
Last weekend we had a guy come into our shop who was a true character. His name was Nico Joy and his performing nickname was N-Joy (not to be confused with the g-spot stimulating adult toys by the same name). He came in and inquired about getting a tattoo, a decent sized stomach rocker with his name and below it “aka N-Joy”. He ended up not getting anything, explaining that he usually gets his work done in DC and that it is way cheaper.

At one point he showed us this tattoo as a reference for what he could get for “80 bucks and a 5 dollar tip” in DC, and I think it sums it up well.


And the winner was….


He was the first person to correctly cite the album featured in this post as Faith No More’s Epic. Since I said whoever named the album correctly would be a “modblog star for a day”, here is his moment of internet stardom. It turns out he has been featured two times previously, but this one is different. This feature is about the man in the pictures, not just the pictures.

Nihilist, describes himself as:

“Beer drinkin’, whiskey chuggin’ S.O.B. Ramblin’ man. Love kitties. Hate humanity. Jobless/Homeless. Anarchist. ”

He seems like my kind of guy. In fact , that’s the kind of description I could have used for myself a few years back during my angsty youth period. Well, except the jobless/homeless part, I have always been way too into gadgets and creature comforts for that.


Here’s a tattoo of his that would have definitely been worth a modblog post all on it’s own. This “corporate zombie” was done by Duff at Studio City Tattoo in Studio City, CA.


More of Nihilist and his mods (including genital) after the break.

Another rad tattoo by Duff.


Nihilist wanted to make sure I mention Willow Piercer, whom he credits for doing all of his non-tattoo body mods.




Just from browsing his page briefly, he seems like a cool guy.  If you are on IAM take a minute and check his page out. If you are not on IAM, why the hell aren’t you?

This New Years make a resolution to say what you REALLY mean

Like Dusty here, who submitted this picture of his “Let’s Fuck” knuckle duster tattoo.  No beating around the bush, no games, just straight up letting people know what he desires.

Sure most of us have seen, the much more subtle, “Let’s Fuck” interlocking upper knuckle tattoo that has been going around for years, but Dusty did not want subtle, he wanted brutally honest.

Dusty included this with his photo submission:

>>So the story about my knuckle tats: I fuck alot of broads and I love the dwarves, hence wicked knuckle tat .<<

He also adds:

>>Homeless girls rule!<<


Dusty’s tattoo was done by Helena at Helena’s Tattoos Halifax, Nova Scotia Canada.

Jokes on you

People who know me well will tell you that I am a Youtube-er. I browse their vids all the time, and post them everywhere and anywhere. I really enjoy the videos coming out of Current‘s channel, what with all the tongue in cheek humor and colourful characters.  This video is a guide on how to make a Youtube video about your new tattoo. And if you are looking for something a little…racier? Well why not check out some of these videos.


Forgo the Nightcap

It was only a matter of time before every possible finger-related tattoo joke was used, and we don’t think we were alone in wondering what the next inky humor accessory would be. And now? Here is your answer, probably, featuring flash by Derik Snell for a tattoo by Adam at Hand of Glory in Brooklyn, New York. Oh and hey, just in time for old Halloween! Sweet serendipity, right?

See more in Sci-Fi Tattoos (Tattoos)

Crazy Llamas

International man of mystery Craig Coupal checks in with these fancy new inner lip tattoos by Marty Lacombe, one of the fine artists at North Bay’s Live Once Tattoo. It really is interesting what hangs around in the ether and becomes something resembling a cultural institution, isn’t it? No offense intended to Messrs. Kutcher or Scott, nor to the gentlemen pictured above—it’s just funny, is all. And really, more than anything else, we’re just glad that these men of such varying backgrounds hair colors could put aside their many, many differences and come together for this joyous occasion.

Don’t Drink Boners

We were almost—almost—disappointed that this glorious work of art did not include various elements, such as the crucifix, which is how you know it’s a religious tattoo, but you know what? We’re willing to look past such omissions due to the fact that even a re-interpreted Whitest Kids U’ Know tattoo is much, much better than none at all. Context and very happy birthday to Rick, after the jump.

(Tattoo by Ronan Harvey at Avalon Tattoo in San Diego, California.)

See more in Geek Tattoos (Tattoos)