Red Sweat

We do our best to give credit where it’s due whenever possible when we feature folks on ModBlog, but sometimes, if only a little information is included with people’s photo submissions, there’s only so much we can do. This, unfortunately, is one of those times, as the only supplementary information accompanying this series of shots was a mention that they came from Japan. But, hey, when you’ve got a bunch of good looking implants (the eye implant after the jump is pretty intense) like this, you just put it out there and hope someone claims it. Until that day, though, thank you, stranger! As mentioned, more after the jump.

This Week in BME

And finally, you lovely people, let’s wrap up our week with this bathing suit-area pull, facilitated by Steve and Tracie. If there’s a better metaphor for the end of summer, we have not been made privy to it.

So goes the week that was. What might you have missed?

Aw, young love, starring John and Preston.

Aw, lovely floral sleeves, starring various flowers.

Mawwiage! This is a very positive week thus far.

And it’s Natalee (a.k.a. the future Mrs. John Joyce)! Seriously, what’s with all this love and happiness? Can we get a zombie uprising or meteor strike or something?

Oak is just chock full of implants now, courtesy of Steve Haworth.

Oh God we are freaking out.

And that is that! We may not be around a ton this weekend on account of ye olde long weekend, but we’ll be back next week, refreshed and raring to go (maybe). Until then, compatriots, have fun, stay safe, celebrate labor (that’s what Labor Day is for, yes?) and, as always, thank you for your continued support of BME.

Gushed And Damned

And here we have the lovely Cale, sporting these 20-point self-done play piercing corsets, which are not only awfully pretty, but also a sensible sartorial option before breaking out your autumnal pantaloons. This sort of thing interest you? You can find our model piercing (and apprenticing as a tattoo artist) at Anchors Away Tattoo in Denver, Colorado. If you visit her, tell her Jordan sent you. It won’t get you any special treatment—I just think it’d be funny.

See more in Ritual and Play Piercing (Ritual)

Fall From The Cone

The last time we checked in with Aloewishes, he was being devoured by various carnivorous plants, but luckily, our hero has made a full recovery and is able to now stand before us, looking on wistfully while standing on a nice sandy beach, thankfully free of hungry flora. After the jump, more beach struttin’, plus plugs swapped out for weights in those two-inch lobes and a better shot of a fresh labret, courtesy of Marea Vedge at Aesthetics in Indianapolis, Indiana.

(Sorry for the delay today, folks. Technical difficulties, etc. We’re going to try to power through some posts right now, bear with us.)

See more in Scalpelled and other large gauge lip procedures (Lip Piercing)

The Deep Springs of Life

And here we have the lovely Karina in Venezuela, sporting striking redface and pulling against some sort of mythical giant, by the looks of things. (Or maybe a high wall, killjoys.) This isn’t groundbreaking news or anything, but nonetheless, it really is quite something the sort of calm and serenity that can come out of activities that should ostensibly cause pain and irritation, and this, if nothing else, is further documentation of the phenomenon that we are proud to publish.

See more in Pulling and Trucking (Ritual)

That Beautiful Bump

And here we have Philadelphia’s own Shan, there in the foreground, sporting nightmarish 2 3/4-inch bling tunnels with some poor woman’s head trapped inside for all eternity, we assume. She’s crying for help in a futile effort to free herself, but no, this will be the extent of her fishbowl existence. This is pretty much the worst mushroom trip we’ve ever had, basically.

See more in Ear Stretching (past 1/2″) (Ear Piercing)

An Unnnoticed Breeze

Greetings, friends! The inimitable Steve Haworth checks in with this photo of his old friend Oak, the co-owner (along with his wife, Bleu) of Painted Temple in Provo, Utah (which Steve calls “one of the more amazing tattoo shops [he’s] been in, both in artists and beauty”), sporting brand new rows of spines in his forearm, courtesy of Steve. The horns, though? All natural, shockingly.

See more in 3D-Art Implants (Implants) (members only)

Losing My Perspicacity

Oh hey, it’s the very lovely Natalee, checking in from scenic (?) Syracuse, New York! Here we have her sporting some fashionable Diablo Organics jewelry (lots of which is currently on sale at BME Shop), though not seen in this shot? An engagement ring, courtesy of local heart-throb John Joyce! It’s true, these two are planning to join forces to stand as one of the more absurdly attractive couples around. ‘Tis the season for impending nuptials, it seems! Best of luck, you crazy kids.

That Bwessed Awwangement

Oh, mawwiage. Happy nuptials to the newly minted Mr. and Mrs. Mutant, Kaitlin and Louie! The event was presided over by Dana Dinius from HTC, on location in scenic Phoenix, Arizona. After the jump, some more photos shot by esteemed photographer Andy Hartmark. “Our wedding seriously sucked if you couldn’t tell,” Kaitlin says. Clearly.

The Mouth of a Lion

Well well well, here we have young Justin, hailing from Oxnard, California’s scenic Channel Islands! As we can see, those are two-inch lobes (with 00-gauge piercings above those), a four-gauge septum piercing and 10-gauge twin lip piercings. Up next? Cheek piercings and stretching, stretching, stretching. Best of luck, sir!