Damned To Be One Of Us

Ahoy-hoy, folks! Let’s kick off this Wednesday (or “Hump Day,” as the ancients called it) with this series of photos documenting stabbylove‘s new scarification piece, cut into place by Australia’s entry into the Mr. Universe pageant, Wayde Dunn, while at Wicked Ink in Penrith, Australia. Up top? That’s immediately following—obviously. Post-jump, more procedural and healing shots, because that’s what we do.

Here’s your future, ModBloggers.

Wayde goin’ to town.

Three weeks later.

Three months later.

Tattoo Hollywood, BME’s first tattoo convention, is coming to Los Angeles from August 21-23, featuring contests, prizes and some of the best artists from around the world! Click here for more information.

See more in Misc. Cuttings (Scarification)

Hustling The Freak

See, now, this is why I stand in firm opposition to “medical science” and the like, as my beloved Owl God teaches: Here is a man who, somehow, survived his own autopsy, which is surely, inarguably a miracle. Unless, of course, he is now a zombie, which would be vile trickery of the highest order. SHOW YOUR FACE, LIVING DEAD FELLA.

(But really, this intense and finely executed scar was done by none other than John Durante while taking a break from gridskipping in Des Moines, Iowa.)

Tattoo Hollywood, BME’s first tattoo convention, is coming to Los Angeles from August 21-23, featuring contests, prizes and some of the best artists from around the world! Click here for more information.

See more in Skin Removal Scarification (Scarification)

Meat And Mass

Our old pal Brian Decker has been getting quite a bit of play on our hallowed pages here lately, but man alive, he has just been on a tear the past little while, has he not? Last week we saw some impressive implant work from him, and now he checks in with this gorgeous “Arabic henna style” cutting on the hand/wrist/forearm of Heather, who we just saw the other day as well, covered in blood or something equally great. And, of course, we’ve got a few more shots after the jump, because that’s how we do it around these parts.

Tattoo Hollywood, BME’s first tattoo convention, is coming to Los Angeles from August 21-23, featuring contests, prizes and some of the best artists from around the world! Click here for more information.

See more in Brian Decker (Scarification)

Rows of Angel Hair

Hey, don’t be so hard on yourself! This Hole-inspired (probably?) piece is plenty pretty on the outside, too—though I guess you sort of expect that with a cutting (plus electro-cautery branding!) by the excellent Christiane at Pinpoint Piercing in Oslo, Norway. Also, wow, considering this is the inglorious Summer of Celebrity Death, is Courtney Love just hiding out in her panic room for days on end or what? Stay safe out there, famous crazies.

See more in Misc. Cuttings (Scarification)

Yield to the Tongue

Whoa hey, fancy! New-to-BME Nadyne checks in with this “endless knot” scarification piece by Timb Wilton at Third Eye Tattoo in Melbourne, Australia. It’s brand new, she says, but she’ll send in more photos as the healing process continues. That’s what we like to hear, Nadyne! And, hey, Mr. Wilton, we like the cut of your jib, too. Fine work all around, folks. And, as luck would have it, we’ve got a procedural shot, after the jump.

A Blue One and a Yellow One

Hello, ModBloggers! Let’s start the day off with this skin removal piece by Paulo Vitor, hanging out at Caos Body Art in sunny old Barra Bonita, Brazil, and, apparently, cheating at every game of Tic Tac Toe he possibly can. (More evidence after the jump.) Now, I’m not saying we need to question the integrity of body modification artists—not at all. Maybe just don’t turn your back on one during a game of strategy.

Welcome back, folks—we’ve got till noon, here comes the moon.

See more in Skin Removal Scarification (Scarification)

A Hundred Souls and a Hundred To Go

The last time we saw Cookie, we caught a glimpse of some of her 3D implants and scarification work, but, quite frankly, that was just the tip of the iceberg as far as her rather intense and extremely impressive body of modification work goes. The implants are (obviously?) by her husband, the illustrious Steve Haworth, tattoos by Nicole McCord, and the scar work you can see is by our favorite ubiquitous Australian, Wayde Dunn, at the Haworth Mod Spa in Phoenix, Arizona. More pictures, of course, after the jump.

See more in 3D-Art Implants (Implants) (members only)

Pin Hope On This Promise

Good day, fair ModBloggers! Hope the weekend finds you all well. Before you celebrate your country by blowing up a small part of it this evening, take a look at this intense stomach flesh-removal piece on Travis by Dan Marshall while guest-spotting at Studio 13 in Bowmanville, Ontario. After the jump, a few more shots of the procedure (including one a few weeks into the healing process).

Here we have Dan and Travis, horsing around with some sort of medieval death blade. “Please take note of the sweet-ass Soviet tank goggles,” Dan says in between vicious stabs.

And this is the piece about a month and a half into the healing process. There are obviously some slight textural inconsistencies, but, as we’ve seen in the past, six weeks or so is hardly enough time to tell exactly how a scar will end up. We’re definitely looking forward to seeing how these progress!

Her Reflection Looks Concerned

We mentioned a little while ago that friend of BME Meg Barber was doing a short guest-spot tour before packing up for sunny Los Angeles, and as luck would have it, she decided to check in with this lovely plumeria blossom cutting she did while in scenic Cincinnati, Ohio. Great placement, clean design, crisp lines…I thought about giving it either an A or an A+, but I completely forgot that there’s an A++.

See more in Misc. Cuttings (Scarification)

The Body Drags the Mind

Apologies, folks: Technical difficulties today, but I’ll try to get caught up this evening. Until then, how about this wild electrocautery branding piece by Brenno at Body Factory in Trieste, Italy. My Latin is more than a little rusty, but the Internets lead me to believe this is a Horace quote that translates to, “Unless it obeys, it commands.” That said, I’ve been bested by information online before, so if this is actually a line from an Eagles songs or something, hey, don’t shoot the messenger.

A close-up of the fresh brand, after the jump.

See more in Misc. Modern Branding (Scarification)