Only A Game

Welcome back, ModBloggers! We hope you enjoyed your (potentially) long weekend, whether you were eating Canadian turkeys or getting trashed and singing the praises of ol’ Christopher Columbus or whatever. At any rate, we hope you are refreshed and bearing no more gravy stains than absolutely necessary. Let’s begin our slightly shortened week with these lovebirds, Justin and Lilli, who we last saw about a month ago hanging out safely in some sort of urban jungle. This time, however? They are risking life and limb, perched precariously over the Grand goddamn Canyon, just to give you folks an adorable picture with which to start your day. It’s nothing if not thoughtful, right? Show them some love. And hey, more lovely, outdoorsy, walrus-y goodness, post-jump.

See more in BME/Culture/People (Culture)

This Week in BME

Oh hey, it’s Hack! You all remember Hack from this beatific shot from last winter, right? Well, we’re glad to see him at any rate. We cannot figure out, however, exactly what it is he’s trying to force down that bothers him so much. Something obtained from the pond behind him, perhaps? Some tree bark? A DREADLOCK? Whatever it is, if it’s a staple that plays a role in the statuesque appearance possessed by him and so many of his countryfolk, we will take several boxes of this vile creation. In all fairness, he does seem to warm to it just a touch…after the jump.

And just like that, there goes our week, ModBloggers. This time around:

Stephanie started us off with this living X-ray.

SweetNausea had herself a helium party, and we were all invited. To watch, at least.

Babasom for president!

That’s a bold rose right there.

Siobhan and Kevin got all up in our sweet, delicious brains.

Brian Decker is coming to Austin, Texas, and he’s carving a damn octopus into everyone who looks at him wrong along the way.


Oh yeah, and BME Shop is still having a 40 percent off sale on tons of ear jewelry (and more) until Sunday at midnight! Go go go!

And that’s the way it ends, folks. Have yourselves a lovely weekend, stay safe and, of course, thank you for your continued support of BME.

All Other Bliss

Well, this is just lovely, is it not? A pretty face, a handsome photograph and some nice, clean lip sewing by the model’s boyfriend, Tomek LP-U from Art of Pain Body Piercing in Krakow, Poland. “He really wanted to shut me up,” she says of Tomek. Ha, you kidders. Procedural goodness, after the jump.

See more in Lip Sewing (Ritual)

Their Mandible Tongues

Good morning, ModBloggers! Let’s kick off hump day with noted sausage-holder Alex, who has eschewed ear meats today in favor of some tasteful black-and-white photography by Jean-Michel Clajot. We like most everything about this shot, but the blurry effect on his upper-arm tattoo is particularly interesting (and maybe even a little creepy), I thought. No? We’re wrong? Whatever.

See more in Scalpelled and other large gauge lip procedures (Lip Piercing)

Tangled Up In Black

Good day, ModBloggers! Here we have some cruel bondage out of scenic Poland by “Anna,” done in the privacy of the model’s own home. She makes a daring escape after the jump but, admittedly, looks a little wistful. Sure, she’s free, but at what cost? Is this just Stockholm syndrome or something more? (It is not Stockholm syndrome.)

See more in Ritual and Play Piercing (Ritual)

Squint on a Million

Well folks, as September draws to a close, so too ends BME’s world-famous Knuckle Month. As we’ve learned, publishing photos of knuckle tattoos brings out the tough customers, so let’s celebrate the commentariat’s vitriol with this offering from Tye, sporting the Queen’s script by Lila Way at True Grit Tattoos in Burlington, Ontario. After the jump, Tye mugs for the camera, just because. So long, Knuckle Month.

80 Needles, One Breast

Eighty is a rough estimate, of course, but however many it is, we are thoroughly impressed with this play piercing set featuring Bittra! Working the needles is Dau of Sundbyberg, Sweden’s Pain Division, who was apparently called in for this “spontaneous” session. Resourceful! More shots, including one in glorious full color, after the jump.

See more in Female Torture Play (members only)

The Most Eloquent Silence

Good morning, folks! Let’s begin our dreary Tuesday with the decidedly non-dreary Marina, coming to us from Antwerp, Belgium via Germany, and sporting a 7 mm. philtrum to go along with her 44 mm. (formerly 50 mm.) lobes and those old-soul eyes. Let her sly grin be your umbrella today, ModBloggers. Unless, you know, it’s raining really hard. Then a real umbrella would probably be a better choice.

Tuesday? Tuesday. Monday.

See more in Scalpelled and other large gauge lip procedures (Lip Piercing)

The Youth of a Sparrow

And here we have Duncan, checking in with some fine old school work courtesy of Shaun Bushnell (Glenn’s Tattoo Service), Joe Almquist and Scott Denhalter (Cape Fear Tattoo) and Brian Leebrick (Port City Tattoo), to say nothing of some fancy ear jewelry and a generally winsome demeanor. And hey, this photo also commemorates his one-year anniversary at the aforementioned Cape Fear Tattoo in Greenville, North Carolina, so congratulations for that! Upon hearing about the milestone and seeing the nice bold old school pieces, Bob Roberts showed up at his house, beat him senseless, gave him a cigar and then bought him whiskey and steak all night. True story.*

*Not a true story by any means.

See more in Old School (and Old) Tattoos (Tattoos)

All Your Mental Armor

Happy Monday, ModBloggers! Hope the weekend found you all well. Let’s begin our week with the lovely AmeliaDolore, who, for one reason or another, isn’t much of a talker, but hey, she’s got other good qualities. Like her taste in medical equipment, for example. And her choice in tongue-splitters. And yes, that’s a Bush reference in the title—wanna fight about it?

(Photo by Paper Street Photography.)