Welcome, all, to America’s fastest-growing carpentry sex party, Guess What?, coming to you LIVE with a special(?) Tuesday edition! You know the rules: Up there is some sort of obscene image, and you just plump the depths of your debauched and depraved mind trying to guess what it is. And, if you get it right, you win…A BRAND NEW GIRAFFE! Aren’t you tired of your old giraffe? Well…here’s your chance to get a new one. And no cheating, either. Cheating at Guess What? is an affront to God.

(Click through up top to reveal the image, and after the jump, some supplementary shots. No peeking!)

(Facial tattoos by Mik Clark at Mr. Miks Northwich, UK.)

See more in Facial and Neck Tattoos (Tattoos)

Guess What? “No Surprises” Edition

The ModBlog rule, from time immemorial, has been if you can’t tell what something is…it’s probably a penis. It’s a versatile appendage, after all. It can be sliced, flayed, twisted and contorted in a multitude of ways—almost all of which have been featured here at some point. With that in mind, we present this week’s installment of America’s fastest-growing vegetarian cuisine program, “Guess What?” Is it a penis? Probably. But that doesn’t mean you shouldn’t try to guess how it’s been manipulated! Especially since the first person to guess correctly will win a brand new car!*

*Offer not valid on earth or any of its colonies.

Guess What? Shark Week Edition

You know what? Let’s turn this into an impromptu Guess What? Just try to guess how the person whose tattoo this is described it. Whoever guesses correctly wins whatever remains of Rajon Rondo‘s soul.

Says D8withthenight:

To clarify, she is a drag-queen sock-shark eating her own tampon.

If you say you got it bang-on…you are a dirty, rotten liar.

(Tattoo by Ricket Sjovengen at Cold Steel America in San Francisco, California.)

See more in Miscellaneous Tattoos (Tattoos)

Guess What? Sexy Thursday Edition

Hey there, ModBloggers! Today’s “Guess What?” is deceptively tricky. Sure, you look at it and figure, “Oh, it’s a photo of the lovely Jenni, what more is there figure out?” Well…there is a lot more. A whole lot. The first person to guess correctly what’s hiding beyond the borders of the above photo wins their VERY OWN DINOSAUR. Get to work!

Not Even Close to Fair

As the title suggests, I don’t suspect anybody will actually guess this one, which is fine—it’s such a nicely taken photo that the click-through is its own reward. If you do guess correctly, however, you will be sworn in as the president of a nation to be determined later. I think it’s a fair deal.

(Photo courtesy of Bruisepresser.)

See more in Boy/Girl Sex Play (members only)