Not THAT GUY again!

Brian Decker is no stranger to Modblog, in fact, rarely a week goes by that his name doesn’t get credited in a post. When I search the updates to various galleries looking  for photos worthy of featuring here, I try and maintain some sort of variety both in content and with the artist responsible for the work. However, Brian just keeps knocking out amazing piece after amazing piece and who am I to deny featuring them just  for the sake of variety?

Anyhow, when it comes to 3d art implants, not only is Brian awesome at the technical procedure he is also awesome  as an artistic silicone carver. He really understands what amount of detail will show through in the healed product and has the carving skills to make it all work. This picture of Nae’s 10 month old flower implant he did is a great showcase of those skills.


Those crazy Brits!

I have no idea what this show is about, but it comes from the same country that finds Mr. Bean funny, so how can I expect to understand?

Anyhow blackroses sent me a message on IAM that said:

We have a show in england called snog marry avoid, tonight is the start of series 3 and i was surprised and delighted to find a fork tongued teacher!

She was kind enough to include a link to it on YouTube so I could share it with you guys.

UPDATE: My favorite nomad, Howie, shot me a message saying he was the artist who did the implants and tongue split and that the girl is kissitgoodbye.

I wear my muscles on my sleeves

Fredl of Art & Soul in Mannheim, Germany is the artist credited for the work below. This is probably one of the more extensive “skin rip” tattoos that I’ve seen. While anatomy tattoos aren’t very common, the few people sporting larger pieces tend to have them extremely detailed. I’d be interested to know if he worked off of any specific resource material or came up with the design based on the wearers own muscle tone and flow. It seems to work pretty well. There’s a little implanty goodness if you go ahead and click through.




Hot Topic enough for you?

I couldn’t sleep so I figured I’d get a jump on the day and wake Modblog up bright and early.

Dark Freak from Luck All did the implants on this lovely lady. He didn’t include her name but I’m sure someone can suss that out for me. I can’t wait until I can make it down to South America again so I can see some of these Brazilian beauties first hand.


See more in 3D-Art Implants (Implants) (members only)

An American Boy from Russia

He didn’t leave an IAM name but he did say he’s from St. Petersburg. Russia. He was out with a friend who wanted to take photos of him. His implants are by Arseniy Andersson from Saint-Scalpelburg in St. Petersburg. If you look closely, I think his arm is greylined and he’s begun work on sleeves. It’s pretty amazing to see such a blank canvas with implants. At first I was about to reject this submission as not having mod content because his skin is so fair.


See more in 3D-Art Implants (Implants) (members only)

Chouk does it right

Stretched lobes, check. Stretched Medusa, check, Stretched upper ear punch, Stretched Lowbrets (?) Check. What else am I missing?? Look closely and if you don’t see it, check the tags for a clue!



Click through for another photo.. Piercings by Indy of Ritual Piercing in Brussels, Belgium.

See more in 3D-Art Implants (Implants) (members only)


Tattoos by Alexandre Wuillot of La Main Bleue in Mons, Belgium.

See more in Old School (and Old) Tattoos (Tattoos)

Making waves

Our final international post of the day comes from Mistertom. They’re doing implants underneath the black tattoos if it wasn’t obvious. I’m going to try to post some photos of two tattooed folk hanging out in Hawai’i if I can get the internet to let me upload more photos. Thanks for the underwater camera photo tips from all you camera pros out there. I appareciate it!


One more shot after the jump.


See more in 3D-Art Implants (Implants) (members only)

Point At My Spots

The last time we featured Lewis Dodd here on ModBlog, we were all admiring his fantastic back-piece, but did you know Mr. Dodd is a body modification practitioner (at Glorybound Tattoo in Exmouth, UK), too? (Well, yeah, you almost surely did.) With that said, here’s a silicone finger implant done by him, one month old in this photo. We’ve seen trans/microdermals in this area before that have healed well, but—and this is just our own typical discomfort talking, here—we can’t help but think something like this would drive us crazy. But hey, in terms of the inherent problems and difficulties working in such a small area and given that it looks relatively happy a month into the healing process? We give this one an “A” for effort at the very least.

See more in 3D-Art Implants (Implants) (members only)

One Way Or Another

So, we’ve featured Jusn (more) and Lilli (cupcake!) on here separately as of late, but, hey, it is a crime and an abomination to not show these kids off together. Sure, it’s not the same without someone’s dad being hoodwinked or some evil chocolate monster, but this is one handsome pair nonetheless. If you only let one photo on the internets melt your heart today, let it be this one.

See more in Couples who met through BME (Culture)