Endless Elsewhere

Ahoy-hoy, ModBloggers! Hope the weekend finds you well. Sorry for the late post today—Internet at the manor has been a real kick in the dick all day. Anyway! Here’s some fine portraiture work by Josh Reynolds from Cannibal Graphics in Oklahoma City, Oklahoma. What can I say? I’m a sucker from Day of the Dead/pinup/Virgin Mary iconography. (Which we see all the time, believe me.)

Oh, and one more thing…

If you’re in Toronto, the Seven Crowns gents, George and Matt (above) are hosting a gallery showing of tattoo art at Rocky Raccoon’s! I’ll be there along with resident BME photo magician Phil Barbosa, so come on out and say hello, etc. Here’s the info:

On Saturday, May 30th we’ll be holding the “Monsters, Martyrs and May-sterpieces” show at Rocky Raccoon’s, 2579 Yonge St. in Toronto, a study in fantastically terrifying and disturbingly cheerful art pieces from the tattoo world. We will be displaying our own art as well as that of local tattoo artists, and would love for everyone to come and check it out. The event will start around 8pm, and there will be cheap drinks and free food, along with music by Sarah B. and other features that promise to tantalize and…you get the idea. Come out and celebrate art with us.

Welcome to the Future

Hey, nerds! (Kidding.) This great calf-piece (calf-sleeve? Reverse shorts? Leg warmer?) from Toronto’s Matt Ellis features various Marvel mutants fighting some wretched Sentinels, who are just throwing fire, trying to kill folks, and just generally shitting on everybody’s good time, because they’re dicks.

You know who isn’t a dick, though? Matt Ellis! He and George Brown, the gents behind Seven Crowns Tattoo, are hosting a gallery showing/sex party on Saturday, May 30, 2009, in scenic Toronto, Ontario, featuring work from several local tattoo artists! Information about the event is after the jump, as well as the remainder of the above leg warmer.

On Saturday, May 30th we’ll be holding the “Monsters, Martyrs and May-sterpieces” show at Rockie Raccoon’s, 2579 Yonge St. in Toronto, a study in fantastically terrifying and disturbingly cheerful art pieces from the tattoo world. We will be displaying our own art as well as that of local tattoo artists, and would love for everyone to come and check it out. The event will start around 8pm, and there will be cheap drinks and free food, along with music by Sarah B. and other features that promise to tantalize and…you get the idea. Come out and celebrate art with us.

That’s a “get there” if I’ve ever seen one. So get there! C’monnnnn.

See more in Cartoon Tattoos (Tattoos)

APP Podcast With Perk900

Hey, remember when I said I had a fun surprise this week? I wasn’t lying! Live from the parking lot of one of Las Vegas’s finest Del Taco establishments, this afternoon we caught up with Brian to see what sort of excitement’s been going on during the first few days of this year’s Association of Professional Piercers convention. Among the topics of conversation: good times at a shooting range, the brick shit-house that is Buck Angel (evidenced by he and Sarvas disrobing for a photo together) and the lethal combination of the boner pill Cialis and grapefruit juice. And, of course, much, much more. Get it below. Get it.

(Ed. note: The sound is a little fuzzy at times, but I cleaned it up as best I could. Brian was in a bit of a noisy area. We’ll forgive him.)


Right-click and “Save Target/Link As” to download the .mp3 directly

Music featured:

Embrace – Give Me Back
Sugar – Hoover Dam
Wilco – I Am Trying To Break Your Heart

More Fun From An Evening With Horiyoshi III

Hey, remember this past weekend, when we showed you some pictures from Canvas LA‘s sexy swingers party, An Evening with Horiyoshi III? Well, there are plenty more fun photos where those came from! Like that one up there, with teevee starRachel from BME” hanging out with Benji Madden!

After the jump, Benji finds himself in a compromising position (!) and other goodies.

Rachel, ever the enterprising businessperson, told Madden there was a strict “no shirt” policy at the gallery. Some guys fall for anything.

Alright, Benji, now you’re just showing off.

And here we have Bob Roberts of the world-famous Spotlight Tattoo, lookin’ sharp! He was not so easily swindled into disrobing.

