Souls to Burn

Here’s a little known fact: Dan DiMattia of Calypso Tattoo is not actually a tattoo artist. Weird, right? Because you’ve seen all these beautiful things that he claims to have tattooed? Never. Not once has he tattooed a person. You know how he tipped his hand? “His” “pieces” are too good. No human being could actually produce tattoos that gorgeous. Either Dan DiMattia is some sort of space creature, or he is in league with magicians and/or witches who just make these works of art appear. These are obviously the only two reasonable options to explain how he can consistently claim to produce such incredible work. (Actually, there’s a third option, one which involves me being a moron. Guess which one is correct! I think you’ll be pleasantly surprised.)

That’s it for today, ModBlog. Embrace the evening, and we’ll see you tomorrow.

See more in Skull and Skeleton tattoos (Tattoos)

I Would Have Been a Locksmith

This election business has been fun, hasn’t it? (Except when it was goddamn excruciating.) Anyway, all else being equal, this was an exciting evening, but let’s check in with ol’ Einstein up there before we check out:

“Laws alone can not secure freedom of expression; in order that every man present his views without penalty there must be spirit of tolerance in the entire population.”

Sound advice, quote-of-the-day toilet paper. Goodnight, ModBlog, and we’ll see you in the morning.

Full Coverage: Links From All Over (Nov. 3, 2008)

[TheNewsRoom] There’s a lot going on here, so let’s go piece by piece. This girl collects celebrity autographs, on her body, and then gets them tattooed for posterity (and bragging rights, and profit?). She just got Fergie’s, bumping up her running total to 87 or 88 (!). Among the others: Sheryl Crow, Meg Ryan, Angelina Jolie and Miley Cyrus. The big catch, though, as far as she’s concerned, is Tim McGraw on her left breast. The problem, for some reason, is that her dad, who supports her financially, will cut her off and send her back to her birth mother in Pittsburgh if he finds out that she’s been getting tattooed. Except that people have apparently filmed her and sent videos to her dad. I swear to God this is a real story.

[The News Star] We have a new champion! John “Joker” McManus of Joker Tattoo Shop in West Monroe, LA, just broke the world record for most tattoos performed in a 24-hour period, tattooing 775 two-inch-by-two-inch stars from noon Friday to noon Saturday last weekend.

By the end, McManus was exhausted to the point that his wife (and other onlookers) were worried for his health, but it all worked out in the end: In addition to bragging rights, it was a charity event, with all proceeds going to Toys for Tots, The Ouachita Humane Society and The Louisiana Cerebral Palsy Foundation. Good show, Joker.

[Wallet Pop] So, we’ve covered shops giving away free Obama tattoos, and others offering free piercings for anyone who votes, and now the good folks at New Look Laser Tattoo Removal are getting in on the sweet election action too:

New Look is offering the citizens of North Texas a chance to vote for change this election … if you prove that you voted this year by bringing in your “I Voted” sticker, voter registration card, or give us your word you fully punched your chad, we’ll give you a free tattoo removal treatment.

You can get change in the White House and change in your skin. And whether your candidate wins or loses at the battle box, your failed policy of bad tattoo ink will definitely be left in the dustpan of history.

The gauntlet has been thrown down. Your move, FadeFast.

Prepare for glory!

Niki Patterson sent in this video of a (500 needle) play piercing session she did on her friend Eric Hubble..

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DivX download link for BME members: Extreme2 or Full members

Tiki Tattoos and Body Piercing, Thermopylae, Greece Groton, CT.