You Prefer a Gentleman

Well hey, here we have the only half-evil (if that) Mr_Hyde, checking in from old Italia, showing off, among other things, that handsome cutting on his stomach by Lewis from Trimur Tattoo, in photos by Jacopo Lorenzini. This photo? We’ve got a click-through. After the jump, one photo does and one doesn’t. Guess which is which! I think you’ll be pleasantly surprised.

See more in Genital Beading (Implants) (members only)

Lie in the Light

Oh, what’s this? Another excellent scarification piece by noted intergalactic traveler Anders at Flesh Impressions in Broadbeach, Australia (more), you say? Yes, that seems to be quite in character for him, indeed. Here we see his work on familiar muse James, explained by the artist himself as such:

It’s an old handmade key design from late 1800s-early 1900s—a single line cut with cross hatching to give the key a handcrafted old look. When healed, it will be a subtle and discreet scar on the hand.

If the result of their last collaboration is any indication of how nicely James heals this sort of work, we can’t wait to see this new piece a little way down the line.

Split Ya Guts

As we have made mention of many times in the past, ModBlog exists, if for no other reason, than to bring you, the handsome and erudite readers, the very finest in cephalopod-related body modification. Well, here we have a jaunty little octopus, cut into place by Brian Decker at Pure Body Arts in Williamsburg, Brooklyn. Mr. Decker is currently gallavanting around Berkeley, California, doing whatever it is people do there (smoke medical marijuana and hate America), so feel free to get in touch with him if you are in the market for his particular brand of pain-infliction.

Enjoy your weekend and your Raekwon, folks!

See more in Skin Removal Scarification (Scarification)

You Got Me For Now

Hoo boy, this is just some excellent work right here, eh folks? The very talented Brendan Russell checks in all the way from 2012 Tattoo and Piercing in Newcastle, Australia, with this stunning Día de los Muertos-inspired scarification piece, featuring some of the finest cross-hatch and skin removal we’ve seen in quite some time. As always, it’ll be very interesting to see how this bad boy heals up, but for the time being? This is getting the job done for us.

See more in Skin Removal Scarification (Scarification)

Too Sexy To Eat

Well hey, look at this jaunty little missus! Among the various indignities I faced growing up in Canada, being deprived of Nickelodeon left me cold on countless cultural references, so I had no idea until just this second that this is, in fact, Wanda from The Fairly OddParents, which Wikipedia tells me is a highly popular show. (It also claims that many Nickelodeon are aired in Canada on other stations, but this seems like far-left propaganda.) At any rate! This electrocautery branding was done by Chavito at Nyaya in Saltillo, Coahuila, Mexico. Will this branding also teach children valuable lessons about being careful what you wish for and the most effective ways to replace your dim-bulb parents with supernatural creatures? Probably, yes.

Admire the View

The last time we saw Jusn, he was bonding with his pops over big stretched piercings, real or otherwise. Before that, though, we featured him immediately following a scarification collaboration by Ron Garza and Wayde Dunn based on a Garuda mask Ron saw while in Indonesia. This is that cutting, two-and-a-half years later and just a little sunburned, but it’s a fine example of how a particularly intricate cutting can fare several years down the line.

Cutting Gone Wrong

Acts of body modification, even when performed by experienced professionals, can still have unpredictable results, and even the best-laid plans can go unexpectedly awry. Such was the case for this gentleman above, who, following a cutting, thought he was well upon his way into healing when things took an unfortunate turn.

This just goes to show you, even in a sterile environment and with proper aftercare, things can still go wrong. I followed precise aftercare, cleaning and re-dressing my wound 2-3 times a day, etc. Everything was going great until the seventh day of healing, when I developed two small pink areas. Talking to my artist via phone (who will go unnamed) we discussed the possibility of a heat rash but he wouldn’t know until he saw it in person and told me to stop wrapping it. I woke up the next morning and I saw what you see in the photo, which took about only nine hours to develop. Needless to say, I’m now taking two types of antibiotics, four pills a day; hopefully it will clear up soon. I can’t help but feel bummed because less than two days ago, everything looked perfect. Over the years, this is my first body modification to ever go wrong or become infected.

See more in Misc. Cuttings (Scarification)

Gettin’ Soggy

Well, look who it is! The last time we featured the very lovely La Negra, there was lots of talk about breasts, real and fake, and the various societal consequences of such unnatural mammarial extensions. Well, she has clearly just been shedding nipples left and right since then, as evidenced above in this shot by Martin Del Pozo taken backstage after a performance at Club Namunkura in Buenos Aires, Argentina. Do we still cherish her now that she is so painfully regular, with only her God-given nipples in place? Yes. Yes we do.

See more in 3D-Art Implants (Implants) (members only)

This Week in BME

Hot damn that’s a whole lotta tattoo content, eh ModBloggers? Let’s cool off with a nice refreshing scarification piece, this one by Brian Wood at Liberty Tattoo in Winston-Salem, North Carolina. And it’s with that that we’ll leave you on this mild Friday. These have been an irregular couple of weeks, but come Monday we’ll be back to the ModBlog you know and love—honest! You probably haven’t missed much over the past little while, but just in case? We’d recommend checking out the Tattoo Hollywood posts, which are just chock full of awesomeness courtesy of Phil Barbosa, Thaddeus Brown and Jen Savage. We’ll try to make some appearances over the weekend, but until Monday, have fun, stay safe and, of course, thank you for your continued support of BME.

Wave To All My Friends

And we’re back! Apologies for the sporadic nature of our fair ModBlog over the past week, but it was worth it, we promise. We’re still trying to get settled and kick the terrible disease we contracted on the flight back to the wintry north, but in the mean time, here we have Timothy‘s new bonsai tree cutting by The Thunder From Down Under (And Sometimes From Above), Wayde Dunn in Calgary, Alberta. Tim’s other side is similarly adorned with a bonsai tree cutting by Brian Decker, so it goes without saying that that is one formidable torso he’s got there. And the scarification pieces are pretty nice too! Zing.