2008 Year-End Awards Posted!

It’s that time of year again, folks. We’ve tallied the votes, and the top image and experience contributors (along with all of our staff and guest authors) for the past year are in the books! BME is a community effort, and it’s impossible to state the importance of the contributions that all of you make.

Also, due to a temporary glitch, the cover on the main page hasn’t updated yet, but click here to check out the very first image update of 2009.

Anyway, without further adieu, onto the awards!

To read the 2008 Year-End Awards, click here.

[Ed. note: Comments on this post have been disabled. Have at it in the forum attached to the article. Thanks.]

2008 BME Year-End Awards

Some may find it trite to say things like, “Without the readers, none of this would be possible,” but with BME it could not be more true — each and every year, the community sustains us. Without you, there would be nothing here, and we’re routinely awed by the amount and quality of submissions we receive. This year, we published thousands upon thousands of new photos and experiences, to say nothing of guest articles, Ask.BME contributions and roundtable participation, and that, friends, is incredible. And now, on with the awards!



1. 8,707 images


2. 5,834 images
Kitano Karyuudo
3. 2,930 images
4. 1,476 images
Joao Caldara
5. 1,339 images
6. 1,027 images
7. 995 images
8. 979 images
Allen Falkner
9. 929 images
10. 903 images


1. 12 experiences

2. 10 experiences

3. 9 experiences
Deadly Pale

4. 8 experiences

5. 7 experiences (tie)

5. 7 experiences (tie)

7. 5 experiences (tie)

7. 5 experiences (tie)
Metal Faced Yazzy

7. 5 experiences (tie)

7. 5 experiences (tie)
Melissa Rose

7. 5 experiences (tie)

7. 5 experiences (tie)


Tiff Badhairdo
Ask.BME staff
Meg Barber
Roundtable member
Brian Decker
Roundtable member
Stephen DeToma
Roundtable member
Allen Falkner
Roundtable, Author
Russ Foxx
Ask.BME staff
Ron Garza
Roundtable, Author
Warren Hiller
Ask.BME staff
Derek Lowe
Ask.BME, Roundtable
John Joyce
Roundtable member
Paul King
Lexci Million
Ask.BME staff
Ryan Ouellette
Ask.BME, Roundtable
Sean Philips
Ask.BME staff
Shawn Porter
Ask.BME, Author
Efix Roy
Ask.BME staff
Joy Rumore
Lori St. Leone
Ask.BME staff
Steve Truitt
Roundtable member
James Weber


Phil Barbosa
Image processing, party
planning, mustache rides

Mike Brum
Server maintenance,
TOS banhammer

Jason Cartwright
Programmer, code-

RooRaaah Crumbs
BMEvideo guru, Mod-
Blogger, whimsy

Jordan Ginsberg
Managing editor, head
writer, dick jokes

Tristan Henry-Wilson
Graphics, T-shirt
design, lithe
Jen Savage
Customer service,
loud noises

Jonathon Marshall
Former programmer and
over-all tech genie

Rachel Larratt
Publisher, Editor-in-
Chief, BMEshop, HBIC




If you’re pictured above, BME will contact you privately. Thanks again, everyone, and we’re looking very forward to an even bigger and better 2009!

* * *

Please consider buying a membership to BME so we can continue bringing you articles like this one.

This Week in BME

Hey, you heard the legs. Sound advice.

Well, it was a short week on account of the holidays, but I think we squeezed some fun out of it. To send off 2008, we:

  • Went around cold murderin’ endangered unicorns.
  • Put up some blingy jewelry for charity.
  • Drowned a giraffe, for fun, just because.
  • Froze our nuts off.
  • Killed absolutely every animal on earth. Lots of dead animals this week, eh?
  • Had an epiphany.
  • And lest you think we forgot, the annual BME Year-End Awards will be up very shortly. (You think you’re excited? Feel these nipples!) Other than that, a couple posts over the weekend, and then we get back into the regular routine, Monday morning. Be safe, folks, and of course, thank you for your continued support of BME. Have a great weekend.