Hey, Bruce Buffer was there too! He and his brother Michael have a blood-pact to never remove any article of clothing in public, so it is impossible to confirm or deny whether or not he’s all tattooed underneath. I can also neither confirm nor deny reports that he brings a microphone with him wherever he goes and prompts random pairings of people to fight to the death. (Oh…we can confirm he doesn’t do that? Well, good.)

D.C.’s Grant Cobb was most surprised indeed to learn that the allegedly “free” Sapporo came with a complimentary goosing.

Oh, and here is L.A. Ink‘s Kim Saigh with the multi-talented Shawn Barber, both of whom have been the subjects of profiles on BME! (Saigh here, Barber here.) Now, hmm, wouldn’t want to make any wild assumptions here, but is it possible they found love, you know…because of BME? (No.)

Photos by Thaddeus Brown.

An Evening With Horiyoshi III Pre-Party: Now With Fancy Pictures!

As previously pimped on this here weblog, Canvas Los Angeles is playing host to a living exhibit of tattoo work by the great Horiyoshi III. Well, last night was a pre-party, and it went off like a goddamned rocket. Check out some more photos after the jump, and if you’re in L.A., tonight’s event ought to be a hoot.

Coming to Canvas LA: Horiyoshi III

Hey there, Los Angeles-area tattoo community folks! Got anything going on this coming Saturday, April 25? Well, you do now. That night, from 8-11 p.m., Canvas Los Angeles will be hosting An Evening With Horiyoshi III, the largest-ever American exhibit of the Irezumi tattoo master’s work. On display will be 10 full body suits, 50 original paintings and the unveiling of the all-new Horiyoshi The Third clothing line, featuring original designs by Horiyoshi himself. And, while the artist will unfortunately be unable to attend, his son, Kazuyoshi, will be on the premises tattooing.

Canvas LA will try to accommodate as many people as possible, but due to the unique nature of the evening, tattoo artists are being given a first crack at RSVP slots. If interested in attending, please e-mail the gallery at [email protected].

And Here Is Your Dallas SusCon Photo Update

Hey, it’s SusCon weekend in steamy Dallas, Texas, and while I couldn’t be there, lots of friends were, so let’s look at some photos of the festivities, yes? First of all, as we mentioned previously, Allen Falkner turned 40 yesterday, and what you see up there (in a picture by Angela Poon) is a project coming to fruition after three years in the making: Three years ago, BME’s own Phil Barbosa had that oversized portrait made and orchestrated having it sent all over the world with various travelers, picking up signatures at every stop, with the intention of surprising Allen with it on his fortieth birthday. And hot holy damn, it all worked! I haven’t received an official report about his reaction, but I can only assume that he has not stopped crying, seeing as he is old and infirm now. (Kidding!)

Take a peek after the jump for some more good stuff.

Oh, these photos are courtesy of Brian, who, as you can see, is up to his old tricks, molesting every young man that isn’t nailed down. Thanks Brian!

Earlier in the week, I mentioned that the ihung team would be building an even bigger PVC-pipe suspension dome than this one, and hey, there are Scot and Mikey, testing the structural integrity of the revamped version.

And there it is in all its glory. That is goddamn awesome.

It appears that, left to their own devices, the SusCon attendees quickly formed roving gangs. I believe this crew of outcasts prefer to be called “The Yellow-Jacket Boys.”

You may have noticed little ads on the side of the page over the last little while advertising a freak show/performance/etc. for Allen’s birthday and to kick off the SusCon, and this, of course, comes from that show. Here is Havve, who is one of the greatest performers around, offering a sober discussion on how the Norwegian banking system differs from the failing American model.

And here is a scary dinosaur of some sort, caught in one of Allen’s patented dinosaur traps. He will be thrown on a barbecue later on today, and devoured by everyone in attendance.

Check back soon for more updates!

Coming to Canvas LA: Fist Full of Metal

From the fine folks at Canvas LA:

MARCH 7th, 2009 8-11 PM
“Fist Full Of Metal”
The Art of the Jean Jacket

Please join us on Saturday, March 7th as we bring you Joe Capobianco’s “Fist Full Of Metal.” This 52 piece collection showcases what’s possible when you give tattoo artists a chance to go back 20 years, when the Denim Jacket was all that mattered. Giving nod to a time when the parking lot was the only party, these hand paint jackets and vests are an offering to the Heavy Metal gods themselves.