Eyebrow Removal! Controversy! Update!

So you all probably remember this little romp in the Internet hay from last week, wherein Brandon had one of his eyebrows completely removed, and much was made of whether or not such a procedure would heal properly. Well, the preliminary results are in! The above image is after one week, and after the jump, check out three weeks’ worth of progress.

We’ll do our best to keep you updated as the healing continues.

A Million Uppercuts

Despite the fact that “A Milli” makes me want to jam tuning forks into my eardrums, Lil Wayne is the best. I don’t know how he manages to maintain the incredible mainstream popularity he has while being such a goddamn weirdo at the same time, but the world is a better place for it. Anyway, this tattoo has everything you could want in a celebrity portrait. Appropriate alterations to fit the body? Check. Hilarious photo choice? Check. Exquisite grill detail? Oh god yes. Also, this is neat, because I’m pretty sure that was the first time the phrase “exquisite grill detail” has been used, at all, ever.

(Tattoo by Ryan Hadley in Ft. Wayne, Indiana.)


I was pretty close to wetting my pants giggling when I first watched this karaoke session that Rafa sent over. I especially love the occasional hair fixing!

If you’d like to sing along with him the lyrics (plus some screenshots) are below the video..

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DivX download link for BME members: Extreme2 or Full members

Lay your head down just for now
Space fills your mind and you dream awhile
The sun floods your room as you drown
Your lungs full of breathing
Your true love believe

One more time to say I love you always
and keeping faith letting love find a way

Move let the stars suck you in
Hold tight, the night’s air and breathe again
Let go and be burnt by the moon
Your hands full of feeling your true love, Believe

One more time to say I love you always
and keeping faith letting love find a way

One more time to say I love you always
and keeping faith letting love find a way

I love you to death
Could you love me to death (x2)
Could you love me

One more time to say I love you always
and keeping faith letting love find a way

One more time to say I love you always
and keeping faith letting love find a way

Letting love find a way (x3)

Artist – The Used

More from Rafa on ModBlog.

BME Shop is Stockin’ Up

(Tattoo on blentostamin by Bojan Djordjevic at Morbith Tattoo in Vrsac, Vojvodina, Serbia.)

Christmas is coming early this year! (You’re all ready for Christmas again, right?) Everybody’s favorite online apothecary and specialty bait store, BME Shop, has just added all sorts of wonderful things to its stock! Here is a handy list of items you should buy:

Kaos Software

Gorilla Glass Claws

Gorilla Glass Bullet Hole Eyelets

Diablo Organics Bloodwood Tempests

Diablo Organics Tiger Ebony Eves

Diablo Organics Tiger Ebony Lily Spirals

Diablo Organics Tiger Ebony Tempests

Diablo Organics Tiger Ebony Wave Crests

Diablo Organics Tiger Ebony Rings

Diablo Organics Tiger Ebony Concave Plugs (1-2″)

Diablo Organics Bloodwood Concave Plugs (1-2″)

Oh, and here is something fun — BME Shop is now offering all sorts of exciting “erotic devices”! Including:

CBT Clamps

And there’s more where that came from! Also? T-shirts as low as $5.99! Happy shopping!

This Week in BME

So here is a rather ingenious recession-era idea, since all of the food, everywhere, will soon be looted by roving packs of the unemployed (read: everyone), our friend shahafpoint has drafted this prototype candy that also grows nutritious herbs and spices! As dark as the days may get, at least we will be able to dry our tears with oregano leaves.

Wait, no, shahafpoint got this piece in tribute to his grandmother and her Tic Tac addiction. That’s much sweeter.

(Tattoo by Avi Nassi at Psycho in Tel Aviv, Israel.)

And just like that, Friday night is flashing us, signaling it’s time to go. What happened this week, anyway?

  • We handed out our year-end awards, in case you missed them! Thanks, everyone!
  • A minor shitstorm over an eyebrow-removal scarification has progressed into a full-blown wild-shitfire, which continues to burn, murdering everything in its path.
  • The BME Scholarship is back! This is a really excellent cause. Give accordingly.
  • Clint Eastwood thinks you’re all a bunch of pussies.
  • Ferg and La Negra wasted valuable food, because they are bad, sexy people.
  • And there we have it. A post or two over the weekend, and then we put on our game-face and get back to it, Monday morning. Stay tuned next week for a fun article on a piercer who has been around forever, more or less, and who had a pretty full year that’s only getting busier. Until then, stay safe, and thank you for your continued support of BME. Have a great weekend.

    A Children’s Treasury of Offensive Tattoos

    Mike has been featured on ModBlog before on account of being in possession of some of the most patently offensive (and awesome?) tattoos in the land. Well, he’s added some more to the collection, so I thought, Hey, it’s been at least a few seconds since someone posted to the last wondrous flamewar, what the hell. The one up top is by Painless J at Marlowe Ink in Fairfax, Virginia. Says Mike of the piece: “Don’t take this the wrong way, I really do love and respect them.” No doubt!

    Painless J did the honors on this one as well, to which Mike adds: “I’ve gotten my redwings so many times I should be able to fly by now.” Hey, that was my twelfth-grade yearbook quote! Biter.

    And now, perhaps the most indefensibly tasteless tattoo I have ever seen, after the jump.

    This was committed by Mikey Cheese, who was presumably admitted into witness protection immediately afterward, at Hot Rod Tattoo in Galloway, New Jersey. I’m going to go take a long, hot shower.