    Son the Father

    David writes in:

    I was raised in the traditional Roman Catholic home. “Normalcy” was the standard. Throughout my formative years, I was focused on having a good education. The “real” world remained outside of my realm of existence; a private education saw to that. It was not until I entered college that I came in contact with a larger slice of life. I met people who were not Catholic, not white, and not straight. By the end of my collegiate years, I discovered that my real education was just beginning.

    After graduation I discovered that I was not going to give my family the grandchildren that they wanted; stereotypes have a foundation, but are not the norm; leather has a function that has nothing to do with fashion; and piercings piqued my interest. The last twenty years or so have brought many revelations and piercings. I currently have nine. Not a lot by many people’s standards, but I ain’t dead yet! The simple stud from the mall piercings kiosk is gone. There are three ear piercings. They are currently holding tunnels and the possibility of making them larger exists. The erl through the bridge of my nose causes vast discussions. My kids, (students — nope, the parents have no grandchildren from my loins. All of that seed went into mouths and asses) from time to time, ask why I have a hole through my nose. I tell them that I was a parakeet in a former life. My friends laugh or cringe when I stick drink toothpicks through my septum. I have started keeping the labret in at work. The other piercings cannot be seen. My pierced nips work in concert with my last piercing, the PA.

    What does the future hold? This summer I think I am going to work on an eyebrow piercing. Dermal piercings are hot, but I think they would interfere too much with my leather gear. Before I’m dead, the plans are a Jacob’s Ladder for the cock; a full body tattoo (including the shaved head) telling the story of the eternal battle between the Berserker and the Ulfendhar (sorry, I have never found a consistent spelling) within me (see? I told you that I learned a lot after college); and whatever shit we create in the future.

    Damn, did not realize how epiphanic this writing would be! Whoda thunk it?

    Happy New Year, ModBlog!

    It’s been quite a year, friends. But from BME and Buddy Christ, we wish you all the happiest of New Years. There are a lot of exciting things on the agenda for the coming year, and we can’t wait to share them with you all. Be safe tonight, and we’ll be back Friday.

    (Tattoo by Danno at Main Street Studios in Ashland, Ohio.)

    See more in Religious and Mythological Tattoos (Tattoos)

    Man vs. Wild

    “Hey, I’m here for my consultation.”

    “Oh, hey. Have a seat, have a seat. So, what do you have in mind?”

    “Well, there are certain elements I’d like involved. A bear, for one.”

    “Cool! We’ll get a bear in there. Anything else?”

    “A squid.”

    “A squid and a bear? Ha ha, sure thing man!”

    “Also, we’re going to need a alligator in there. Oh! And a shark.”

    “So this is some sorta wildli—”

    “And there has to be a guy killing all of them.”

    “At the same time?”

    “At the same time.”

    (“A man punching through an alligator, stepping on an octopus, having a bear in a headlock, getting attacked by a shark, and killing a man with his teeth” by Caleb at Studio City Tattoo in Studio City, California.)

    See more in Wildlife and Nature Tattoos (Tattoos)

    Concrete Warfare

    Huh. You know, I usually just use a rolled-up newspaper or a wet towel when I want to swat at an angel, but hey, to each his own.

    (This excellent piece is, of course, by Marc from Swastika Freakshop in Radolfzell, Germany. Is there a more distinctive tattoo artist working right now than him?)

    See more in Sports Tattoos (Tattoos)

    The Very Same Pit Still Yawns

    Mike writes in about some scrotum-tightening guerilla suspension antics in Toronto’s High Park last week:

    We threw hooks in my living room and headed out via car to High Park. I drove with the hooks in my back already attached to the rig. We hiked into High Park at about 8 p.m. or so and found our spot with the nice tree. Jon had to rig it all by himself while I helped him with the gear. We wanted to rig it so as not to have any footprints in the snow under where I would hang. We got it all rigged, I hooked the rig up to the rope system and shimmied out across the rope system so as not to mark the snow and dropped off. I wore basically all the warm clothes I own so that i could stay warm long enough to get off the ground on the hooks, and then I stripped it all off down to my “short shorts.” The hang was only a minute or two long — my fingers went numb first and then my toes — and then I dropped down and got dressed real quick. It was snowing and around -5 degrees Celsius and maybe -9 or -10 with the windchill.

    More photos, all by Chris, after the jump.